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I just don't think Ferry is cut out to work in a conference like the A10. He's stuck to the same, lame, tired systems on offense and defense that haven't worked in 5 years. Recruits come and go, he unsuccessfully tried the JUCO thing. He can't figure out how to use kids over 6-5. Pitt would have won if Artis played. I got an email from Prez Gormley stating how wonderful the win was. Then a few days later back in the dumpster. The question is who would want to come to Duquesne? A young up and comer? A guy with AAU cred? A top assistant from a major conference??? So sad I had suggested that to find a coach that could come in here and win, it should take forming a committee of basketball people, of a few young stat geeks, and a few alumni, all with a view that someone, young and unconventional, that can see a different game could be found and give that guy a try. Just think a minute. The Steelers chose Tomlin, and before him, Cowher, then look how Ron came in and keep doing things that somehow worked with what he got to work with. Then look at the other choices we get for finding the Ferry's of the world. Ferry operates on the assumption he can find a bunch of 6'8" guys and compete with teams that get 3 and 4 star 6'8" guys. With his conventional approach with slower bigs he's going to get his clock cleaned again this year by the quicker smaller teams on the court in the A-10 again. RM sucks and beat them. Ferry didn't beat Pitt, Pitt just beat themselves, Ferry's approach is about a 45 percent win per year at this level. He really is not ever going to compete at this level. Here's a thought, Find a young asst. coach that in HS/College, played like a TJ McConnell. He definitely saw a different game. Here's another thought, lot's of really good coaches were in fact, point guards in HS/college. Here's another thought, why did that young coach at Butler turn that program into a final four team so quick just few years ago? What qualities did he have that we can identify and look for. Point here, we can't out-spend, so we had better start to out-think to compete. Your thoughts. Napa, I am a bit conflicted. In an earlier post, I pointed out that we just lost to 2 teams with head coaches in their first seasons. This, despite our seemingly higher talent level derived from our association with the A10. That points to a failure in coaching and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. However, I believe, and others on this board have indicated the same, that we have managed to attract talented players to this program. When compared with Ron's era, we seem to have an easier time getting decent big men. I remember an interview with RE where he expressed his frustration about the difficulty recruiting quality big men at a time when he had a great point guard who had the ability to get the ball to them. Remember Datt? Remember the games when we used to get killed on rebounds? - 2, 3, 4 shots put up by opposing teams to our one (which went in about 30% of the time). Last edited by indygjm (12/08/2016 6:24 am) I had suggested that to find a coach that could come in here and win, it should take forming a committee of basketball people, of a few young stat geeks, and a few alumni, all with a view that someone, young and unconventional, that can see a different game could be found and give that guy a try. Just think a minute. The Steelers chose Tomlin, and before him, Cowher, then look how Ron came in and keep doing things that somehow worked with what he got to work with. Then look at the other choices we get for finding the Ferry's of the world. Ferry operates on the assumption he can find a bunch of 6'8" guys and compete with teams that get 3 and 4 star 6'8" guys. With his conventional approach with slower bigs he's going to get his clock cleaned again this year by the quicker smaller teams on the court in the A-10 again. RM sucks and beat them. Ferry didn't beat Pitt, Pitt just beat themselves, Ferry's approach is about a 45 percent win per year at this level. He really is not ever going to compete at this level. Here's a thought, Find a young asst. coach that in HS/College, played like a TJ McConnell. He definitely saw a different game. Here's another thought, lot's of really good coaches were in fact, point guards in HS/college. Here's another thought, why did that young coach at Butler turn that program into a final four team so quick just few years ago? What qualities did he have that we can identify and look for. Point here, we can't out-spend, so we had better start to out-think to compete. Your thoughts. Butler was already a very good program well before Stevens got there. Barry Collier won a lot of games there, and Thad Matta got the Xavier job because he won big at Butler. Stevens just took them another step farther. Napa, I am a bit conflicted. In an earlier post, I pointed out that we just lost to 2 teams with head coaches in their first seasons. This, despite our seemingly higher talent level derived from our association with the A10. That points to a failure in coaching and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. However, I believe, and others on this board have indicated the same, that we have managed to attract talented players to this program. When compared with Ron's era, we seem to have an easier time getting decent big men. I remember an interview with RE where he expressed his frustration about the difficulty recruiting quality big men at a time when he had a great point guard who had the