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11/23/2017 3:28 pm  #1

City Game

Lebron is off December 1st then has a home game the next day. Any chance he makes it to the City Game this year?  Thats the only game this year I can him coming to.


11/24/2017 8:54 am  #2

Re: City Game

Will there be even 4,000 fans this year?


11/24/2017 9:23 am  #3

Re: City Game

Looks like lots of seats were already sold; nothing left on the court in lower bowl; plenty of end zone seats left. In upper deck, about 2/3’s of the Seats are sold; no end zone available sine they will be curtainrd off.

How many will show up?  You might be spot on with your 4,000 prediction, duq81.


11/24/2017 11:40 am  #4

Re: City Game

duq81 wrote:

Will there be even 4,000 fans this year?

I'll be there. Wouldn't it be sweet if there were more Dukes fans there than the other team's fans?


11/24/2017 2:42 pm  #5

Re: City Game

Watched the highlights of last years win. All the returning players made plays in the game including a big steal and dunk by James. 2 in a row. Let's gitter dun.


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