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CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)

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5/12/2015 7:16 pm  #1

Duquesne Fact Check on APR

Amodio and Ferry need to be called out on the comments they made in the Press and by DukesFan79.  During Ron's tenure the Mem's Basketball APR was well above any danger point for sanctions.  As shown from the NCAA website during Ron's tenure the APR was well above 900 (old rule) in no way in any danger.  His last two years were 956 and 953 even exceeding the most recent rule change trhat requires a 940 average over the most recent two years.  Moreove, a friend reminded me that Ron never had a player sit out because he was  academically ineligible. So this most recent attack by the AD and Ferry in the Press appears to be baseless BS which completely disgusts me.


Moreover, Abele, Datt and Martin all played for Ferry in his first year (which I forgot).  They were clearly eligible becaused they all played.  If they became ineligible after the season that is clearly on Ferry's watch.  Even so the APR for Ferry's first year was 946. 


This needs to be retracted in the Press.

Last edited by CLK (5/12/2015 7:22 pm)


5/12/2015 7:41 pm  #2

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

Martins Abele sat out Spring semester of 2011-2012 after becoming ineligible in the Fall of 2012.

Datt sat out the Fall of 2012 after becoming ineligable in the Spring of 2012.

These both happened under Everhart.

This is not a Everhart vs Ferry arguement.
These are facts, check the box scores of games they did not play in because they were not able.

When a player does not pass enough classes to be eligible, this does not come into effect until the following semester (not immediately).

The same is true for APR scores. In order for schools to submit the data for each year, the scores for each year are from the following year. This is common knowledge.

Additionally, the schools APR reflect an entire programs score after the fact (meaning the finished product). The score in Ferry's first year does not reflect that because obviously the academic staff did a good enough job to keep everyone at a certain GPA so that the final score would be high enough.

APR takes into account GPAs and also TRANSFERS. Teams lose points for both. So when TJ, Talley, Herrara, etc transferred (in addition to Datt and Abele illegibility) this is how a program becomes close to the threshold line of penalty.

This is all water under the bridge now. However, there is no denying its affect on a new coach taking over a program. Everhart won there is also no denying that.

But these are facts.


5/12/2015 8:05 pm  #3

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

Clearly you work for the AD or coach to have this kind of information at your finger tips.  But even if what you say is true Ron's last three years were 956, 953 and 946, and does not reflect the immediate danger of sanctions. The fact that all three were eliglble to play by the spring of 2013 I am guessing the Ferry 1st year was above the threshold (possibly good work by the academic staff).  So why the quote in the paper citing the possible sanctions?  Why was that necessary?  The empty cupboard quote was sufficient.  Why yet another attack by the AD to discredit? 

     Thread Starter

5/12/2015 8:18 pm  #4

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

I don't have any knowledge as to why the quotes were made. Besides explaining the context of the rebuild.  Would guess they believed both examples were relevant during the questioning?

I agree that it is all in regards to the past. At this point any deterrent should have been worked past. Hopefully now with a good recruiting class and a number of returnees we are poised to make significant improvement. That way we can all have positives to discuss and not rehash old events!

On another note, as ED mentioned earlier, Tarin Smith and Josh Steel appear to both bring maturity, toughness and skill to the 2015 class. Hopefully along with the much needed development of our big men!


5/13/2015 8:02 am  #5

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

I read this stuff and revert to my Carnegie roots by saying, " Ferry ain't done (profanity) at Duquesne"

A diehard fan since 1961

5/13/2015 8:03 am  #6

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

Ferry ain't done $hit at Duquesne

A diehard fan since 1961

5/13/2015 9:17 am  #7

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

I also see no denial about working for the AD/Ferry.  That is fine...everyone can post here.  Hopefully, you have indicated to them the facts on the lack of defense, the negative comments people are tired of that Ferry has made about his players, the comments about his comments in which he fails to mention he recruited all of these players he has complained about, his lack of accountability for no defense, the issues with the AD and not being able to land the coach he really wanted and more.  I am sure you have shared all of that.  On the other hand, you may say you don't work with or for the AD/Ferry at all and you are just "Full of Knowledge."

Last edited by FAM (5/13/2015 9:18 am)


5/13/2015 11:27 am  #8

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

DukesFan79 wrote:

I don't have any knowledge as to why the quotes were made. Besides explaining the context of the rebuild. Would guess they believed both examples were relevant during the questioning?

