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Let me be the FIRST to congratulate them on a superior game and EFFORT! Thanks for jinxing us. Whew! Great game by the Dukes!!! Oh Yee of Little Faith! :-) Yawn. Not to rain on the parade or urinate in the Kelloggs breakfast food, but "So What?" This program is dead man walking as far as mattering in the way most of us want it to matter. That ship sailed with the idiocy last spring. In three years we are going to be a bad team in a one bid conference, and even then we won't win the stupid thing! Well, if that's the case, why come here and try to make us depressed. Tejas, Beacuse my friends, I am sick and tired of saying stuff like this "Boy, but at least they battled back." "Wow, they didn't quit or give up." Beacuse my friends, I am sick and tired of saying stuff like this "Boy, but at least they battled back." "Wow, they didn't quit or give up." 20 wins and an NIT in 2015? I would take that bet but not at even money. 3:2 I would. 20 wins and an NIT 2016? I'll take that no question. I have been critical of our coaching but let me say that this was an outstanding coaching effort by JF and staff. His use of time outs to stem the runs, his substitutions, and plays were just great tonight. Marhold was unbelievable tonight, and big night for Winters. I am with those who are enjoying the big win over the highly favored Temple Owls. Go Dukes! Beacuse my friends, I am sick and tired of saying stuff like this "Boy, but at least they battled back." "Wow, they didn't quit or give up." 20 wins and an NIT in 2015? I would take that bet but not at even money. 3:2 I would. 20 wins and an NIT 2016? I'll take that no question. Yippy Skippy. We can wait four seasons and get back to the Nobody's Interested Tournament! Yeah, that's our goal! Hey, aren't we hosting it again that year? Wow, we never should have fired Colleary either if that's the case! Beacuse my friends, I am sick and tired of saying stuff like this "Boy, but at least they battled back." "Wow, they didn't quit or give up." 20 wins and an NIT in 2015? I would take that bet but not at even money. 3:2 I would. 20 wins and an NIT 2016? I'll take that no question. Yippy Skippy. We can wait four seasons and get back to the Nobody's Interested Tournament! Yeah, that's our goal! Hey, aren't we hosting it again that year? Wow, we never should have fired Colleary either if that's the case! Isn't that where Ron had them? Send me a PM we can discuss terms of the bet. I have been critical of our coaching but let me say that this was an outstanding coaching effort by JF and staff. His use of time outs to stem the runs, his substitutions, and plays were just great tonight. Marhold was unbelievable tonight, and big night for Winters. I am with those who are enjoying the big win over the highly favored Temple Owls. Go Dukes! Thank you. CLK has been a critic of many things, but he wants the Dukes to win, and is obviously happy when the team plays well. Yippy Skippy. We can wait four seasons and get back to the Nobody's Interested Tournament! Yeah, that's our goal! Hey, aren't we hosting it again that year? Wow, we never should have fired Colleary either if that's the case! Isn't that where Ron had them? Send me a PM we can discuss terms of the bet. Yes, where Ron had them five years after literally resurecting the dead! And should have been given the chance to continue, the little pu**y TJ McConnell asside, he got the program to a level where even Carroll hadn't gotten it to in three decades and they just pull the rug out from under him and we start over AGAIN, back to square one, not back to Danny Nee, but pretty close! Isn't that where Ron had them? Send me a PM we can discuss terms of the bet. Yes, where Ron had them five years after literally resurecting the dead! And should have been given the chance to continue, the little pu**y TJ McConnell asside, he got the program to a level where even Carroll hadn't gotten it to in three decades and they just pull the rug out from under him and we start over AGAIN, back to square one, not back to Danny Nee, but pretty close! I don't care about any of that. Your vision of the future is different than mine. Are we going to bet or not? I have been critical of our coaching but let me say that this was an outstanding coaching effort by JF and staff. His use of time outs to stem the runs, his substitutions, and plays were just great tonight. Marhold was unbelievable tonight, and big night for Winters. I am with those who are enjoying the big win over the highly favored Temple Owls. Go Dukes! If I'm going to nit pick, I would say that I didn't like how it took two TO's before Ferry put a second ball handler in. I'd have put one in as soon as they struggled against the trap. Yes, where Ron had them five years after literally resurecting the dead! And should have been given the chance to continue, the little pu**y TJ McConnell asside, he got the program to a level where even Carroll hadn't gotten it to in three decades and they just pull the rug out from under him and we start over AGAIN, back to square one, not back to Danny Nee, but pretty close! I don't care about any of that. Your vision of the future is different than mine. Are we going to bet or not? Yes, where Ron had them five years after literally resurecting the dead! And should have been given the chance to continue, the little pu**y TJ McConnell asside, he got the program to a level where even Carroll hadn't gotten it to in three decades and they just pull the rug out from under him and we start over AGAIN, back to square one, not back