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CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)

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5/02/2016 11:57 am  #1

Brian Nash

A Chris Harlan tweet/Zach Weiss re-tweet: Brian Nash, the Duquesne men’s basketball team’s associate head coach, is joining IMG Academy in Florida as director of basketball.Leaves a vacancy on the staff, a question about who might fill it, and frankly, a question in my mind as to why. Nash has coached at a low DI level and been Ferry's top guy for a couple of years. I would have guessed a mid-major head coaching gig or an assistant position at a high major would have been next.Emphasis on the word "guessed." Maybe these post-grad gigs are lucrative or are seen as launching pads for coaching careers. 


5/02/2016 12:21 pm  #2


5/02/2016 12:34 pm  #3

Re: Brian Nash

Erstwhile Duquesne assistant John Mahoney is currently coaching there, FWIW.

     Thread Starter

5/02/2016 12:42 pm  #4

Re: Brian Nash

The likelihood that Brian would get another D-1 head coaching opportunity (previously head coach at St. Francis NY) was probably unlikely based on the Dukes' performance. Job security as an assistant is tenuous at best; if Ferry goes after next year, so would Brian's job. If he had the opportunity for a D-2 or D-3 head coaching job, he might only have 3 or 4 years under guaranteed contract with a decent, but not great salary. Moving into another D-1 assistant coaching position, perhaps as the #2 or #3 assistant, probably dead ends out too unless he has connections to an upper echelon, stable head coach.

IMG probably provides Brian and his family with some significant stability; and settling in Bradenton, FL wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

Good luck to Brian.  BTW, John Mahoney, a former Dukes assistant with Danny Nee, is the head coach of IMG's post graduate basketball team.  https://www.imgacademy.com/latest-headlines/2015-07-24/pittsburgh-post-gazette-pittsburgh-men-making-mark-img-academy


Last edited by PhoenixRising2 (5/02/2016 12:43 pm)


5/02/2016 2:53 pm  #5

Re: Brian Nash


The statement that appeared on IMG's website


5/02/2016 3:03 pm  #6

Re: Brian Nash

Like Phildog, I haven't posted for months, (after the end of the year failings), and won't be renewing my season tickets until Ferry is gone (which I posted a few months ago).  Reading that Nash is gone makes me wonder if folks are starting to jump ship?  Desperate times for ???
-The transfer that we are getting, the one from Drake.  We will be his 3rd school!!  What is the common factor here?
-Many have said, we now have lost our TOP 3 scorers from last year.
-Ferry needs to bring someone in (coach) who can bring in a top recruit.
-Colleagues, and I hope all of you know we all want the Dukes to win - every off season the same information is written and read - how we MIGHT be next year.  It didn't happen this past year with two of the best guards we have had together in a while, I can't see it happening next year.
-I hope that our AD is just "being politically correct when he says he believes Ferry is the coach that should be there.  Just looking at the cupcake OOC schedule and X's and 0's from this last season is a no-brainer.  I don't care what changes he wants to make to the "atmosphere".  If we don't win it won't matter.
-Anyhow, good luck to Coach Nash - hopefully he will be with a winning program...I am not sold on this team for next year...I will still be reading what all of you write...and I hope that at some point either a very good coach is brought in after next year, OR the Dukes make the NCAA's next year and I can say I am going to get season tickets in two years and change what I said and I will say I was wrong because I would be wrong.  But I doubt that we will make the NCAA's next year.  Good Luck to all.

Last edited by FAM (5/02/2016 3:05 pm)


5/02/2016 5:23 pm  #7

Re: Brian Nash

IMG located in Bradenton, just a few miles from Sarasota, Fl. This is a beautiful area of Florida and only 40 min. drive to Tampa where there are NHL, MLB and NFL teams as well as USF and a few D-2 colleges.

Wish him well, met him briefly in November and seemed very personable, and the weather is great, of course!

A diehard fan since 1961

5/02/2016 6:27 pm  #8

Re: Brian Nash

This spot likely viewed as a one and done gig by potential candidates so would be surprised to get a strong up and comer or coaching veteran.  Look for Ferry to promote Glesmann and bring in a young grad ast., say a Jeremiah Jones for example.


5/02/2016 6:41 pm  #9

Re: Brian Nash

Note: IMG is where Tysean Powell and Darius Lewis are from 

Roll Dukes Roll

5/02/2016 7:42 pm  #10

Re: Brian Nash

Well. This is all discouraging.

     Thread Starter

5/02/2016 11:10 pm  #11

Re: Brian Nash

I don't see why it would be discouraging.  Maybe Nash just grew tired of the demands of being a college assistant coach.


5/02/2016 11:53 pm  #12

Re: Brian Nash

Nash recruited Isaiah Mike


5/03/2016 5:54 am  #13

Re: Brian Nash

levon1975 wrote:

I don't see why it would be discouraging.  Maybe Nash just grew tired of the demands of being a college assistant coach.

Levon, here is why I'm discouraged.

1. I want to see the program succeed.
2. I've been hearing for four years that Ferry is building a program brick by brick.
3. We've yet to have a winning team in four years.
4. The exodus of our top recruits continues.
5. This offseason we bring in what is considered Ferry's best recruiting class, but we're pinning our hopes now on two late pickups, two post grads who played on losing teams last year.
6. Ferry's top lieutenant just left.
7. We have a new AD.
8. The new AD will be taking a hard look this year at the $3M investment we've made into this coach.

Let's go back to point #1, because this is the most important one to me. Ferry already committed to a stop gap player solution this year. If he commits to a stop gap solution for an assistant-promoting an unqualified intern and hiring a recent graduate-then it sends a fairly strong signal that he is either lazy or that he's throwing in the towel.

