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CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)

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12/06/2015 7:07 pm  #1


I hate to preach, but I just wanted to remind everyone that we need to allow everyone to post his or her opinions on the board without attacking them.  We are fans, which means we are fanatic for Dukes basketball.  When we lose a game, we tend to overreact immediately because we are so upset/disappointed.  For instance, I usually follow Twitter during the games, and one of the people I follow I had a hashtag after his tweet that read #ImDone.  I quickly responded to him, "You are not done.  I'll see you posting next game!"  To his credit, he favorited my Tweet because he knew it was true.  He was pissed off about the Pitt game (which he had every right to be) but I knew damn well that he would never stop watching.  Especially when the team is 6-2.  It's not in his blood.  I tried in the past to follow PSU or Pitt hoops due to the Dukes struggling, so I am no better.  

Now, I know that some of us on the board think that others have agendas.  Some are Ron guys and some are Ferry guys.  Some only come out for losses and others only post during good times.  But here is the bottom line:  we are the few hardcore Dukes fans who still REALLY REALLY care.  We are split (it seems to me anyways) into a group of older alumni and recent graduates.  We must stick together and discuss our differing opinions on what Harper and Ferry can do to make the program better.  Ferry may drive some of you nuts, but until he is gone, we should probably support him.  

I know when Web or Duq81 post, it is probably going to have a positive spin about how the team can improve.  I know when El Duque or Tejas Post, they want to see results and demand quality before raving.  I know when Ritters posts, that I apply an Eeyore voice when I read .  However, I LOVE reading everyone's opinion.   I check this message board more than any other website because I can't wait to see what someone has to say next.  I hope everyone continues to post regardless of your opinions or thoughts on the program!

Let's Go Dukes!

I promise not to rant again.  

"You have to be realistic about these things."  - Logen Ninefingers

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We want to thank everyone for their continued love and support for Duquesne University Basketball. GO DUKES!