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Ferry doesn't have a clue. Wow. Just, wow. Wow is all I can say; at least I can now check out for the season. Jim Ferry you are the worst coach, period. To blow a 16 point second half lead to this team is inexcusable. You play DLewis who sucks, sorry guys, he is bad. You insist on playing 3 guards and let JRob sit on the bench. You run your whole offense at the 3 point line with no one in the middle. Simply put, enjoy your salary Jimmy - THEIF!!! My last request, does Harper have an email address so I can send him one as my final written act this year? Ferry arguing about the last shot, are you kidding me, you blew it a lot earlier Jimmy. He doesn't know how to Coach guys. Coaches are not professors at CMU, most don't' have the mental ability. They try to give you the bball bull talk, but very few know what to do under pressure or how to make in game thoughtful decisions. Well, enjoy Thanksgiving guys, it has been a nice first two months, as is usual for DU. I'll be back when Ferry is fired and DU makes some meaningful commitment to Men's BBall - pony up. I understand they had to take a number of players to the hospital after the game to remove the apple from their throats. A major choke job. No points in final five minutes. This team has no testes. 20-loss season coming and nothing is going to stop it. Chokers. Losers. what did I just watch? I know, this is how I felt when DAP went 3-20 something or Danny Nee went 3-24. Pathetic. Seriously we have seen this same horrible coaching from Ferry for five years. Worse than Nee. Worse than Porter. Team has no leadership, no confidence. As soon as the lead dwindled to 9, it was over. How many times did we see this last year? There is a common denominator--coaching. All anyone can do is email Harper and also Gormley. That is what I intend to do. Thoughtful, factual emails to both men. We lost to Dean Martin. We lost to Dean Martin. Ferry throwing his players under the bus on the post game. Hey Ferry how about game day coaching. I am really tired of the same old BS from him. Typical Ferry post-game interview--players blamed for everything--no accountability for the coach. There is nothing that can be said that has not been said for the last five years by myself or others who regularly follow the Dukes. My only concern is that this AD is going to continue to support him AFTER the season. I guess I don't have to worry about the NCAA appearance. Now I guess I'll wait for the NIT or Ferry to be gone before I reinvest $$$. Yep, we were really good in July, August, September, October. Don't you hate it when the season starts and ruins our program? I tuned into the game with 10 minutes to go in the 2nd half; and the Dukes were up by 14 points, I believe. What a collapse! During the span of 5 or 6 TOs by the Dukes and their difficulty in breaking the press, I can't recall that Ferry called a time out. On the heals of the 1 point home loss to Canisius and the crushing defeat at Kentucky, this loss has to be one of the worst of the worst losses in Ferry's dismal coaching career at Duquesne. The Dukes were drowning in their ineptitude as they let their lead slip against an only an average Tenn. - Martin team at best, and Coach Ferry refused to toss them any life jackets. Last edited by godukes1970 (11/23/2016 9:26 pm) Blackman a waste out there at the end. You could see the stains on the back of his shorts.Mike, Smith, Castro are putrid players in the clutch. Last edited by rittersdiner (11/23/2016 9:27 pm) Ferry should be fired. No improvement or any sign of better days ahead. First he complained that the front of his zone (defense) was short (Colter/Mason). Same stuff - different players. The girls coach is outcoaching and out recruiting the world famous Sue McConnell. IT CAN BE DONE! He has no pipeline connections and u cannot win with small 3 guard lineups and a 6'11 center who never was and never will be. Ferry must go. When u have been here as long as he has and cannot beat the so called easy teams at home and struggles in winning some of those games that should tell u all u need to know that Jimbo must go Well, one good thing is that if the wheels truly come off, a change will be made at the end of the season. I just don't know who would want to come here though. Coaches at most of the big winning programs won't allow their assistants to commit career suicide by coming here. Coaches in mid level leagues aren't coming here either. That leaves low major coaches, and retreads. Andy Toole would have looked good two years ago, but I don't know now. Relieve Coach Ferry of his duties immediately. Let the assistant coach take over (he could not do any worse). Start using more of the bench ( J ROB) and begin running plays around the Bigs as well as the guards. By the way, in addition to stifling JRob's playing career by burying him at the end of the bench, they keep listing JRob as 6'8" when he is actually 6'9". Coach Ferry has no clue that his players have grown. Ridiculous!! After Charlie fired RE yes many of you on this board told me Coach Ferry "Next Level" coach. I think it would be best for the university to double down & give him a five year extension with a 25% increase in salary. I guess I was wrong about RE after all many of you told me this over the last five years on this board. Stick to your guns my friends Charlie's decision was brilliant to date what 680 x 5 +1 year extension for coach Ferry. Please don't forget the number of season ticket holders very hard to get a ticket. Hopefully the school can expand AJ so the athletic department can increase revenues. GO DUKES beat Cleveland State. I didn't get to listen to this debacle. I was driving across KY and checking the score with Siri. Color me APPALLED! its the same ol same ol from a ferry coached team: Last edited by heelsdukesfan (11/24/2016 7:22 am) It could be worse. We could be Cubs fans. Sorry posted this in another thread- Mulder, and the rest of the fans who continue to go to the games and support the team, I hope you get a little extra breast meat (turkey), a little extra gravy, a little more stuffing and an extra piece of pie today. Above all, a happy Thanksgiving to Duquesne neighborhood.