to Danny Nee, but pretty close! I don't care about any of that. Your vision of the future is different than mine. Are we going to bet or not? 20 wins and the NIT is not my goal. I want them to do better and I think they will. My goal is to win your money and I think that bet is a no brainer. I'll gladly take the same action in 2015 (20 win/NIT) but not for even money. Since we won't be close to Ron's level by then, I'm not sure why you don't want to make it anymore. Last edited by steve19981 (2/14/2013 11:09 pm) Yes, where Ron had them five years after literally resurecting the dead! And should have been given the chance to continue, the little pu**y TJ McConnell asside, he got the program to a level where even Carroll hadn't gotten it to in three decades and they just pull the rug out from under him and we start over AGAIN, back to square one, not back to Danny Nee, but pretty close! I don't care about any of that. Your vision of the future is different than mine. Are we going to bet or not? Speaking of a little pu**y. After making the challenge of a bet, you run and hide when steve19981 calls you on it. Man up and bet Steve! Knock it off, Steve! Y'all know at this board we throw nickels around like they were man-hole covers. Now to the issue at hand. As I think I posted earlier in the week, the extra work in practice will begin to show when the Dukes start hitting free throws. Interesting... Let's beat Rhode Island and begin dreaming the impossible dream. Enough of the negativity already. Lauren is right — I have a feeling this team is going to show more spunk down the stretch than any of us imagined possible. Derrick Colter said it best on Ray Goss's postgame show. Barclays or Bust! Go Dukes!!! Fast Forward — ESPN, March 18, 2013: Rout the Rams! Let's Go Duquesne!!! Fast Forward — ESPN, March 18, 2013:
CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)
Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
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Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
I used to hope we could at least be a Xavier or a Temple and matter in our little A-10, but we blew that chance and soon we'll be Manhattan or Siena, and somehow, we will still manage to miss the Big Dance. Of course even if we make it the A 10 will be providing a fourteenth or fifteenth seed as a sacrificial lamb to the ACC runner up and it won't matter.
In three years Jim Ferry will be Scott Edgar and some of you will be lining up to support the next coach and his "vision to return Duquesne to its.................yadda yadda yadda.
Vicimus Atlanticum decem
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
You enjoy your dismal narative. I'll enjoy this win.
Go Dukes!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
You know who says things like this?
LOSERS, that's who. What we have been for close to 40 years and what we will be five years from now! This school really, really had the chance to end this constant futility and they screwed it up! Just when we needed to show that we were close to competing, they decide to blow it up and start the latest rebuilding program, setting back the whole thing by at least five years. Sorry, it won't get to five years, because, as I have said, Ferry will be gone in two more, when he fails to even get close to Ron's wins in his second and third years. Anyone here want to bet that in 2015 Ferry has DU where Ron had them in the spring of 09? Won't even be close.
I am sick of this! Celebrating a meaningless victory in February because its a sign of better things to come! Sick to death of it.
Vicimus Atlanticum decem
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Tejas_Duke wrote:
You know who says things like this?
LOSERS, that's who. What we have been for close to 40 years and what we will be five years from now! This school really, really had the chance to end this constant futility and they screwed it up! Just when we needed to show that we were close to competing, they decide to blow it up and start the latest rebuilding program, setting back the whole thing by at least five years. Sorry, it won't get to five years, because, as I have said, Ferry will be gone in two more, when he fails to even get close to Ron's wins in his second and third years. Anyone here want to bet that in 2015 Ferry has DU where Ron had them in the spring of 09? Won't even be close.
I am sick of this! Celebrating a meaningless victory in February because its a sign of better things to come! Sick to death of it.
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
steve19981 wrote:
Tejas_Duke wrote:
You know who says things like this?
LOSERS, that's who. What we have been for close to 40 years and what we will be five years from now! This school really, really had the chance to end this constant futility and they screwed it up! Just when we needed to show that we were close to competing, they decide to blow it up and start the latest rebuilding program, setting back the whole thing by at least five years. Sorry, it won't get to five years, because, as I have said, Ferry will be gone in two more, when he fails to even get close to Ron's wins in his second and third years. Anyone here want to bet that in 2015 Ferry has DU where Ron had them in the spring of 09? Won't even be close.
I am sick of this! Celebrating a meaningless victory in February because its a sign of better things to come! Sick to death of it.
Vicimus Atlanticum decem
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Tejas_Duke wrote:
steve19981 wrote:
Tejas_Duke wrote:
You know who says things like this?