ability to get the ball to them. Remember Datt? Remember the games when we used to get killed on rebounds? - 2, 3, 4 shots put up by opposing teams to our one (which went in about 30% of the time). Having this many bigs are not bringing in wins just by their size, something isn't working here, and it's obviously the coach and what he has player do on the court. I'd bet Ron would have loved a fast big like Shawn James, but with his running style most of these guys wouldn't have kept up the pace. Just saying here that we need a better, way to search for a coach than the way Ferry came in here. or we will continue this 5 or 6 year and out- losing streak for 30 years again until we stumble into a guy that can win on his own system with this level of money and recruiting.DU has. I'd bring in someone from a top program. Enough of the Smalltime stuff. ED once again the line traces back to one person Amodio. If anyone knows differently please correct me but I believe the hiring of Ferry was a one man show. No search committee no anything. Charlie just wanted it over with. What a mess. ED once again the line traces back to one person Amodio. If anyone knows differently please correct me but I believe the hiring of Ferry was a one man show. No search committee no anything. Charlie just wanted it over with. What a mess. It's my point exactly. If we want to make a better choice, then it better come from a collective search team with real knowledge in why someone might work here, while others, by their background continue to fail. Ferry is a carbon copy of the parade of losers that came in before Ron. Ron wasn't everything, but he won more than he lost and got us to a conf. title game in short order. Ron had a ceiling but didn't get a chance to raise it before getting the boot. Then this guy, Ferry was a real bad choice. No real experience at this level, no long term history of winning, just whinning. If we ever fill the stands again, it's going to come from some young coach coming in here, with a real sense of how this game is played to compete, and adapt. I can't believe at this point the patients shown Ferry in spite of 5 years and we still suck. He will out tenure the previous winning coach by next year? Madness?. Culpability hierarchy: Napa and ED, I know for a fact that Ron's hiring was by committee and that the individual that headed that committee was a board member with outstanding corporate credentials who was a long time season ticket holder and knew the game. The results speak for themselves. I will throw one more group under the bus what the hell was the board doing and how do you allow an AD to spend that much money without oversight!!!!!!!!!!!😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 I forgot the Board. Complicit with Dougherty and Amodio. Guilty. Firing Ron was the correct move. He went from strong, to acceptable, to failure, & his prospects were horrible for the next 2 years. I have had 3 current or former A-10 head coaches tell me this more than once a piece.Sometimes situations go south. It was a shame. You are delusional on this subject. The f----up was the moronic way the firing was handled. Phil no one made a comment about the firing. What was questioned was the handling of the hiring and the complicity of those who gave Amodio the go ahead to commit to that hire and expenditure with little to no oversight. I feel confident that Harper a) will be exceedingly more professional and b) has a list of replacements in his pocket right now. Last edited by The Dome (12/08/2016 4:47 pm) Firing Ron was the correct move. He went from strong, to acceptable, to failure, & his prospects were horrible for the next 2 years. I have had 3 current or former A-10 head coaches tell me this more than once a piece.Sometimes situations go south. It was a shame. You are delusional on this subject. The f----up was the moronic way the firing was handled. Two corrections and you can go back to your own delusions. Pitt would have won if Artis played. I got an email from Prez Gormley stating how wonderful the win was. Then a few days later back in the dumpster. The question is who would want to come to Duquesne? A young up and comer? A guy with AAU cred? A top assistant from a major conference??? So sad Duquesne would have no trouble attracting the right guy. They just need to find a guy who can coach and change the philosophy in regard to the type of player that you recruit to win at Duquesne. Firing Ron was the correct move. He went from strong, to acceptable, to failure, & his prospects were horrible for the next 2 years. I have had 3 current or former A-10 head coaches tell me this more than once a piece.Sometimes situations go south. It was a shame. You are delusional on this subject. The f----up was the moronic way the firing was handled. Two corrections and you can go back to your own delusions. With the difficulties imposed by the shooting, and the fact that we bounced back from it pretty quickly, I thought Ron deserved 2 more years to get the ball rolling again. The recruiting disaster of 2011 put Ron behind the 8 ball, and I'm not one to think that a fairly successful coach ought to be sunk by one bad year. Now, unlike some, I'm not one who thinks Ron had done enough to be coach for life either. Sooner or later you have to reach the promised land, but the plug was pulled too early. Two more years would have been enough to see if we were headed in the right direction. If by chance at the end of those two years we were floundering, I'd have had no problem with Amodio