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3/31/2013 8:01 pm  #1

Notice to South Carolina

Alex Kline‏@TheRecruitScoop4m2013 St. Thomas More (CT) guard Duane Notice has verbally committed to South Carolina


3/31/2013 8:05 pm  #2

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Oh well, it would have been nice, but I don't even get my hopes up anymore, just like watching the womens selection show two weeks ago. I kept hoping and hoping but deep in my heart I knew we would not hear the name Duquesne.

Vicimus Atlanticum decem

3/31/2013 8:25 pm  #3

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Oh well. He'll get lost in that league.


3/31/2013 8:39 pm  #4

Re: Notice to South Carolina

The BCS flash got him.


3/31/2013 8:55 pm  #5

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Spent a lot of time in South Carolina in my days and I hate to tell him, but Univ of South Carolina is a football school--regardless of how they dress things up, the first love is football.Might as well go to Penn State. It's closer to home. No sour grapes. I wish Notice well but people there go to basketball games and sit and talk about football. Facts is facts. We make our decisions and we have to live by them.


3/31/2013 9:00 pm  #6

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Could be why we're talking to Micah Mason. Although the one-year transfer rule is in effect, perhaps for health reasons he could get a waiver.

Otherwise, we still need someone who can score and a dependable ballhandler for next year.


3/31/2013 9:08 pm  #7

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Close but no cigar. 

Glenn Elrod‏@GCRivalsGlenn14mNotice was originally going to pick Duquesne but had a change of heart last night.

     Thread Starter

3/31/2013 9:20 pm  #8

Re: Notice to South Carolina

CLK wrote:

Close but no cigar. 

Glenn Elrod‏@GCRivalsGlenn14mNotice was originally going to pick Duquesne but had a change of heart last night.

I had a feeling that whoever was ahead last night was going to lose out today.


3/31/2013 9:33 pm  #9

Re: Notice to South Carolina

They place that last call to the "losing" coach, and yadda yadda yadda, different outcome.


3/31/2013 11:31 pm  #10

Re: Notice to South Carolina

You cant miss a player we never had, this staff is working hard,selling the program .I am confident
Ferry is moving this program forward,he is recruiting his ass off getting involved with talented
high school talent and there will be dissappointments. Changing this culture is not easy.
 The Dukes are going to be a tough physical team ,they are going to pound the boards and be
relentless. The resources to go out and recruit are there,Ferry hates losing,I really like Coach
Rhodes,very personal and a very impressive guy who is a teacher.
 Everharts 10-40,and small ball was a mistake,if you want to be a big boy and beat Pitt and go
to NCAA tournaments you win with physicality,rebounding and kicking a little ass,something
that hasnt been  on the Bluff since Manning was coaching.
  Look at the Pittsburgh newspaper archives and the Dukes were viewed by other schools as
violent,cheap shot,hackers,the Bluff Street Bullies. Sometimes the game was won before it
 Thats what I want at Duquesne,a bunch of maniacal,relentless sons of bitches with that infamous
Pittsburgh work ethic and when we play Pitt,we play strong ball. GO DUKES.Do whatever it takes.


Last edited by CLK (4/01/2013 5:44 am)


4/01/2013 7:00 am  #11

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Ogunlesi has a year eligibility left.


4/01/2013 7:00 am  #12

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Welcome Stew, we have missed your passion.

However, the program did not need culture change under Everhart. I'm not going to keep re-igniting a tired debate, but I'm tired of what I consider to be talking points.

I hope Ferry ends up being the best basketball coach ever at Duquesne, but please, Ron Everhart was never "part of the problem."


4/01/2013 7:43 am  #13

Re: Notice to South Carolina

ElDuque wrote:

Welcome Stew, we have missed your passion.

However, the program did not need culture change under Everhart. I'm not going to keep re-igniting a tired debate, but I'm tired of what I consider to be talking points.

I hope Ferry ends up being the best basketball coach ever at Duquesne, but please, Ron Everhart was never "part of the problem."

Amen the part of the problem will be clarified by next year. Rons gone blame this mess on him is complete bull-sh*T. I always got a kick on how coach John Carroll gets fired from Duquesne & then gets the head job for the Boston Celtics.If we are around in 2019 & Duquesne still cant break the streak Coach Ferry gets the entire blame with this logic. I have seen this rodeo before. The foundation must be solid before the finishing touches complete the project. Please enough Everhart bashing if you want to compare the pros & cons vs. GA bring it! 


4/01/2013 8:27 am  #14

Re: Notice to South Carolina

I read an archived news article where Effrem chose Duquesne over SC (ironic) and others. He said he trusted Carroll, liked the small school in a mid sized city, etc. most importantly, he wanted to be a part of the future -- not the past. Carroll must've asked for more operating money and control. Hogan must've taken issue with that.