On the other hand, the hiring of a qualified assistant who can teach offense and defense, that would tell me we're trying to get back on track.

The talk above leans to the former. That is what I find discouraging. I'm not close the the program, I don't know what's going on. I can only comment on what I read, which is what I've done.

As for Nash's reasons for leaving, I think if you're done with the grind you look for a corporate job, or start a business. I don't think you go to a basketball factory to deal with 320 NCAA coaches. So I suspect there's another reason, but I don't speculate because I don't have any information.

     Thread Starter

5/03/2016 7:26 am  #14

Re: Brian Nash

I see it as a quality of life move for Nash.  It is a change in scenery and in the nature of work.  He won't have the travel, or recruiting trips, more time at home with the family, more teaching and player development without the pressure to win.  I'm sure the grind can get to a guy after years in the business.
I expect Ferry to promote from within and add a lower level assistant coach.


5/03/2016 7:55 am  #15

Re: Brian Nash

levon1975 wrote:

I see it as a quality of life move for Nash. It is a change in scenery and in the nature of work. He won't have the travel, or recruiting trips, more time at home with the family, more teaching and player development without the pressure to win. I'm sure the grind can get to a guy after years in the business.
I expect Ferry to promote from within and add a lower level assistant coach.

My hope is that he doesn't and he goes out and gets a new face into the building. Someone that can teach defense hard. 

Roll Dukes Roll

5/03/2016 9:02 am  #16

Re: Brian Nash

I think if this were our women's program in this position, which has won 20 games a bunch of years in a row under two coaches, been to the NCAAs once and to the NIT a bunch of times, then promoting from within makes sense, and bringing a former player into the fold makes sense. But not for a program that hasn't had a winning season in four years. Former players don't know what a winning program is all about, and no one in my opinion has earned a next step up. Plus, we have some clear deficiencies and would benefit from someone with different experience, a different perspective, and hopefully some NCAA T background. So I'm with you, Current Student.

     Thread Starter

5/03/2016 11:00 am  #17

Re: Brian Nash

Could this be the opening to bring in an actual defense-minded assistant. If Ferry can't see that need, then this is indeed hopeless

Vicimus Atlanticum decem

5/03/2016 11:23 am  #18

Re: Brian Nash

Who would come here? Anyone with a job will know that Ferry is on thin ice. You'd have to be crazy, or unemployed to consider joining this staff.


5/03/2016 12:08 pm  #19

Re: Brian Nash

You're telling me that every unemployed assistant out there is not worth adding to this staff? I'd have to disagree. There are some good, experienced coaches out there looking to land a spot. There are also guys at smaller programs and younger guys looking to add to their resume. There are also some unemployed head coaches. If our job is so bad, Rhodes had better bail quick.

Or do you think "promoting from within" is a good idea?


     Thread Starter

5/03/2016 1:20 pm  #20

Re: Brian Nash


We should take a look at this guy. Unorthodox methods but a proven winner.


5/03/2016 2:58 pm  #21

Re: Brian Nash

Levon take off the rose colored glasses please, why are both Ferry & the athletic department totally ignoring this story. Your assistant head coach, lead recruiter and you would think good friend doesn't even get good bye, good luck and thanks for the service.  Way more to this story. Hope we find out.


5/03/2016 3:11 pm  #22

Re: Brian Nash

Well, I'm not wearing any glasses so think what you like. The replacement for Nash, should tell all of you junior detectives what you need to know about THE REST OF THE STORY!! 


5/03/2016 3:30 pm  #23

Re: Brian Nash

Why all the hostility I thought my questions where legitimate. Also I'm not sure what his replacement has to do with his departure unless you are intimating he was asked to leave so the staff could be improved? Still doesn't answer why the departure is being ignored.

Last edited by The Dome (5/03/2016 3:35 pm)


5/03/2016 3:55 pm  #24

Re: Brian Nash

Maybe Ferry is more upset about him leaving than he is putting out there. You'r number 2 leaves (for a great opportunity, their facilities are better than Duquesne and IMG is known globally by world class athletes for training and rehab in addition to the high school age kids that play there) in a time where your career as a Division 1 head coach is heavily in question and basically contingent upon next year's results. My opinion, good for him, that is honestly probably a better job than being the head coach at DU. One thing I'm curious to see is if Ferry gets exposed because of this departure. One positive most of us can agree on in regards to Ferry was the fact he is a pretty solid recruiter. Well, like I mentioned before Nash was credited with finding and locking up Isaiah Mike and that was the case for many other recruits during Ferry's tenure, so well see what happens going forward.

I agree we should be looking outside the program for a replacement, I also think it would be great to get a guy who can teach some defense, considering the fact that if we weren't just utterly pathetic game in and game out defensively last year, I would venture to guess 3 or 4 more games could have gone our way. That being said, in college sports, talent almost always wins out over schemes and strategies. If we could just find a super ambitious young guy at a big program towards the end of the bench coaching staff wise, and offer him a position he probably wouldn't otherwise get for a few more years, we may be able to get in some living rooms we previously couldn't and maybe sign a couple more Isaiah Mike type guys.


5/03/2016 4:04 pm  #25

Re: Brian Nash

IMO, I see a number scenarios
-Nash concluded that Ferry was short time, had a relationship with IMG, they had an opening and he took it.
-Nash was the fall guy for the disappointing season and possibly for all the seasons. Ferry let him hang.  Again, Nash had opportunity with IMG and took it to preempt being fired.

Nash has an option to return to coaching later since he was not fired or on staff if or when Ferry is fired.  At IMG, he will make contact with numerous D1 coaches that will provide him with ample leads for coaching jobs.

Regardless of why Nash left,  his leaving is a bad omen since he was the associate head coach.



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