pulling the plug, and I think the majority on this board would have felt the same way. By floundering, that doesn't mean a particular won loss record. If Ron's 2013 team had only won 10 games (and that was likely in my book), that didn't mean he needed to win 18 the next year. He might have only won 14, but that might have been enough if the young players were clearly getting better, and the team became a "tough out" late in the year. Conversely, if that team had won 17 games, but collapsed down the stretch like last year, or 2011, I might have seen enough. Firing Ron was the correct move. He went from strong, to acceptable, to failure, & his prospects were horrible for the next 2 years. I have had 3 current or former A-10 head coaches tell me this more than once a piece.Sometimes situations go south. It was a shame. You are delusional on this subject. The f----up was the moronic way the firing was handled. Two corrections and you can go back to your own delusions. I only wish that we could have seen what Ron's ceiling really was if he worked for an AD who was supportive and gave him help and guidance where he needed it. Firing Ron was the correct move. He went from strong, to acceptable, to failure, & his prospects were horrible for the next 2 years. I have had 3 current or former A-10 head coaches tell me this more than once a piece.Sometimes situations go south. It was a shame. You are delusional on this subject. The f----up was the moronic way the firing was handled. Two corrections and you can go back to your own delusions. WEB is the only one I can really remember being vocal in his negativity towards Ron. This came after the collapse in 2011. I don't remember too many folks jumping for joy over Ferry, more of a "his record the last few years was good, hope he can do it here". What I really remember was the firestorm over Dino Gaudio. The belief held by many, including myself, is that GA wanted his boy Dino in here. Between the firestorm over Ron's firing, and the negativity towards the idea of Gaudio coming here, I get the feeling that Dino figured he had better options. GA then went hard after Dambrot. When that failed, he turned to Ferry, who was the low major "flavor of the month" after leading LIU to consecutive NCAA bids. I can remember one of the national talking heads saying it was a bad hire, and that Ferry's style wouldn't be successful in the A10. Of course, many of them had panned the Everhart hiring as well. Two corrections and you can go back to your own delusions. WEB is the only one I can really remember being vocal in his negativity towards Ron. This came after the collapse in 2011. I don't remember too many folks jumping for joy over Ferry, more of a "his record the last few years was good, hope he can do it here". What I really remember was the firestorm over Dino Gaudio. The belief held by many, including myself, is that GA wanted his boy Dino in here. Between the firestorm over Ron's firing, and the negativity towards the idea of Gaudio coming here, I get the feeling that Dino figured he had better options. GA then went hard after Dambrot. When that failed, he turned to Ferry, who was the low major "flavor of the month" after leading LIU to consecutive NCAA bids. I can remember one of the national talking heads saying it was a bad hire, and that Ferry's style wouldn't be successful in the A10. Of course, many of them had panned the Everhart hiring as well. Here's a question I have guys. I never understood why everyone was so against Dino Gaudio here? I always meant to ask but I used to post on the yuku board and guess I never remembered to. Personally I loved the idea. Last edited by Duques102 (12/08/2016 6:28 pm) Well, I can remember another poster being vocal in his negativity besides WEB but he seldom posts here any more after attacking a few of us. It doesn't matter. It was the AD who did it - the good thing is he left. I would like to say that if I look at the last 3 years through today, this is the first time in a long time when there is a strong consensus that Ferry isn't the person that can lead DU basketball. What pis--es me off is that he got an extra year last year. I pray that the new AD and President aren't naive enough to bring him back. So, HERE ARE MY QUESTION MY COLLEAGUES: Duques102 Last edited by PhoenixRising2 (12/09/2016 3:46 am) Duques102 Last edited by Duques102 (12/08/2016 7:27 pm)
CURRENT RECORD 13 -18 (8-10 in the A-10)
Small time Jim
I think he'd be a better fit at CW Post, or a school like that. He'd have to work many more years to earn $3M, of course, but maybe he'd have a better chance to win.
Re: Small time Jim
Re: Small time Jim
Re: Small time Jim
Which brings me to this question. Who is really responsible for the success we have had recruiting our current players 6'8" and above? Ferry? Or, is there someone on his staff that we need to protect? I don't doubt we can recruit a new coach from a UT Martin who might be a better game coach. But, I also don't want to see a mass exodus of our current players and going back to the days of a 5 guard team.
Re: Small time Jim
NapaDuke wrote:
Re: Small time Jim
indygjm wrote:
Which brings me to this question. Who is really responsible for the success we have had recruiting our current players 6'8" and above? Ferry? Or, is there someone on his staff that we need to protect? I don't doubt we can recruit a new coach from a UT Martin who might be a better game coach. But, I also don't want to see a mass exodus of our current players and going back to the days of a 5 guard team.
