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I watched the press conference when I got home from the press conference, that's how pumped I was. Two things I noticed while being there that I really liked. 102: I was sitting 3 rows and right behind her and I agree she is poor at what she does - whatever you want to call what she does. Twitter may be wonderful for some things but if you are going to call yourself a journalist or reporter you keep your feelings to yourself. I couldn't get a read on Harper like you did. He seemed to try to answer each question with as little specific info as possible other than what related directly to hiring Keith Dambrot. Couldn't tell if that was just with her or with all. It used to be that the P-G was the "only game in town," but the outlets that have surfaced (DK on Pittsburgh Sports, DYSTNow, Pittsburgh Sports Now) not only offer options, but in fact much better and more fair and accurate reporting. The P-G has strayed too far into this damaging new world of opinion journalism, in which opinions are presented as facts, and as we have seen with Paul Zilch and Sean Genitals, supported by such "reliable" sources as Wikipedia and kid bloggers from Chicago who wouldn't know Duquesne if they woke up on Academic Walk. Spencer, who graduated from Georgia, works for Tyler Batiste who is the PG sports editor. P-G offices are on the Northside now, El Duque. The printing plant is in Clinton. Spencer, who graduated from Georgia, works for Tyler Batiste who is the PG sports editor. I'm not so willing to pass the buck. The editor did not approve everyone of those ridiculous and insulting tweets she posted throughout the process, there was more I couldn't find them. All those messages I posted above were done by her and her alone, he would only approve what she writes for the PG. Just about all the PG sports writers (except for possibly Craig Meyers) acted like ass clowns losers during the search, they were all looking to out do each out with what they thoughts were funny cuts on Duquesne. They reflected very poorly on the PG and is an example of why the PG is failing. The worst part was they had no clue in many cases what they were talking about when making fun of the search process. I don't know is you saw the tweet below from Zachary Weiss but it appears the only two offers were Dambrot and Becker. Last edited by CLK (3/31/2017 12:02 pm) Just about all the PG sports writers (except for possibly Craig Meyers) acted like ass clowns losers during the search, they were all looking to out do each out with what they thoughts were funny cuts on Duquesne. They reflected very poorly on the PG and is an example of why the PG is failing. The worst part was they had no clue in many cases what they were talking about when making fun of the search process. I don't know is you saw the tweet below from Zachary Weiss but it appears the only two offers were Dambrot and Becker. Meyers took a gratuitous shot at our students...expressing his doubt that they would recognize one of the coaching candidates. Just about all the PG sports writers (except for possibly Craig Meyers) acted like ass clowns losers during the search, they were all looking to out do each out with what they thoughts were funny cuts on Duquesne. They reflected very poorly on the PG and is an example of why the PG is failing. The worst part was they had no clue in many cases what they were talking about when making fun of the search process. I don't know is you saw the tweet below from Zachary Weiss but it appears the only two offers were Dambrot and Becker. Honestly doubt Becker was offered too. She's a hardcore journalist: Last edited by Duques102 (3/31/2017 1:10 pm) Just about all the PG sports writers (except for possibly Craig Meyers) acted like ass clowns losers during the search, they were all looking to out do each out with what they thoughts were funny cuts on Duquesne. They reflected very poorly on the PG and is an example of why the PG is failing. The worst part was they had no clue in many cases what they were talking about when making fun of the search process. I don't know is you saw the tweet below from Zachary Weiss but it appears the only two offers were Dambrot and Becker. Meyers took a gratuitous shot at our students...expressing his doubt that they would recognize one of the coaching candidates. In his defense, would anyone actually recognize John Becker or any coach that's not any of the 10 largest names in coaching? Just about all the PG sports writers (except for possibly Craig Meyers) acted like ass clowns losers during the search, they were all looking to out do each out with what they thoughts were funny cuts on Duquesne. They reflected very poorly on the PG and is an example of why the PG is failing. The worst part was they had no clue in many cases what they were talking about when making fun of the search process. I don't know is you saw the tweet below from Zachary Weiss but it appears the only two offers were Dambrot and Becker. Meyers took a gratuitous shot at our students...expressing his doubt that they would recognize one of the coaching candidates. In his defense, would anyone actually recognize John Becker or any coach that's not any of the 10 largest names in coaching? Just because the P-G lives and dies by Wikipedia doesn't mean that Duquesne students don't know how to do research. :o) PSN and DYST's reporters are miles