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“... I can tell you that to go from ground zero to a winning record in four years, and for these guys to be rewarded for it, I think is great. It's a national tournament. It's a good tournament. The teams in this are no jokes,” Ferry said. (Source: Chad Harlan, Tribune-Review). Good points my friend. The one consistent thing about Ferry's team is that they are so fundamentally horrible on defense. Even grade school kids play zone with their hands up, yet case in point, last night the Omaha guard shot right over Mason with his hands at his side two times in a row. Mason and Colter give up more points on defense than they score. They play the poor one size fits all defense and never do anything different. Why not try a full court press once in a while. Your getting clobbered anyhow. Last edited by CLK (3/17/2016 8:44 am) It's an "emperor's new clothes" thing, CLK. I'm certainly happy to see the Dukes in postseason, but to paint the regular season picture -- especially the conference portion -- as some kind of success is nonsense. And with all those years left on his contract, he can continue to spin whatever he wants without having to worry about accountability. It would have been more believable if he'd recruited guards who can dribble, players with skills other than "can shoot as soon as he crosses midcourt," and developed some players along the way, instead of the long limbo line out the door. I think he's lost his top recruit from every class now. OMG, your ears must have been ringing El D, I was thinking the same thing when I read Ferry's quote. Are you friggin kidding me Ferry!!! C'mon, you just lost 9 out of your last 10 games and were embarrassed and completely out coached in the conference tournament against the worst team in the league!!! I don't want to get into the RE decision, which some of you know I agreed with or at least didn't find it unreasonable, but this hire has clearly turned out to be a disaster. I don't know what vitamins Ferry is taking, but I think they are having a delusional effect!!! “... I can tell you that to go from ground zero to a winning record in four years, and for these guys to be rewarded for it, I think is great. It's a national tournament. It's a good tournament. The teams in this are no jokes,” Ferry said. (Source: Chad Harlan, Tribune-Review). That's exactly why I rooted for them to lose this game. I knew Ferry would point to the above .500 record and that is so misleading. He is a politician, not a coach. Tells you what you want to hear, not the truth. Watching the Duke - UNC Wilmington game. CBS announcer commented that the UNCW coach had a three year plan in place and was surprised to see this much success in year two. What do we have? It's a ten year plan, right? “... I can tell you that to go from ground zero to a winning record in four years, and for these guys to be rewarded for it, I think is great. It's a national tournament. It's a good tournament. The teams in this are no jokes,” Ferry said. (Source: Chad Harlan, Tribune-Review). That's exactly why I rooted for them to lose this game. I knew Ferry would point to the above .500 record and that is so misleading. He is a politician, not a coach. Tells you what you want to hear, not the truth. I have been as critical of Ferry as any on this board, but Ritter that's just not right. Do I wish Ferry was a better coach? Yes. Am I tired of hearing excuses? Yes. But as a die hard fan for almost a half century I can never bring myself to root against the Dukes. I really do not care who is the coach, I just want to win and be proud of my team. I actually am hoping that Ferry runs the table and win this damn thing. If he can right the ship and win and be successful I am all for that. Do I think based on watching four years of his ineptitude that he can ever be successful in the A10? I don't think so but still I can't root for him to lose. If Harper is any kind of AD he can see through the BS. So at this point, whatever Ferry says is irrelevant it is what he does on the court that counts. If he can spin his performance to get better recruits, good for him. Bottom line is he will still be our coach next year and his fate is squarely in his own hands. Last edited by CLK (3/17/2016 12:04 pm) Thanks, ElDuque. When I saw the "ground zero" quote, I gagged. Take some responsibility for your team's underperformance and your record. Of course with the NCAA looking for ways to INCREASE SCORING - maybe they can just tell teams "Play "defense" like Duquesne. Solution would be to call 5 seconds since technically speaking the ball was not inbounded. Solution would be to call 5 seconds since technically speaking the ball was not inbounded. Good point Dome. I thought the 5 seconds ended when the ball was touched unless that has changed. “... I can tell you that to go from ground zero to a winning record in four years, and for these guys to be rewarded for it, I think is great. It's a national tournament. It's a good tournament. The teams in this are no jokes,” Ferry said. (Source: Chad Harlan, Tribune-Review). I wonder if Gregg Marshall (Wichita St. head Coach) has a summer coaching clinic? If so Ferry should attend and learn how to coach defense. Just watched WS hold Arizona to 19 points in first half, what defense, WOW. Plain and simple- Last edited by coffee (3/18/2016 3:41 am) My friend Coffee, are you being facetious about "the best backcourt in 100 years?" Ferry has never recruited anyone to the level of TJ, Ron always had plenty of backcourt depth, James and Pipkins were pretty talented, BB and Silk Dixon would have chewed these guys up, and Norm Nixon and anyone would top the cake. That's just 39 years' worth. Not to take away from any of your valid and accurate points! Plain and simple- I agree with everything you said except the fact that these are the best guards in 100 years. These are one trick ponies. They score but that's about it. They won't be remembered that way. Plain and simple- I agree with everything you said except the fact that these are the best guards in 100 years. These are one trick ponies. They score but that's about it. They