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This isn't exactly like the firing of RE which caught many off guard. This season and the previous 4 years had total lack of success and underachievement written all over it. I wish JF the best but this absolutely had to be done no matter the outcome regarding current players and recruits! Hope we can keep most of what we have but not counting on anything at this point. GO DUKES! The 'family' environment was a buzz phrase. There was very little evidence to prove such an environment actually existed. I point to the many pressers during which Coach Ferry deflected the blame for losses onto his players. That is but one example. Hopefully the next coach will establish a real family environment. This alone will be a major win for the Dukes. This isn't exactly like the firing of RE which caught many off guard. This season and the previous 4 years had total lack of success and underachievement written all over it. I wish JF the best but this absolutely had to be done no matter the outcome regarding current players and recruits! Hope we can keep most of what we have but not counting on anything at this point. GO DUKES! This is exactly what I felt was the huge flaw in zieses "oh there just going to keep firing coaches every five years" "do you know what Ron's record was here?!" Rant. Yeah all those points apply to Rons firing, but not Ferry. He didn't have a winning season in five years. He has four losing seasons in five years. Ron had an overall winning record, Ferry had his second worst season record FIVE years into his time here. The 'family' environment was a buzz phrase. There was very little evidence to prove such an environment actually existed. I point to the many pressers during which Coach Ferry deflected the blame for losses onto his players. That is but one example. Hopefully the next coach will establish a real family environment. This alone will be a major win for the Dukes. As further evidence that the "family environment" was no more than a buzzword: think of how many players have been in the "doghouse" over the last five years, many for long periods of time. The latest player to move Rover over seems to have been Castro, unless he had an injury that didn't seem to get mentioned. The Grind Session [color=#b1bbc3]@thegrindsession[/color][/url] Coaches big announcement [url= ]@jamariwheeler5 has opened up his recruitment Last edited by CLK (3/14/2017 4:14 pm) Is this guy primarily a Pitt blogger? He sure sounds like it; really taking as many shots as possible in a few paragraphs. This will be the narrative in the Pitt(sburgh) media which enjoys chronicling the failures of Duquesne; but also knows that if Duquesne gets its act together, and gets the right coach, supports him with the new facilities, it can challenge Pitt on an annual basis. That is really what they would dread seeing.
CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)
Re: Jamari Wheeler
Re: Jamari Wheeler
Re: Jamari Wheeler
president wrote:
Why should anyone feel bad for him or why should he be given another year? When you are that bad at your job, when your results fall so so far below reasonable expectations, when you are given years to "be better than this" and you continue to stagnate or even perform worse, you deserve to be fired. In a regular job, the amount of time Ferry was given compared with the results of his work would have gotten him
Fired long before year five, especially when he's making in a year what many people work their whole lives to save up.
The fact that Ziese would essentially equate Ron and Ferrys time here proves how out of touch he is on the subject.
Re: Jamari Wheeler
insideout wrote:
Re: Jamari Wheeler
Not unexpected. Sure there are people with a bug in his ear (possibly even former staff who were said to have called him). Not sure how he does this unless he was granted a release. •
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Re: Jamari Wheeler
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We want to thank everyone for their continued love and support for Duquesne University Basketball. GO DUKES!