ahead of her. She's currently just filler, you can tell from her twitter feed that she's just mailing it in with tweets/retweets of what others have already reported/said. Also, she obviously preferred the supposed drama/chaos of the coaching search over working to provide anything of actual substance or digging to find the truth. What we see in the media today is that one person or outlet sets the narrative and the others simply follow like lambs; because it is easy and the lazy way to do your job. We've seen it again with the Duquesne coaching search, once the narrative was set, and confirmed with nothing but Twitter posts it became an easy way for them to join the crowd and pile on while it appeared that Duquesne was down. BUT, they were ALL made to look like fools, because they were lazy and based their stories on Twitter accounts; a really unprofessional crew that we have in Pittsburgh. BTW on my way home for the presser last night, I was treated to an ignorant caller to the Zeise show trying to make the point that schools like Duquesne don't belong in Division 1 basketball, and that "schools like Duquesne" should be forced into a lower Division to create better competition among the powerful schools. Well, I expected Zeise to point out that "schools like Duquesne" would certainly include Xavier, Marquette, Dayton, Gonzaga, and Villanova which by my accounting are doing pretty well playing with the big guys. In fact some of the big guys would like to see them go away because they just can't seem to beat them! To my surprise Zeise agreed with the fool; perhaps just tired of putting up an argument with fools like that; but literally agreed that Duquesne and Fordham will never be able to compete in the A-10 and perhaps should be in a lower classification. Very disappointing performance by Mr. Zeise. I hate to say it, but there were some posters on this board that weren't much better than the local press during the search. Haven't seen much of the worst of the bunch lately. What about the WBB? Do they belong in a lesser classification? BTW on my way home for the presser last night, I was treated to an ignorant caller to the Zeise show trying to make the point that schools like Duquesne don't belong in Division 1 basketball, and that "schools like Duquesne" should be forced into a lower Division to create better competition among the powerful schools. Well, I expected Zeise to point out that "schools like Duquesne" would certainly include Xavier, Marquette, Dayton, Gonzaga, and Villanova which by my accounting are doing pretty well playing with the big guys. In fact some of the big guys would like to see them go away because they just can't seem to beat them! To my surprise Zeise agreed with the fool; perhaps just tired of putting up an argument with fools like that; but literally agreed that Duquesne and Fordham will never be able to compete in the A-10 and perhaps should be in a lower classification. Very disappointing performance by Mr. Zeise. Ron Cook, another one like Zeise, is constantly on his knees at all times for the benefit of the university of Pittsburgh. I'm mentioning this because Ron Cook made the statement today that he thought Pitt wasn't far off from the University of Indiana in terms of being the same caliber of a basketball program. It is delusional comments like this that make me understand why they could say something like Duquesne shouldn't have a division one basketball program. BTW on my way home for the presser last night, I was treated to an ignorant caller to the Zeise show trying to make the point that schools like Duquesne don't belong in Division 1 basketball, and that "schools like Duquesne" should be forced into a lower Division to create better competition among the powerful schools. Well, I expected Zeise to point out that "schools like Duquesne" would certainly include Xavier, Marquette, Dayton, Gonzaga, and Villanova which by my accounting are doing pretty well playing with the big guys. In fact some of the big guys would like to see them go away because they just can't seem to beat them! To my surprise Zeise agreed with the fool; perhaps just tired of putting up an argument with fools like that; but literally agreed that Duquesne and Fordham will never be able to compete in the A-10 and perhaps should be in a lower classification. Very disappointing performance by Mr. Zeise. Ron Cook, another one like Zeise, is constantly on his knees at all times for the benefit of the university of Pittsburgh. I'm mentioning this because Ron Cook made the statement today that he thought Pitt wasn't far off from the University of Indiana in terms of being the same caliber of a basketball program. It is delusional comments like this that make me understand why they could say something like Duquesne shouldn't have a division one basketball program. Ron Cook, another one like Zeise, is constantly on his knees at all times for the benefit of the university of Pittsburgh. I'm mentioning this because Ron Cook made the statement today that he thought Pitt wasn't far off from the University of Indiana in terms of being the same caliber of a basketball program. It is delusional comments like this that make me understand why they could say something like Duquesne shouldn't have a division one basketball program. To paraphrase Pulp Fiction, Indiana and Pitt ain't the same ballpark, ain't the same league, ain't even the same sport.
CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)
Sarah Spencer
1. I was towards the back of the room so it was hard to tell, but I thought that when Dambrot referenced the current players throughout the presser and during Q & A, he was staring directly over to where they were sitting basically the whole time. Whether it was addressing re recruiting them, the importance of spending time with players, what he thought about them, or answering questions about potential transfers, it looked like he was staring right at them. The video confirmed this. Yak I must have been close to you because I was on the right side of the stage basically in the middle of the room and the players were all sitting directly to my right. In the video when he talks about current players you can see he looks in the exact same spot over to his left the whole time which is where they were sitting. The man is a people person, you can tell he means what he says.
2. It didn't come across as much in the video, but when Sarah spencer asked her first question, there was an obvious edge in harpers voice when he basically answered "well I'll go back to what I just said" it was great. I'd like to get others opinions that were in the room if they noticed this too. ElD mentioned the department monitors this board, needless to say they saw the garbage she and the other clowns at the PG were putting out during the search. I hope Harper doesn't forget and the jerks continue to be treated like jerks when they show up trying to be all professional and acting like they've been supportive of the search, what a phony.
Attached below is a montage of idiotic tweets from Spencer leading up to the hiring. I hope you guys enjoy these now. Sarah, I'm so happy to say this, the joke is on YOU:
She "retweeted" this one above
Two particular nasty tweets about the situation:
She retweets a tweet about poor attendance and says "LOL":
She also retweeted every tweet about a coach turning us down, a recruit decommitting, or a current player asking for a realeas, mockingly.
She shows up yesterday trying to be all professional, well your an embarrassment to your profession and the internet doesn't forget.
Re: Sarah Spencer
Mulder wrote:
I agree that Coach seemed to be looking back at the players. I was in the middle aisle in that row and it was difficult to turn around and see everything but that's what I assumed too.
Well to address the Harper speaking in generalities to her thing I think he definitely did that when she asked about the Palumbo renovations. Shortly after, Jerry Dipala from the trib, a longtime respected Pittsburgh journalist, essentially asked the same question and Harper was much more specific.
You don't give respect, you don't get respect. •
Thread Starter
Re: Sarah Spencer
I tried reading Sarah's articles when she started covering Duquesne, but she cranks out pedestrian stuff and as you state above her Twitter feed brings to mind the joke that "Twitter is for Twits."
Despite this, Duquesne University should treat the P-G staff professionally, and not as hostile witnesses. They change Duquesne beat reporters every 30 minutes anyway, and Zilch and Genitals will only "report" from the friendly confines of the Boulevard of the Allies (they still there, or are they renting a back room from the Smithfield News?), so it's not like we have to look at them all the time anyway.
Re: Sarah Spencer
He is the one responsible for the coverage by Spencer and Gentille.
Re: Sarah Spencer
Personally, I hold no ill feelings towards any of the media.
Re: Sarah Spencer
Econ69 wrote:
He is the one responsible for the coverage by Spencer and Gentille.
He didn't teach her how to be a journalist in college. He didn't make her choose this career path. He can't make her have some respect for the programs she covers, he can't make her have more respect for her position as a voice people look to because that is what she's employed to do for this program. She either abuses her power or takes it for granted and that sucks when there are plenty of intelligent, knowledgeable people out there who could provide real coverage and do their job the right way.