4/01/2013 8:44 am  #15

Re: Notice to South Carolina

This was a hard one to lose.  I guess what ticked me off the most in watching this unfold was how fans were interacting with Notice on Twitter.  Some DU numb nut got into an argument with a Bonnie fan and were copying Notice with their tweets.  The Bonnie fan sent Noticed an article on the shooting, and was generally bad mouthing Duquesne.  I am not saying this was the decidind factor but could not have helped.  Fans should not be interacting with potential recruits but I guess in this day and age what is there to stop them.

     Thread Starter

4/01/2013 8:57 am  #16

Re: Notice to South Carolina

It's truly a shame that some of us can't leave the recruiting to the pros. It's a tough enough situation  without someone throwing a monkey wrench into the works!  I believe Ferry and Co are doing a great job without any help!


4/01/2013 3:57 pm  #17

Re: Notice to South Carolina

stew wrote:

 Everharts 10-40,and small ball was a mistake,if you want to be a big boy and beat Pitt and go
to NCAA tournaments you win with physicality,rebounding and kicking a little ass,something
that hasnt been  on the Bluff since Manning was coaching.

While I agree that sticking with 10/40 was a mistake, I don't think RE went to small ball by design. I think it was just a case of him striking out on his best big man targets, having a couple fail to qualify, and those that did make it here turning out to be stiffs. He was pretty much forced into playing a small lineup, just as Ferry was this year. Of course you can lay some of the recruiting failures at the feet of the coach, but it's unfair to imply that he was playing small ball by design. Good inside players are very difficult to find. John Carroll tried mightily to bring in a quality power forward, signing three highly regarded players, none of whom ever played a minute for Duquesne. This is why some of us are very excited about Ferry landing 2 three star forwards in this class. If both live up to their ranking, the Dukes should eventually be very good.


4/01/2013 6:16 pm  #18

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Jeralta wrote:

I read an archived news article where Effrem chose Duquesne over SC (ironic) and others. He said he trusted Carroll, liked the small school in a mid sized city, etc. most importantly, he wanted to be a part of the future -- not the past. Carroll must've asked for more operating money and control. Hogan must've taken issue with that.

Wonder if Hogan woke up or sobered up long enough to do that.

Vicimus Atlanticum decem

4/02/2013 6:49 am  #19

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Ironduke81 wrote:

ElDuque wrote:

Welcome Stew, we have missed your passion.

However, the program did not need culture change under Everhart. I'm not going to keep re-igniting a tired debate, but I'm tired of what I consider to be talking points.

I hope Ferry ends up being the best basketball coach ever at Duquesne, but please, Ron Everhart was never "part of the problem."

Amen the part of the problem will be clarified by next year. Rons gone blame this mess on him is complete bull-sh*T. I always got a kick on how coach John Carroll gets fired from Duquesne & then gets the head job for the Boston Celtics.If we are around in 2019 & Duquesne still cant break the streak Coach Ferry gets the entire blame with this logic. I have seen this rodeo before. The foundation must be solid before the finishing touches complete the project. Please enough Everhart bashing if you want to
compare the pros & cons vs. GA bring it! 

Yes, John Carroll was so great a coach he told then freshman Mike James he would start a walk on before he would play him, after he put up 14 in a losing cause to Bona, then Carroll was booted. James became point guard and all conference player, later James was starting point guard for Boston, Jim o'brien was fired and Carroll became interm coach. He traded James to Detroit and Mike became defensive specialist and won an NBA ring. Carrol was let go by Boston by years end.James still plays in the NBA and starts for the Mavericks at age 37' an 11 year player. 

A diehard fan since 1961

4/02/2013 10:50 pm  #20

Re: Notice to South Carolina

CLK wrote:

This was a hard one to lose.  I guess what ticked me off the most in watching this unfold was how fans were interacting with Notice on Twitter.  Some DU numb nut got into an argument with a Bonnie fan and were copying Notice with their tweets.  The Bonnie fan sent Noticed an article on the shooting, and was generally bad mouthing Duquesne.  I am not saying this was the decidind factor but could not have helped.  Fans should not be interacting with potential recruits but I guess in this day and age what is there to stop them.

CLK, you are clearly talking about me here. If you would like to discuss this more in depth me with my email is available for you. Looking forward to hearing from you.


4/03/2013 5:46 am  #21

Re: Notice to South Carolina

Check your inbox.

     Thread Starter

4/06/2013 9:18 pm  #22

Re: Notice to South Carolina

He liked SC's weight room, Frank Martin's intensity and the fact that the Coach visited him in Toronto.  SC was a late push.  Wants to change the losing culture of SC. That would've worked for us too.



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