won't be remembered that way. My friend Coffee, are you being facetious about "the best backcourt in 100 years?" Ferry has never recruited anyone to the level of TJ, Ron always had plenty of backcourt depth, James and Pipkins were pretty talented, BB and Silk Dixon would have chewed these guys up, and Norm Nixon and anyone would top the cake. That's just 39 years' worth. Not to take away from any of your valid and accurate points! Pretty talented? James just finished the second best NBA career of any Duke, and Pipkins is Duquesne's 3rd all time leading scorer. Don't minimize them because they played under a coach that was even more clueless than Ferry. Squandering that group is the reason why we went from being a mediocre also ran, to a pathetic joke of a program. Firing Carroll was probably a bigger mistake than even firing Ron. Ron was going to have to hustle to reload after the defections. Carroll had already reloaded, and just needed another piece or two. duq81, you should be able to read the irony in that entire post of mine. James and Pipkins would have chewed this team up, even without any front court help. duq81, you should be able to read the irony in that entire post of mine. James and Pipkins would have chewed this team up, even without any front court help. OK. I thought you were being dismissive of them as opposed to having your tongue in your cheek. I just get so pissed thinking about those teams. Pipkins, James, Bosnic, and Price was a very nice core. Three sophomores, and a junior. Not many coaches could screw that up, but Edgar did. Goodness, that group is way better than what we have now, and probably better than any top four Ron ever had, yet his best record was worse than all but Ron's first year. Amazingly, even three of Ferry's four seasons were better than Edgar's best year. What a disaster Brian Colleary was. duq81, you should be able to read the irony in that entire post of mine. James and Pipkins would have chewed this team up, even without any front court help. OK. I thought you were being dismissive of them as opposed to having your tongue in your cheek. I just get so pissed thinking about those teams. Pipkins, James, Bosnic, and Price was a very nice core. Three sophomores, and a junior. Not many coaches could screw that up, but Edgar did. Goodness, that group is way better than what we have now, and probably better than any top four Ron ever had, yet his best record was worse than all but Ron's first year. Amazingly, even three of Ferry's four seasons were better than Edgar's best year. What a disaster Brian Colleary was. It has been two decades, and perhaps I have tried to blot it from my memory, but I seem to recall Edgar continually tried to bring in JC big men, often with problems. I seem to recall a thug named Neil Hood, who used to score about one point, grab one rebound and usually picked up four fouls in about six minutes. OK. I thought you were being dismissive of them as opposed to having your tongue in your cheek. I just get so pissed thinking about those teams. Pipkins, James, Bosnic, and Price was a very nice core. Three sophomores, and a junior. Not many coaches could screw that up, but Edgar did. Goodness, that group is way better than what we have now, and probably better than any top four Ron ever had, yet his best record was worse than all but Ron's first year. Amazingly, even three of Ferry's four seasons were better than Edgar's best year. What a disaster Brian Colleary was. It's ironic that the two best coaches, Carroll and Everhart, that the Dukes have had over the past 30 years were both undermined and fired by their AD - and were replaced with the two worst game day coaches of the last 30 years in Edgar and Ferry. OK. I thought you were being dismissive of them as opposed to having your tongue in your cheek. I just get so pissed thinking about those teams. Pipkins, James, Bosnic, and Price was a very nice core. Three sophomores, and a junior. Not many coaches could screw that up, but Edgar did. Goodness, that group is way better than what we have now, and probably better than any top four Ron ever had, yet his best record was worse than all but Ron's first year. Amazingly, even three of Ferry's four seasons were better than Edgar's best year. What a disaster Brian Colleary was. It's ironic that the two best coaches, Carroll and Everhart, that the Dukes have had over the past 30 years were both undermined and fired by their AD - and were replaced with the two worst game day coaches of the last 30 years in Edgar and Ferry. OK. I thought you were being dismissive of them as opposed to having your tongue in your cheek. I just get so pissed thinking about those teams. Pipkins, James, Bosnic, and Price was a very nice core. Three sophomores, and a junior. Not many coaches could screw that up, but Edgar did. Goodness, that group is way better than what we have now, and probably better than any top four Ron ever had, yet his best record was worse than all but Ron's first year. Amazingly, even three of Ferry's four seasons were better than Edgar's best year. What a disaster Brian Colleary was. It's ironic that the two best coaches, Carroll and Everhart, that the Dukes have had over the past 30 years were both undermined and fired by their AD - and were replaced with the two worst game day coaches of the last 30 years in Edgar and Ferry. You know, we had one single digit wins season between 1967, and the time Carroll was fired. That was the 7-22 in Carroll's first year. We had 8 such seasons from then, until the time Ron was hired. Ferry's records actually look decent compared to the Edgar-DAP-Nee "error". If we never make it back, that is the era the really killed us. Price always had back problems though. I had such high hopes for him.
CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)
It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
1. It was ground zero because you decided in advance that you didn't want to build on Sean Johnson and Jerry Jones in year 1. You were disappointing the year you had Soko, and a lot of us expected a winning record last year. This year, people were predicting 18-20 wins from this team.
