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CURRENT RECORD 13 -18 (8-10 in the A-10)

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2/19/2018 12:17 pm  #1

DU Swim & Dive Team - A10 Champions

Congratulations to the women of the Duquesne swim & dive team that won the A10 championship in an insanely close finish over Richmond.  Richmond has dominated that sport for a long time. 

The meet came down to the last race.  Congratulations


2/19/2018 4:31 pm  #2

Re: DU Swim & Dive Team - A10 Champions

Another program of which we can be proud!


2/20/2018 1:21 pm  #3

Re: DU Swim & Dive Team - A10 Champions

I was there for the entire final day and the final meet of day three and this was a team that was destined to have this result. It may have come earlier than some expected. Duquesne was consistent in early days of competition and then Saturday found a way to medal or just miss. Richmond just missed its projection on the boards which put less stress on the final event which Duquesne topped the Spiders anyways. It was a great day of swimming and well worth the trip. 

Here is my recap from the event: http://dystpittsburgh.com/duquesne-swimming-and-diving-makes-history/


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