CURRENT RECORD 13 -18 (8-10 in the A-10)
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Where do you even begin with this one? All of a sudden Steele's in there at crunch time after not playing all season. James, Robinson nailed to the bench.
Offense total crap. No defense. Don't want Blackman with the ball in his hands in a close game.
Another Ferry sh*t show.
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Those were years I quit checking the box scores after games and just ignored the Duquesne Men's Basketball program.
I can't even become angry, this is just a loser program , not to insult but to state the obvious .
A diehard fan since 1961
Re: Next up UT-Martin
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Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Chokers. Losers.
Re: Next up UT-Martin
rittersdiner wrote:
Chokers. Losers.
I thought it was Tennessee Ernie Ford.
But I shouldn't make fun of them. They beat us.
Re: Next up UT-Martin
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Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
It's almost enough to ruin my Thanksgiving. However, I know it's only a game; and the Dukes' performance is not as important as being with my family and celebrating all the blessings that we have received.
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Early game: Dukes up - That's good.
Halftime: Dukes still leading - Even better.
5:34 remaining : Dukes up by double digits - This might be easier than I thought.
34 seconds to go : Game tied - You got to be kidding?
Final : Dukes lose a close one by 3 - Aw C'mon! Again!!
The time for patience is long past. Ferry is no game coach. Start over.
Re: Next up UT-Martin
APPALLED that a "respected" coach takes no accountability for continued late game collapses. That is three this year including PSU that was 56-56 going down the stretch.
APPALLED that the coach threw his guards under the bus in the post game interview. He wanted them to attack double teams with a dribble. Grade school coaches know you pass quickly, use the middle and pass opposite, not dribble. The kids play hard; but they cannot win in a very flawed system.
APPALLED at the lack of in game adjustments. In the last 8 minutes, the ball never went to the post, the defense was spread out by UTM to allow their guards to drive, and we never changed a thing we were doing.
APPALLED if Harper does not call Ferry in for "heart to heart" conversation as to what is going on.
APPALLED at myself that I will be there Sunday because I love my University, love basketball, and keep hoping for better. I have missed 12 home games since Palumbo opened and today, for the first time, I am thinking of giving up my season tickets next year.
Re: Next up UT-Martin
6-23 from 3 (including countless 1 pass and chuck it up)
out rebounded by 11 including giving up 16 offensive rebounds
defense still terrible, cant use excuse we were too small last year and that was problem...
ferry blames players and refs, surprised he didn't try to pin this loss on everhart, though i bet his new excuse will be too many games in too few days. blame amodio for scheduling this mess.
castro is flat footed, blackmon selfish, lewis plateaued, mike has ton of potential but will never be coached up to it, t smith-jury still out/so far I'm not impressed, james-looks lost/thought he would make a big jump, sanders is hit or miss, robinson will hopefully transfer to somewhere that will use him and help him reach potential, lewisII has potential, coach is clueless, assistant coaches even more clueless. team is a train wreck but thankfully a lot of ball left to be played and turn it around
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Oh, wait.
Re: Next up UT-Martin
Don't care about rankings. I just know this after last night I'm ready to consider saying goodbye to Ferry. He seemed to have no answer to anything UTM did. How is it you keep bringing the ball up time after time and walk right into a trap and have no answer at all? How is it that you let the opposing team time after time inbound the ball by rolling it up the court to save seconds and do nothing?
And game after game for that matter.
One other example of ineptitude - Blackman hits a layup late in the game and stands under the basket for a few seconds pleased with himself while UTM rushes up the court for a basket.
Finally to add further insult the pep band watches a last second shot lose the game and immediately goes into a spirited rendition of the fight song.
All this and other things they still do in ignoring donors and long time season ticket holders, yes like me, & I'm about done. I realize it's early but it's also late and I've got better things to do with what limited time I have left to continue to care about this mess. Of course the problem is that I still do regardless.
Re: Next up UT-Martin
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