Welcome to SHOO-SHOO, RAH-RAH! The Duquesne Dukes Basketball Fan Message Board!
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I had back surgery five years ago that involved fusing three vertebrae to relieve pressure on the nerve tube. It was the worst surgery that I've experienced and I have a titanium hip, titanium left shoulder. I had two torn muscles in my right shoulder repaired. I've had bladder surgery. I just had surgery on my right big toe to straighten it out. Sorry to go on but I just wanted to emphasize that back surgery is incredibly painful and takes every ounce of fortitude to recover from. If he's playing basketball again, we have ourselves a tough, hard-working young man. I wish him well!
CURRENT RECORD 9 - 14 (4-6 in the A-10)
Re: Getting To Know Andy Barba
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-This is an independent fan board not affiliated with Duquesne University.
-This fan message board is for YOUR enjoyment (even if it's not a good year!)
We want to thank everyone for their continued love and support for Duquesne University Basketball. GO DUKES!