2. Your winning record is tainted by the fact that one win is against a DII team. You're only .500 vs. DI teams, and you had to play Mutual of Omaha to get there.
3. The CBI is filled with teams that have played DI ball for 5 years or less. It's good for them. We've been around 100 years. We want to be in the NCAAs or NIT.
Stop handing out participation medals, Jimmy, there are still 10 teams ahead of us in the A-10.
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Thread Starter
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
ElDuque wrote:
1. It was ground zero because you decided in advance that you didn't want to build on Sean Johnson and Jerry Jones in year 1. You were disappointing the year you had Soko, and a lot of us expected a winning record last year. This year, people were predicting 18-20 wins from this team.
2. Your winning record is tainted by the fact that one win is against a DII team. You're only .500 vs. DI teams, and you had to play Mutual of Omaha to get there.
3. The CBI is filled with teams that have played DI ball for 5 years or less. It's good for them. We've been around 100 years. We want to be in the NCAAs or NIT.
Stop handing out participation medals, Jimmy, there are still 10 teams ahead of us in the A-10.
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
rittersdiner wrote:
ElDuque wrote:
1. It was ground zero because you decided in advance that you didn't want to build on Sean Johnson and Jerry Jones in year 1. You were disappointing the year you had Soko, and a lot of us expected a winning record last year. This year, people were predicting 18-20 wins from this team.
2. Your winning record is tainted by the fact that one win is against a DII team. You're only .500 vs. DI teams, and you had to play Mutual of Omaha to get there.
3. The CBI is filled with teams that have played DI ball for 5 years or less. It's good for them. We've been around 100 years. We want to be in the NCAAs or NIT.
Stop handing out participation medals, Jimmy, there are still 10 teams ahead of us in the A-10.
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
I remember many years ago - UVA with Ralph Sampson against UNC in the ACC title game - Carolina "held the ball trying to get UVA out of their zone" UVA refused and the half time score was like 6-4. That is credited with bringing the shot clock into college basketball. Maybe THIS game will go Viral and some coaches will finally STOP LETTING TEAMS ROLL THE BALL UP THE FLOOR UNCONTESTED!! (80 POINTS IN ONE HALF????)
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
The Dome wrote:
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
ElDuque wrote:
1. It was ground zero because you decided in advance that you didn't want to build on Sean Johnson and Jerry Jones in year 1. You were disappointing the year you had Soko, and a lot of us expected a winning record last year. This year, people were predicting 18-20 wins from this team.
2. Your winning record is tainted by the fact that one win is against a DII team. You're only .500 vs. DI teams, and you had to play Mutual of Omaha to get there.
3. The CBI is filled with teams that have played DI ball for 5 years or less. It's good for them. We've been around 100 years. We want to be in the NCAAs or NIT.
Stop handing out participation medals, Jimmy, there are still 10 teams ahead of us in the A-10.
Unbelievable only a New Yorker yes we are dumb Pittsburghers but pay attention coach. Ron took over the program never made excuses nor did he trash Danny Née that is called class. Show some class my friend do your job step up and win & you can return to NY & coach St. John's.
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
If this coach can not post 20 wins with the best back court in 100 years and an acceptable front line, he doesn't belong coaching in the A-10.
If this coach allows any team to score 80 points in a half with this personnel, he can not coach in the A-10.
If this coach keeps blaming R.E. So many years after he took over...
If this coach thinks the CBI is our goal...
On and on... He should not be coaching in the A-10.
Attitude is everything
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Imagine if the Dukes hadn't shot, what, 70% from the floor? A normal 30% shooting night and we're looking at a 100-68 loss on our court. •
Thread Starter
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
coffee wrote:
If this coach can not post 20 wins with the best back court in 100 years and an acceptable front line, he doesn't belong coaching in the A-10.
If this coach allows any team to score 80 points in a half with this personnel, he can not coach in the A-10.
If this coach keeps blaming R.E. So many years after he took over...
If this coach thinks the CBI is our goal...
On and on... He should not be coaching in the A-10.
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
rittersdiner wrote:
coffee wrote:
If this coach can not post 20 wins with the best back court in 100 years and an acceptable front line, he doesn't belong coaching in the A-10.
If this coach allows any team to score 80 points in a half with this personnel, he can not coach in the A-10.
If this coach keeps blaming R.E. So many years after he took over...
If this coach thinks the CBI is our goal...
On and on... He should not be coaching in the A-10.
Willie Somerst, an All-America, come on man!
A diehard fan since 1961
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
ElDuque wrote:
Imagine if the Dukes hadn't shot, what, 70% from the floor? A normal 30% shooting night and we're looking at a 100-68 loss on our court.
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Thread Starter
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
ElDuque wrote:
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
duq81 wrote:
ElDuque wrote:
Vicimus Atlanticum decem
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
duq81 wrote:
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
PhoenixRising2 wrote:
duq81 wrote:
And I have pointed out as well, both fired one down year after their best success.
Vicimus Atlanticum decem
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Tejas_Duke wrote:
PhoenixRising2 wrote:
duq81 wrote:
And I have pointed out as well, both fired one down year after their best success.
Re: It's NOT the NCAAs; it's NOT even the NIT
Thread Starter
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