Re: Small time Jim
Look at Smalltime Jim's staff:
Glessman is another smalltime basketball guy who coached at something called Wheelock College. Wheelock? Is that what you find on your back tire when you're in a no parking zone?
Lawson is a video guy who started at Lemoyne. Both Glessman and Lawson have followed Smalltime Jim since LIU.
Baudinet was a baseball player. Jeremiah Jones played 3+ years here under Smalltime Jim and never experienced a winning season.
Rhodes at least has D1 coaching experience and has been a head coach.
My point is that if you look at other A10 coaching staffs you find guys with previous D1 experience as assistants. Ridiculous that we have Smalltime Jim running a smalltime show here.
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Re: Small time Jim
Re: Small time Jim
The Dome wrote:
Re: Small time Jim
1. Amodio. From start to finished, he soiled the sheets and the university in the process. Then he bails out for greener pastures.
2. Dougherty. Kills a brand faster than food poisoning in the nutrition industry. Tamburitzens? Gone. Men's basketball? Damaged. Buck stops here. Bad leadership. Should have retired sooner.
3. The smalltime alumni and donors who got in Amodio's ear. Got what you wanted by pushing a winning coach out the door. Got what you deserved when Smalltime Jim was hired. Now, we don't hear from you losers. Bunch of cowards. I'm guessing your goal was to destroy the program.
4. Us. The diehards. We let those feckless brasstards get the upper hand. Like Ron, we took it in the backside.
I don't blame anyone for bailing out. Me? I'd like to stick around to get Smalltime Jim out and a bigtime coach in. Call me Mr. Harper. Be happy to be on your search committee. •
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Re: Small time Jim
Re: Small time Jim
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Re: Small time Jim
Hiring Ferry has most certainly turned out to be mistake. He wasn't an awesome choice but there was a strong chance he wouldn't suck this bad. I am in Gormley & Harper's ear about this too.
Sorry not to meet your lofty standard for bravery.
Re: Small time Jim
Re: Small time Jim
phil95 wrote:
Hiring Ferry has most certainly turned out to be mistake. He wasn't an awesome choice but there was a strong chance he wouldn't suck this bad. I am in Gormley & Harper's ear about this too.
Sorry not to meet your lofty standard for bravery.
1. Duquesne could have gone to the same tournament Ferry took them to during Ron's last year, but Amodio nixed it. It's well known that Ron had neither the resources nor the support he needed from Amodio. Think of all the contrived "controversies, such as SneakerGate, which were invented for the purpose of embarrassing & undermining Everhart. .500 is hardly rock bottom, and even if RE's last targeted recruits didn't meet your high standards he certainly had the ability to get the most out of the players he had. I'd have wagered that he would have reloaded within two seasons, as he proved previously he was able to do. Your coaching friends may or not admit that; I'd guess they'd lost their fair share of games to RE and enjoy the opportunity to play against Ferry.
2. Ferry had two winning seasons at LIU and it took him, what, 10 years to get there? Excluding those two seasons he was either woefully under .500 or coaching at a level a step above middling HS hoops. How there were any expectations for such a resume, you have me baffled.
Now that Dougherty and Amodio are gone we need to clear out the deadwood they left behind Phil. I'm guessing you're one of the big money donors or a board member or someone with "ins" and I hope you'll be on the right side of history this time around. Right now we need to focus on doing this right, and stop defending one of the greatest blunders in DU basketball history.
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Re: Small time Jim
Hooplife7 wrote:
Re: Small time Jim
ElDuque wrote:
phil95 wrote:
Hiring Ferry has most certainly turned out to be mistake. He wasn't an awesome choice but there was a strong chance he wouldn't suck this bad. I am in Gormley & Harper's ear about this too.
Sorry not to meet your lofty standard for bravery.
1. Duquesne could have gone to the same tournament Ferry took them to during Ron's last year, but Amodio nixed it. It's well known that Ron had neither the resources nor the support he needed from Amodio. Think of all the contrived "controversies, such as SneakerGate, which were invented for the purpose of embarrassing & undermining Everhart. .500 is hardly rock bottom, and even if RE's last targeted recruits didn't meet your high standards he certainly had the ability to get the most out of the players he had. I'd have wagered that he would have reloaded within two seasons, as he proved previously he was able to do. Your coaching friends may or not admit that; I'd guess they'd lost their fair share of games to RE and enjoy the opportunity to play against Ferry.