LOSERS, that's who. What we have been for close to 40 years and what we will be five years from now! This school really, really had the chance to end this constant futility and they screwed it up! Just when we needed to show that we were close to competing, they decide to blow it up and start the latest rebuilding program, setting back the whole thing by at least five years. Sorry, it won't get to five years, because, as I have said, Ferry will be gone in two more, when he fails to even get close to Ron's wins in his second and third years. Anyone here want to bet that in 2015 Ferry has DU where Ron had them in the spring of 09? Won't even be close.
I am sick of this! Celebrating a meaningless victory in February because its a sign of better things to come! Sick to death of it.
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
CLK wrote:
Posters have been asked to stop bashing Ron, and most want to move on, but when you get a poster who keeps bringing him up, someone is inevitably going to start pointing out his shortcomings, and here we go again. Ron is gone! Many disagreed with the move, and even more disagreed with how it was handled, but it's over. You either need to get over it, or you need to move on to something else, if you're so convinced that we'll never win. I for one am sick of your whining, and your threats to stop following the team. There is plenty of room on the Pitt bandwagon.
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
steve19981 wrote:
Tejas_Duke wrote:
steve19981 wrote:
20 wins and an NIT in 2015? I would take that bet but not at even money. 3:2 I would. 20 wins and an NIT 2016? I'll take that no question.
Vicimus Atlanticum decem
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Tejas_Duke wrote:
steve19981 wrote:
Tejas_Duke wrote:
Yippy Skippy. We can wait four seasons and get back to the Nobody's Interested Tournament! Yeah, that's our goal! Hey, aren't we hosting it again that year? Wow, we never should have fired Colleary either if that's the case!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
CLK wrote:
Sounds like the play at the end to get Colter to the line was well drawn up and the team was ready to run it. Overall, it's tough to complain about anything tonight. Both the Freshmen and seniors played well tonight.
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
steve19981 wrote:
Tejas_Duke wrote:
steve19981 wrote:
Isn't that where Ron had them? Send me a PM we can discuss terms of the bet.
If your goal is the NIT in 2016 Steve, we obviously have differing views of success. This bet isn't worth my time. Thank you.
Vicimus Atlanticum decem
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Tejas_Duke wrote:
steve19981 wrote:
Tejas_Duke wrote:
If your goal is the NIT in 2016 Steve, we obviously have differing views of success. This bet isn't worth my time. Thank you.
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Tejas_Duke wrote:
steve19981 wrote:
Tejas_Duke wrote:
If your goal is the NIT in 2016 Steve, we obviously have differing views of success. This bet isn't worth my time. Thank you.
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
"In other first round games, 14th-seeded Duquesne (18-17), a team that endured an 11-game losing streak and was winless in the league and given up for dead before sneaking into the A-10 Tournament by winning six of its last seven conference games — an improbable late-season turnaround that began with an upset victory on the road against the heavily-favored and NCAA-bound Temple Owls and later saw Jim Ferry's never-say-die Dukes dramatically storm from 15 points behind in the second half to take league-leading Butler down to the wire in Indianapolis before winning on an Andre Marhold tip-in at the buzzer — then unexpectedly swept all four games at Barclay's Center in Brooklyn this past weekend to win an automatic berth in the NCAA tournament, will face third-seeded..."
Well, maybe it's just a dream, but if anyone deserves a miracle, it's Duquesne's long-suffering fans. Let's fight to the finish. Go Iron Dukes!!!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
Re: Dukes win their first A-10 game!
IronDukes12 wrote:
"In other first round games, 14th-seeded Duquesne (18-17), a team that endured an 11-game losing streak and was winless in the league and given up for dead before sneaking into the A-10 Tournament by winning six of its last seven conference games — an improbable late-season turnaround that began with an upset victory on the road against the heavily-favored and NCAA-bound Temple Owls and later saw Jim Ferry's never-say-die Dukes dramatically storm from 15 points behind in the second half to take league-leading Butler down to the wire in Indianapolis before winning on an Andre Marhold tip-in at the buzzer — then unexpectedly swept all four games at Barclay's Center in Brooklyn this past weekend to win an automatic berth in the NCAA tournament, will face third-seeded..."
Well, maybe it's just a dream, but if anyone deserves a miracle, it's Duquesne's long-suffering fans. Let's fight to the finish. Go Iron Dukes!!!
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far •
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-The comments & opinions on this fan message board are owned by their authors & we make no representation of their fitness, accuracy, and are held harmless.
-This is an independent fan board not affiliated with Duquesne University.
-This fan message board is for YOUR enjoyment (even if it's not a good year!)
We want to thank everyone for their continued love and support for Duquesne University Basketball. GO DUKES!