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I appreciate your question. When I mean today, that is not December 18, but the end of this season. My thoughts are that his time has passed. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't he hire RE? So, whatever happened, he then turned on him. He wanted one coach and others didn't, then he wanted the guy from Akron who didn't want to come here. I believe that he has not shown any leadership growth for the program. Keeping him here would not advance anything and instead of us having two folks gone at the same time (which is a big assumption) in two years we would get fresh blood in the AD seat so a new coach can be sought out...if Ferry continues to fail. Last edited by FAM (12/18/2014 1:32 pm) FAM, I'm not sure what you disagree with, so let me ask you this: If we were to fire Amodio today and hire a top drawer AD tomorrow, what exactly would change? Would that make the players better? The coaches? The season? ElDuque I know you are responing to FAM. But I would like to respond. First I am not sayiing Amodio should be fired now as in today. I am saying that if this season winds up with the Dukes having a losing season with the Dukes at or near the bottom of the league he should no question be fired. What would change would be a fresh start with the disgruntled alums that he drove off. I am talking about people long time fans and financial supporters of the Dukes. A new AD might light a fire under Ferry and his staff, it would definitely light a fire under the ADs staff. It would give the AD a year to evaluate if Ferry will ever going to get us to the top of the league (hopefully still the goal) and earning his pay. That will hopefully result in the players commiting to get better or get out and make room for winners. What would change by keeping Amodio if this year is a disaster it appears it will be? Agree 1,000% with this. It took him 10 years to beat those teams, didn't it? His resume really isn't very rich in either winning seasons, or for that matter, beating good teams. I was the one who pointed out that you have to look at conference record when trying to anylize coaches from low major conferences. Jim Ferry had a winning record in the NEC in his third year. He's in his third year here, and he can't beat NEC teams. Something indeed is wrong. Like I said previously, if we did well ooc, and then were terrible in league play, I would assume that we didn't have the talent to compete in the A10. There is no way we should be getting worked at home by a team that is not expected to contend in the NEC. In a way, it may be good that we're hitting a wall, instead of just middling along. If Ferry is half the coach that we thought he might be, we are going to find out soon, as this has got to light a fire under him. There are a couple things about this scenario that concern me, and again, I'm not ruling out the fact that change is/will not be necessary for both positions. ElDuque, I think the right guy should understand the economics of what he is dealing with. I think the frictions would be good in a situation where the a losing coach knows he has to perform or he will be out the door. I don't think this is the same situation that occured with Amodio and Ron. I am assuming that the goal is still to compete for championships, and that if this team crashes again in Ferry's 4th year and shows no real progress toward that goal and the new AD recommends a change that the University would step up and make a change. If not we should all just walk away right now. Last edited by CLK (12/18/2014 4:45 pm) The Ghost of Posts-Past I had said that it took Ferry 5 years to get a winning program at LIU. Folks said we can't wait that long. Well, I guess we won't have a choice. My biggest concern is the team is doing worse as the season continues, not improving. I also know there are players on the court, but this coach recruited them for his system. He needs to put his big boy pants on and decide who is and isn't going to play based on the ability they show in a game. Of course, right now that is only one or two but effective coaches work wonders. Can Ferry? Last edited by FAM (12/19/2014 11:21 am)
CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)
Re: Let's not make another uninformed mistake
Re: Let's not make another uninformed mistake
CLK wrote:
ElDuque wrote:
Re: Let's not make another uninformed mistake
Tejas_Duke wrote:
ElDuque wrote:
Tejas_Duke wrote:
Ok, here's what I think is the million dollar question!
Ferry is losing to the same lower level teams he used to beat with regularity! He routintely beat the Robert Morrises and St. Francis's of the world at that lower level, and NOW he is losing to those same teams with, arguablly better lower level D I talent!
Why? Can someone offer a theory on that? Did he and his staff suddently forget how to game plan and adjust to playing the same level of talent that he routinely succeeded against?
We haven't even gotten into the A-10 yet and it looks like we could go winless against the entire conference, even Fordham!
I just don't get it!
Yeah, when you think about it, as others have pointed out, if he were any good, why the hell would he be here?
But getting back to it, didn't someone point out that for lower level colleges, you have to consider in conference record and basically throw out the total record, due to lower level program scheduling pay day games against better competition? His last two years, he was beating those teams and with that level of talent. He is supposed to have better talent here. Something is wrong!
Re: Let's not make another uninformed mistake
To attract a good AD, I think it ties their hands too much to say "the coach is under contract for X years and we really can't afford to let him go before that." An astute AD might figure out that Ferry is not the guy for this job pretty quickly -- say about two minutes into the second half of the first game he sees here. That will set into motion a scenario similar to what we had with Amodio and Everhart, which none of us on this board wants to see again.
Second, if Ferry really isn't that capable to start with, then all a new AD might be able to light is a dumpster fire. If Ferry has three years left at $600K, what's the incentive to do anything different? I mean, here's a guy who does the same stuff game after game, expecting different results.
I do agree that getting rid of Amodio might encourage some of the long time supporters and season ticket holders who were upset by Everhart's firing and the way it was handled who might return. I still believe it was a vocal but very small minority that was in Amodio's ear.
Either Scotch or Grammy could un-muddy the whole picture easily by offering to bankroll Ferry's exit, if things continue to go south, and if they are willing to up the salary of the next coach a little to get the best candidate. Then it would make sense to inform the AD that he has full flexibility to continue his career elsewhere about 30 seconds after this nightmare of a season ends.
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Re: Let's not make another uninformed mistake
Re: Let's not make another uninformed mistake
On a side note, I do understand that Ray and JD are only announcing. I also know they have to be loyal. But Bless Jarrett, when he says things like he did on the post-game show from the other day (You have to learn how to lose before you win...and my favorite of you don't know your team because it takes 8 or 9 games) it is embarassing.
I hope everyone who takes their time to care about DU basketball has a Blessed and safe Christmas.
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