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We've posted a bunch of their Duquesne stories on the board. I am following these guys regularly because they are the first medium to actively report on DU. Every other news source in the city has let you know every time Stallings has farted, but all other DU reporting ceased once Dambrot signed on. We've posted a bunch of their Duquesne stories on the board. I am following these guys regularly because they are the first medium to actively report on DU. Every other news source in the city has let you know every time Stallings has farted, but all other DU reporting ceased once Dambrot signed on. We have to build that fan base back up. Bobby Mo has owned us, but you hear nothing about them because they have so few fans. When Palumbo starts getting crowded, those folks will start demanding more coverage. KD has to put a winner on the floor. We're very optimistic right now, but none of that will mean much if KD somehow fails. The bottom line is, we have to win, and I don't mean at the RE level either. To get coverage that approaches Pitt, we have to win at a level similar to what they have. Let's face it. I see a lot of other markets not neglecting local colleges but the Pittsburgh media has either used Duquesne as a whipping boy or it has simply acted as though we're not here. From a journalistic perspective, the excuse that we've sucked for a while is bullllll... as Larry the Cable Guy would say. DK actually blamed "lack of interest" as the reason for ignoring us. Hard to have interest when you get no coverage. The lack of coverage, right after the performance of the program, is public enemy 1 for causing deterioration of the fan base. Let's face it. I see a lot of other markets not neglecting local colleges but the Pittsburgh media has either used Duquesne as a whipping boy or it has simply acted as though we're not here. From a journalistic perspective, the excuse that we've sucked for a while is bullllll... as Larry the Cable Guy would say. DK actually blamed "lack of interest" as the reason for ignoring us. Hard to have interest when you get no coverage. The lack of coverage, right after the performance of the program, is public enemy 1 for causing deterioration of the fan base. LOL!!! There are a few guys in porn who might be able to actually do that.
CURRENT RECORD 13 -17 (8-9 in the A-10)
Pittsburgh Sports Now
These guys have been terrific.
Re: Pittsburgh Sports Now
ElDuque wrote:
These guys have been terrific.
Re: Pittsburgh Sports Now
Z-Dub has been great. Occasionally you get a PG or Trib writer to cover us up to the Pitt game. After that it's all hands on deck for the Panthers. Think about what happened after Ferry was fired. Zeise acted like we fired Dean Smith, the moron comedy writer they employ acted like Harper was doing something wrong, and then the idiot youngster they just hired started her coverage as unprofessionally as she could. Of course, the same bozos didn't show up for Dambrot's introduction.
PSN is going above and beyond right now. It's great to finally have good, consistent coverage. Rest of 'em can go perform anatomically impossibilities. •
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Re: Pittsburgh Sports Now
ElDuque wrote:
Z-Dub has been great. Occasionally you get a PG or Trib writer to cover us up to the Pitt game. After that it's all hands on deck for the Panthers. Think about what happened after Ferry was fired. Zeise acted like we fired Dean Smith, the moron comedy writer they employ acted like Harper was doing something wrong, and then the idiot youngster they just hired started her coverage as unprofessionally as she could. Of course, the same bozos didn't show up for Dambrot's introduction.
PSN is going above and beyond right now. It's great to finally have good, consistent coverage. Rest of 'em can go perform anatomically impossibilities.
Overall, college sports is not a big deal here. The Pens get some ink in the spring, but 50% of the sports page belongs to the Steelers. Of course, few franchises not named the NY Yankees have enjoyed such an extended stretch of success, so it's hard to blame the papers for giving the people what they want.
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-This is an independent fan board not affiliated with Duquesne University.
-This fan message board is for YOUR enjoyment (even if it's not a good year!)
We want to thank everyone for their continued love and support for Duquesne University Basketball. GO DUKES!