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CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)

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1/09/2017 6:18 pm  #26

Re: Will Wade Duquesne Facilities

Listen, way back when Scott Edgar was hired ( yes I know he failed here) he was a two time NCAA and NIT coach with a couple of NBA players.

Although he was warned that Duquesne was a "graveyard" for coaches and beware. He was being forced out at Murray State and had enough ego to think he could turn it around, plus he was a local guy and looked forward to returning home. Now that was in the mid 1990's, I am sure the talk is even meaner now around D-1 circles .

Except for Edgar, no one since Mike Rice leaves here and ever gets a D-1 head coaching position again, to this point. And Edgar didn't win at SE Missouri and got into NCAA sanctions due to giving a player bus fare to go back to Memphis for his grandmothers funeral. And I expect there was more to the firing decision.....

So if I am a hot assistant ( like Carroll was) I might be advised this isn't the best place to come, A-10 or not.

And if I am a D-1 head coach, there may be better options but no many worse.

A diehard fan since 1961

1/09/2017 8:13 pm  #27

Re: Will Wade Duquesne Facilities

Duques102 wrote:

scduke wrote:

Although the VCU coach is right about our facilities and our program, he should have kept it to himself so that he can keep having "breather" games like ours. I think we all know that money doesn't guarantee success but it helps.  This is especially so in college sports. After all, a kid would like to know that the school he is going to is making a commitment. I'm not necessarily a JF fan, but it's a historical fact that changing our coach every few years hasn't led to success. We need more.

I also have been wondering when or even if there is a plan to get serious about athletic fundraising. I don't have any evidence to back it up but I am wondering if we are not seeing anything from Mr. Harper yet because administration wants to control how alumni donations are spent. I do know that Duquesne has known how to find me for the last 44 years and has asked me for money every single year, but has never asked me to donate specifically to the Duquesne Athletic Fund. Maybe a new basketball arena is unrealistic, but a darn fine practice facility should be realistic. I know some college programs that have done just that and have gotten better recruits.

Examples? Not doubting you just want to research that.

Besides the college-sports "arms race" that we all know about, I can think of two right off:
Cincinnati football: They have a land-locked football stadium but really wowed ESPN announcers commenting about their new football practice facility. A few years later they were in the Orange Bowl and this year narrowly missed admission to the Big 12.
South Carolina Upstate Basketball: An alumna-tycoon gave them $4 million to upgrade their gym. They went from Division II to at least the CIT.
These may be modest examples, but I think recruits are impressed by practice facilities.


1/10/2017 6:39 am  #28

Re: Will Wade Duquesne Facilities

When Dan Rooney hired Chuck Noll, Steelers played in Pitt Stadium with Steeler headquarters in a rundown Roosevelt Hotel.  Later, Three Rivers Stadium was erected enabling Rooney U to have a home of their own with, at the time, state of art facilities and offices.  Noll is reported to have said the move to Three Rivers was as important to Steelers' success as anything he did on the field. 



1/10/2017 6:46 am  #29

Re: Will Wade Duquesne Facilities

Having one of the greatest coaches in NFL history didn't hurt. Neither did a brilliant strategy of scouting and drafting relatively unknown players from predominantly African-American universities get in their way.

So, yeah, better facilities yadda yadda but a coach and a plan (one that doesn't involve bricks since we've been a few bricks shy of a load for 5 years) or no one comes to your spiffy gym.



1/10/2017 7:17 am  #30

Re: Will Wade Duquesne Facilities

ElDuque - Your point is well made.  I caught a TV broadcast of a St. Louis game a few weeks back from Chaifitz Arena.  The place was empty.  That is touted as one of the best facilities in the A10.  A few years ago it would have been filled.  Now that their winning record is down, so is the attendance.  Winning attracts the fans which attracts the money to build arenas.  There is more to success in any league than bricks and mortar.


1/10/2017 9:22 am  #31

Re: Will Wade Duquesne Facilities

ElDuque wrote:

Having one of the greatest coaches in NFL history didn't hurt. Neither did a brilliant strategy of scouting and drafting relatively unknown players from predominantly African-American universities get in their way.

So, yeah, better facilities yadda yadda but a coach and a plan (one that doesn't involve bricks since we've been a few bricks shy of a load for 5 years) or no one comes to your spiffy gym.


Agree 100%. It may take lot's of $$$ to have a top program, but a good coach can come here do as well as Bona, even with what we have now. Sometimes you just have to get lucky. Those guys are out there, you just have to find them. We probably could have hired Jim Calhoun when we picked Jim Satalin. Who knew that Cahoun was a future legend?

Needless to say, tomorrow's game is a must win. A loss would pretty much end any chance of a reasonably decent season (8 wins in league play would be the minimum).


1/10/2017 3:40 pm  #32

Re: Will Wade Duquesne Facilities

duq81 wrote:

PhoenixRising2 wrote:

I'm glad Wade said this because it is the truth. Duquesne has NEVER invested the competitive resources into the program. You can lay the blame at the feet of Nesti, Murray, Dougherty and Hogan - along with the various boards over the years.

The lack of resource in Duquesne basketball goes all the way back to the glory years through the early 70's under Gallagher and McAnulty, but it was a different game and landscape back then (no TV money, one NCAA bid per conference, great local/regional basketball talent, etc.). The resource wasn't required.

I do believe that both Gormley and Harper understand that you need to significantly invest to create a foundation for success in athletics. This belief gives me hope for the longer term.

Until that investment commitment/plan is in place, it is going to be nearly impossible to attract a quality coach to Duquesne.

The 2 greatest coaches in school history walked away at the age of 48 because they couldn't afford to keep working for peanuts. The third was driven out at age 45 by the stress of trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. The school has always been a step behind. If they had given Satalin what they gave Carroll, he might have won. If they had given Carroll what they gave Nee, he might have won. Nee could have used what they gave Everhart, and Ron could have used what Ferry has.

it always amazes me when I hear about the money thing. Back in the early 90s (then SID) Sue Ryan told me that Duquesne mens hoops was fifth in terms of money spent directly on the program in the A-10!

Vicimus Atlanticum decem

1/10/2017 3:49 pm  #33

Re: Will Wade Duquesne Facilities

scduke wrote:

I also have been wondering when or even if there is a plan to get serious about athletic fundraising. I don't have any evidence to back it up but I am wondering if we are not seeing anything from Mr. Harper yet because administration wants to control how alumni donations are spent. I do know that Duquesne has known how to find me for the last 44 years and has asked me for money every single year, but has never asked me to donate specifically to the Duquesne Athletic Fund. Maybe a new basketball arena is unrealistic, but a darn fine practice facility should be realistic. I know some college programs that have done just that and have gotten better recruits.

I think Harper is finding  out the hard way that many of the checkbooks of those who care about mens hoops have slammed shut until we make the Dance, mine and many people on this board included. I have had my name stricken from the entire Duquesne database. I will call them and have it put back the minute we get announced on Selection Sunday. 

Vicimus Atlanticum decem

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