As for committees, it depends on who is on the committee. I remember the committee that did the search after Satalin was fired. Their selection of Delaware coach Steve Steinwedel was rejected. Those in charge wanted a splash hire, which we got in John Carroll. I'll always wonder what would have happened if the committee had gotten their way. Steinwedel had a couple of great years after that, then faded.
Re: Small time Jim
ElDuque wrote:
phil95 wrote:
Hiring Ferry has most certainly turned out to be mistake. He wasn't an awesome choice but there was a strong chance he wouldn't suck this bad. I am in Gormley & Harper's ear about this too.
Sorry not to meet your lofty standard for bravery.
1. Duquesne could have gone to the same tournament Ferry took them to during Ron's last year, but Amodio nixed it. It's well known that Ron had neither the resources nor the support he needed from Amodio. Think of all the contrived "controversies, such as SneakerGate, which were invented for the purpose of embarrassing & undermining Everhart. .500 is hardly rock bottom, and even if RE's last targeted recruits didn't meet your high standards he certainly had the ability to get the most out of the players he had. I'd have wagered that he would have reloaded within two seasons, as he proved previously he was able to do. Your coaching friends may or not admit that; I'd guess they'd lost their fair share of games to RE and enjoy the opportunity to play against Ferry.
2. Ferry had two winning seasons at LIU and it took him, what, 10 years to get there? Excluding those two seasons he was either woefully under .500 or coaching at a level a step above middling HS hoops. How there were any expectations for such a resume, you have me baffled.
Now that Dougherty and Amodio are gone we need to clear out the deadwood they left behind Phil. I'm guessing you're one of the big money donors or a board member or someone with "ins" and I hope you'll be on the right side of history this time around. Right now we need to focus on doing this right, and stop defending one of the greatest blunders in DU basketball history.
ED, I agree with your defense of Ron, not because he was without fault or because the prospect of an NCAA appearance was on the horizon, but because he did enough here to have a chance to save his job. And I'm not saying he would have saved it.
While I'm at it, where are all of the posters who wanted Ron's head and who proclaimed Jim Ferry to be a next level coach - the narrative initiated by Amodio to add insult to injury when he orchestrated Ron's firing ??
phil95, were you one of those guys? Do you know where they are?
Re: Small time Jim
Re: Small time Jim
Westender wrote:
ElDuque wrote:
phil95 wrote:
Hiring Ferry has most certainly turned out to be mistake. He wasn't an awesome choice but there was a strong chance he wouldn't suck this bad. I am in Gormley & Harper's ear about this too.
Sorry not to meet your lofty standard for bravery.
1. Duquesne could have gone to the same tournament Ferry took them to during Ron's last year, but Amodio nixed it. It's well known that Ron had neither the resources nor the support he needed from Amodio. Think of all the contrived "controversies, such as SneakerGate, which were invented for the purpose of embarrassing & undermining Everhart. .500 is hardly rock bottom, and even if RE's last targeted recruits didn't meet your high standards he certainly had the ability to get the most out of the players he had. I'd have wagered that he would have reloaded within two seasons, as he proved previously he was able to do. Your coaching friends may or not admit that; I'd guess they'd lost their fair share of games to RE and enjoy the opportunity to play against Ferry.
2. Ferry had two winning seasons at LIU and it took him, what, 10 years to get there? Excluding those two seasons he was either woefully under .500 or coaching at a level a step above middling HS hoops. How there were any expectations for such a resume, you have me baffled.
Now that Dougherty and Amodio are gone we need to clear out the deadwood they left behind Phil. I'm guessing you're one of the big money donors or a board member or someone with "ins" and I hope you'll be on the right side of history this time around. Right now we need to focus on doing this right, and stop defending one of the greatest blunders in DU basketball history.
ED, I agree with your defense of Ron, not because he was without fault or because the prospect of an NCAA appearance was on the horizon, but because he did enough here to have a chance to save his job. And I'm not saying he would have saved it.
While I'm at it, where are all of the posters who wanted Ron's head and who proclaimed Jim Ferry to be a next level coach - the narrative initiated by Amodio to add insult to injury when he orchestrated Ron's firing ??
phil95, were you one of those guys? Do you know where they are?
