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CURRENT RECORD 9 - 14 (4-6 in the A-10)

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2/21/2020 3:03 pm  #1

Basketball Endowment Competitiveness Fund

I made my Duquesne Day of Giving contributions last night, designating a third for athletics and was surprised to see a new option for where you want to direct your contribution: The Basketball Endowment Competitiveness Fund. Supports "leadership development and team building programming; the PNC Leadership Academy; facility upgrades; augmenting recruiting and travel budgets; upgrading analytics; and video operations and technology enhancements" for both the men's and women's basketball programs. So that got my money this year instead of the usual Duquesne Athletic Fund. An anonymous donor offered to match donations up to $20K but it only pulled in $2885. Day of Giving is over but if you want to contribute, go to this link, click on the box for "Search Academic Area, Enter Other or Select Multiple," then click on Enter My Own Designation and write-in Basketball Endowment Competitiveness Fund. Just FYI. 


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