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Offline Bill played at Duquesne in the mid 1970's. The article is below and then an e-mail a friend received on how to donate if you can not make the dinner. Offline Thanks for posting this, CLK. Offline $20,000 was raised this past Saturday. Thanks to all who helped.
Bill Piekarski Fund Raiser
The Piekarski family has said interested readers are
welcome to contact Bill's daughter-in-law if you would like more information:
Kim Piekarski
Piekarskik@sasd.k12.pa.us or
KimberlyNoelle6@aol.com or
Additionally, things can be sent or dropped off to Kim at Shaler High School:
Kimberly Piekarski
Shaler Area High School
381 Wible Run Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15209
And checks can be made out to Bill Piekarski, if you would like to write a
Re: Bill Piekarski Fund Raiser
Pie and I are good friends. I will be attending this event and I hope there is a great response. Pie is a wonderful person.
Re: Bill Piekarski Fund Raiser