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11/19/2016 4:04 pm  #1

For the Duquesne faithful some levity

A graduate from Duquesne John recently passed away. Unfortunately he lost his faith never went to church like a good Catholic. As a result St. Peter at the gates of heaven sent him to hell. Upon entering hell the devil approached John and asked him  what do you think of the heat as a new member of hell. In response John told the devil hey I worked  my first summer job while at Duquesne as  a roofer. Satin somewhat taken aback turned up the fires of hell then approached John a second time. Again John said my second summer job was as a boiler maker hey Mr. Devil this turn up of the fires is nothing. As expected the devil turned up the heat & once again approached John. Well now said the dark prince pretty hot my friend? John said satin I'm from Pittsburgh worked my 3rd summer in the Claiton coke works cleaning out the blast furnace this is nothing Mr Lucifer. At that time the devil left John sat on his thrown & thought about his next plan. That plan changed hell forever, because of John he squelched the fire pits which brought snow to his kingdom to teach John a lesson. After the first snowfall the prince of darkness left his throne to visit John in order to relish in his victory. Beelzabub seeing John fist pumping jumping up & down and cheering was heard to say the following: MY BELOVED DUQUESNE DUKES MUST HAVE  FINALLY RECEIVED A NCAA BID FOR MARCH MADNESS!


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