To me she's like Tim Tebow on the Mets, she's taking a job from someone who probably deserves it way more and could do a much better job. •
Thread Starter
Re: Sarah Spencer
Zachary Weiss Several sources have told me that Duquesne never offered MBB coaching job to Rice, Fife or Whitford.
Re: Sarah Spencer
CLK wrote:
Zachary Weiss Several sources have told me that Duquesne never offered MBB coaching job to Rice, Fife or Whitford.
Re: Sarah Spencer
CLK wrote:
Zachary Weiss Several sources have told me that Duquesne never offered MBB coaching job to Rice, Fife or Whitford.
Re: Sarah Spencer
Even better, an hour and a half after this thread goes up, the first thing she tweets since it went up are two straight up quotes from Dambrot presser, no opinion provided in these ones.
Coincidence? •
Thread Starter
Re: Sarah Spencer
ElDuque wrote:
CLK wrote:
Zachary Weiss Several sources have told me that Duquesne never offered MBB coaching job to Rice, Fife or Whitford.
I hate myself for loving you. Quoting me without the expressed written consent of the National Hockey League is prohibited.
Re: Sarah Spencer
yak-rbc wrote:
ElDuque wrote:
CLK wrote:
Zachary Weiss Several sources have told me that Duquesne never offered MBB coaching job to Rice, Fife or Whitford.
Re: Sarah Spencer
That being said you can't really blame her, based on her LinkedIn she just graduated, she's greener than green. Kids grown up, acquire skills, and learn professionalism on the job, so I'll cut her some slack. And its not like she's likely to have very many sources this early in her career.
Moral of the story - if the P-G doesn't want to be taken seriously then it won't be.
Re: Sarah Spencer
I'm sorry to say that even Gene Collier, a truly gifted writer got into the act piling on with some supposed humor. I was quick to remind him that I've seen his stand up act and he should stick to being a columnist.
Re: Sarah Spencer
Re: Sarah Spencer
Re: Sarah Spencer
As for the P5 like Pitt and PSU that guys like Zeise worship, tax dollars
go to these schools. Tax dollars from people who never went to college or
have no idea about college sports. I wonder what Pitt would have done for a
football field if tax dollars were used to build Heinz Field. I remember Pitt before
they were state related. They had some real nice football and basketball teams then.
DU, like Villanova, Xavier, Dayton and Gonzaga, do it the hard way-tuition, donations
and grants. Not a whole lot of state tax dollars
But that is why a guy like Zeise work local stations.
Average talent that could never make it big nationally.
Re: Sarah Spencer
levon1975 wrote:
When asked during the search what Cook thought about it, his response was "I don't care, I haven't cared about that program for 30 years, there's been nothing to care about". While there is truth to that statement I think that epitomizes the lazy reporting in Pittsburgh, sure nothing has been going on, but your really not even going to look into what's going on with the second biggest program in the city? Especially with all the rumored changes and increased commitment. •
Thread Starter
Re: Sarah Spencer
Duques102 wrote:
levon1975 wrote:
When asked during the search what Cook thought about it, his response was "I don't care, I haven't cared about that program for 30 years, there's been nothing to care about". While there is truth to that statement I think that epitomizes the lazy reporting in Pittsburgh, sure nothing has been going on, but your really not even going to look into what's going on with the second biggest program in the city? Especially with all the rumored changes and increased commitment.
Maybe Cook was reflecting on how far Indiana has fallen as opposed to how close Pitt is to being great ;)
Pittsburgh media has consistently dissed Duquesne and unfortunately we haven't given them much to praise in MBB. As far as Cook and Zeise, etc... I don't really care about them. I think this search has shown that there are passionate Duquesne fans who care-that is all I care about. Go Dukes!
Re: Sarah Spencer
Duques102 wrote:
When asked during the search what Cook thought about it, his response was "I don't care, I haven't cared about that program for 30 years, there's been nothing to care about". While there is truth to that statement I think that epitomizes the lazy reporting in Pittsburgh, sure nothing has been going on, but your really not even going to look into what's going on with the second biggest program in the city? Especially with all the rumored changes and increased commitment.
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