Re: Small time Jim
duq81 wrote:
Westender wrote:
ElDuque wrote:
1. Duquesne could have gone to the same tournament Ferry took them to during Ron's last year, but Amodio nixed it. It's well known that Ron had neither the resources nor the support he needed from Amodio. Think of all the contrived "controversies, such as SneakerGate, which were invented for the purpose of embarrassing & undermining Everhart. .500 is hardly rock bottom, and even if RE's last targeted recruits didn't meet your high standards he certainly had the ability to get the most out of the players he had. I'd have wagered that he would have reloaded within two seasons, as he proved previously he was able to do. Your coaching friends may or not admit that; I'd guess they'd lost their fair share of games to RE and enjoy the opportunity to play against Ferry.
2. Ferry had two winning seasons at LIU and it took him, what, 10 years to get there? Excluding those two seasons he was either woefully under .500 or coaching at a level a step above middling HS hoops. How there were any expectations for such a resume, you have me baffled.
Now that Dougherty and Amodio are gone we need to clear out the deadwood they left behind Phil. I'm guessing you're one of the big money donors or a board member or someone with "ins" and I hope you'll be on the right side of history this time around. Right now we need to focus on doing this right, and stop defending one of the greatest blunders in DU basketball history.
ED, I agree with your defense of Ron, not because he was without fault or because the prospect of an NCAA appearance was on the horizon, but because he did enough here to have a chance to save his job. And I'm not saying he would have saved it.
While I'm at it, where are all of the posters who wanted Ron's head and who proclaimed Jim Ferry to be a next level coach - the narrative initiated by Amodio to add insult to injury when he orchestrated Ron's firing ??
phil95, were you one of those guys? Do you know where they are?
Let me tell you a little story (it's true by the way). I grew up in Winston Salem North Carolina, five miles from Wake Forest university. When I was in high school, Skip Prosser, the head coach at Wake at the time, died and his longtime assistant (including at Xavier) took over. His name was Dino Gaudio. He only went on to recruit stud level players like ish smith, Jeff Teague, and James Johnson (all current NBA starters), and experience ridiculous success. He made two tourneys, a sweet sixteen, a number one national ranking in the middle of one season, and guess what happened to him? He had one year that wasn't as strong and the ad fired him and hired his boy from Colorado Jeff Byzdelik or however you spell it. Many people I knew talked about how the ad was just waiting to fire him to get his buddy in there, sound familiar? Wakes program then tanked with the new coach and he was fired shortly after as a total failure and the program has been set back.
Why do I know so much about Dino? I grew up with his daughter (middle and high school together) and they lived in my neighborhood. All true.
Anyway that's how I know him so I never understood why people were against him as a hire. He did pretty big things at the ACC level. They were nationally ranked most of the time he was there
Re: Small time Jim
1. Since we all agree Ferry should be gone what do we do next. Personally, I sent the AD an email and got a reply back regarding this. I hope each of you have also.
2. Since there is no use beating this subject...or maybe we can all announce on the Tuesday of every week that he still shouldn't be here, what do we discuss?
3. My thoughts are the strengths of the players. I believe that everyone on this board, and I sincerely mean everyone has done a good job over the years not bashing players. Plus, the fact is that this coach brought them in with the talent they have, and we know they aren't learning much. So maybe discuss what they do well?
4. Maybe discuss the strengths of the team we play each game and how we think we will do?
Just some thoughts...I mean I have run out of ways to say how terrible Ferry is and shouldn't be here.
Re: Small time Jim
I went to school with Skip from grade school thru high school, he was a good kid.
In his coaching career he was reguarded as one of the good guys, this by fellow coaches who hate one and other, and Skip knew how to win.
If Dino, who I don't know at all, was good enough for Skip Prosser he surely would have been good enough for Duquesne.
Once Pitt was after Skip but he was beyond them and went to ACC.
A diehard fan since 1961
Re: Small time Jim
small time jim
Re: Small time Jim
Phildog wrote:
I went to school with Skip from grade school thru high school, he was a good kid.
In his coaching career he was reguarded as one of the good guys, this by fellow coaches who hate one and other, and Skip knew how to win.
If Dino, who I don't know at all, was good enough for Skip Prosser he surely would have been good enough for Duquesne.
Once Pitt was after Skip but he was beyond them and went to ACC.
Phil, very cool. Skip was always regarded as a true gentleman and the class of the ACC in terms of the person he was. Dino was much the same. He was Skips number two for much of both of their careers. Grew up watching those really good Prosser teams with Chris Paul etc...This is the reason I never understood the negativity towards him as a hire
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