I agree that it is all in regards to the past. At this point any deterrent should have been worked past. Hopefully now with a good recruiting class and a number of returnees we are poised to make significant improvement. That way we can all have positives to discuss and not rehash old events!

On another note, as ED mentioned earlier, Tarin Smith and Josh Steel appear to both bring maturity, toughness and skill to the 2015 class. Hopefully along with the much needed development of our big men!

The danger of immediate sanctions comment was not true and not necessary.  Suffice to say Ferry faced a rebuilding job which nobody disputed after the loss of McConnell and Talley.  It was a disgraceful attempt by our AD to take yet another shot.  I would hope that both Amodio and Ferry will have finally recognize that by year 4 the blame it on Ron excuse has been worn out.  As we have both agreed previously it is time to start winning.  No more excuse. Personally I would like nothing better than to have positives to discuss and not rehash old events or read disgusting attacks of the prior coach in the press. I like the recruiting class that Ferry has put together this year, and believe there is enough experienced talent returning this year to make a big leap forward.  Ferry must make this happen!

Last edited by CLK (5/13/2015 11:36 am)

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5/13/2015 1:34 pm  #9

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

Dukefan79 has a lot of knowledge. If he works @ Duquesne I suggest change your user name. Credibility & the facts please. No spin zone on this board. In regard to the recent blog article dispecable. GA won Ron fired probably future career limited to an assistant coach. Duquesne U is in a bad place under this regime. If the Dukes get NIT or NCAA with a senior laden team all the critics are wrong time to eat crow. As far as bashing RE for what he attempted to do while on the bluff please. Any time Ron is interviewed he thanks Duquesne for the opportunity need I say more.


5/13/2015 3:58 pm  #10

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

Speaking to fact checking and who said what in  the article before you pass judgment and blame,  the facts from the article are:

"Partially due to the slew of departures in 2012, the program was in serious trouble with the NCAA’s Academic Progress Rate (APR), a team-based metric measuring the retention and eligibility of a program’s athletes. The situation had gotten so dire, according to Amodio, that the team couldn’t have one player with under a 2.6 grade point average leave or else the program would face sanctions, including a potential ban from the A-10 tournament. At the time Ferry was hired, two scholarship players, Martins Abele and Mamadou Datt, were ineligible, according to a source close to the program.That meant a chunk of Ferry’s first year was spent on getting students to a certain academic level before any wholesale changes could be made."In some ways, that was a bit of a lost year in regards to being able to establish the tone he wanted established and bringing in the players that made more sense for the way he wanted to play and the style he wanted to instill into the program,” Amodio said."

CLK, I gotta take issue with your branding Coach Ferry as attacking Ron.  Where in that verbatim blog does it say Ferry said anything negative about Ron? You are and were out and out wrong to be putting Coach Ferry in the same bed with the AD.  Tarnish the AD all you wish because that seems to be an agenda.  but don't put words in the coach's mouth that never came out.  Be fair to the facts.  They are right in front of you and all to see.   Maybe you should write an apology to Coach Ferry.  As you say, credibility and facts please!  Just in case you or any reader care, I am a diehard Ron Everhart fan.  I am a diehard Dukes fan.  I am a diehard Coach Ferry fan.

Last edited by grammudder (5/13/2015 4:00 pm)


5/13/2015 4:54 pm  #11

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

Grammudder you are correct in my very first paragraph of this thread I said "Amodio and Ferry need to be called out" for the APR comment.  I misspoke in that regard.  It was a joint interview, but you are correct the APR comments were Amodio's.  My subsequents posts were directed at Amodio.  For ascribing that APR comment to Ferry I do apologize.

As for your comment, know that I do not need to "tarnish" the AD he does that all by himself.  There was no need for former student athletes to be humiliated by name in the press as part of this article. That to me was beyond disgusting.  The only the agenda I have, however, is to see this program win, and I am tired of hearing excuses.  The empty cupboard that Ferry spoke about in the article may have been fair regarding his first two years in defending his performance.  For me, and others may disagree, it does not justify losing to low level NEC teams last year, and having one of the worst defensive teams in the Country resulting in a losing season.  That is fair and facts as you say.  In any event, the cupboard should have been restocked sufficiently to have a winning season next year.  No excuses.  And unless I keep getting sucked back into discussion on the past that is where my focus will be. 

Last edited by CLK (5/13/2015 6:23 pm)

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5/13/2015 6:51 pm  #12

Re: Duquesne Fact Check on APR

I commend you on a perfect response--I mean it!!!


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