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11/14/2015 3:45 pm  #26

Re: Must Reading for Duquesne new President, AD and the DU Board

The low attendance is squarely on Amodio's shoulders. But let's hope the new AD can make a difference.


11/14/2015 4:30 pm  #27

Re: Must Reading for Duquesne new President, AD and the DU Board

FAM wrote:

Thank heaven he knows we have a basketball team.  On a related note, the attendance last night, under 1000 rests solely on the shoulders of Ferry.  Though I did NOT like the AD - and he did hire this coach, we all know that if you win folks will come.  You can have all of the give aways, half-time shows, and free t-shirts in the world...if you don't win games there won't be anyone there to get the give-aways, see the shows, or get the t-shirts.
Not to be cruel, but I thought the dance team was a step down from the last two years, the cheerleaders about the same, but I thought the pep band did a nice job.

The dance team lost their coach that made them really good for a few years.

I'm impressed that the President actually knows the term Olympic Sports and the difference between them and men's basketball.   That sounds like a shot, but it really isn't.  I'm not sure the current President would know.


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