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CURRENT RECORD 13 -16 (8-8 in the A-10)

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9/29/2018 10:38 am  #1

Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

This is a quote from Wikipedia's article on Rooney Field;

"With a capacity of only 2,200 fans, Rooney Field is currently the smallest stadium in the NCAA FCS."

This doesn't make me proud and it certainly doesn't attract recruits.  It's amazing JS has done so well with such a demotivating factor.  How can he hope to attract talent to play against UMass, Hawaii and WVU?

It also makes it hard for me and other fans to bring friends and family (other potential fans) to a game that doesn't feel like much of a collegiate event.  My family and I go to more soccer games at Highmark even though I'm a bigger Duquesne football fan.

According to this link below, Georgetown has 300 more seats.  The next tier above Georgetown mostly double the size of Rooney. 

Let's at least get some aluminum bleacher sets to plunk on the flat patio top of the existing home stands and some more for the visitors side above those stupid concrete steps.  I'm tired of seeing football highlights that look like we are playing in a playground.


Come on Athletic Department... add 400 seats and at least get out of last place in the nation!  Turning around the park benches to face the field would get you 50!

Last edited by coffee (9/29/2018 2:27 pm)

Attitude is everything

10/01/2018 8:38 am  #2

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

If people are standing because there is no seating available then put in more seating.I dont know
if the attendance warrants that because I  dont go to the games. My personal opinion is football
should be dropped.Its a big money loser and the money lost  on football could be spent on other sports,
the mens and womens basketball programs,the only 2 sports that have a remote chance of producing


10/01/2018 11:02 am  #3

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

Stew, I must respectfully and strongly disagree.  That's what was the mistaken view of so many Catholic schools  in the 1950s ( easy for me to criticize retrospectively I know  but still true)and  who now wish they were generating  close to ND  or even BC revenue as the only 2 FBS programs.  There is a reason, money,  that these other schools  returned to football at the Division 1 FCS level and football programs continue to be added and not dropped at universities across the nation. My limited research  says the number of overall programs is  at an all time high.  Our football program  is largely self sustained with FBS games  and has  brought the campus back to life.. please  go to a game if you are able  and check it out ( my guest for sacred heart  if you want)! Homecoming ( there is no meaningfull without) is this weekend and I think you would enjoy..(I will miss for the first time in years ) . I ask you  respectfully to keep an open mind on this and Go Dukes! J McVay. PS I am passionate about the return and progress of this program and admittedly no way close to impartial as normally required! J McVay


10/01/2018 5:06 pm  #4

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

Judge Jack McVay Jr wrote:

Stew, I must respectfully and strongly disagree.  That's what was the mistaken view of so many Catholic schools  in the 1950s ( easy for me to criticize retrospectively I know  but still true)and  who now wish they were generating  close to ND  or even BC revenue as the only 2 FBS programs.  There is a reason, money,  that these other schools  returned to football at the Division 1 FCS level and football programs continue to be added and not dropped at universities across the nation. My limited research  says the number of overall programs is  at an all time high.  Our football program  is largely self sustained with FBS games  and has  brought the campus back to life.. please  go to a game if you are able  and check it out ( my guest for sacred heart  if you want)! Homecoming ( there is no meaningfull without) is this weekend and I think you would enjoy..(I will miss for the first time in years ) . I ask you  respectfully to keep an open mind on this and Go Dukes! J McVay. PS I am passionate about the return and progress of this program and admittedly no way close to impartial as normally required! J McVay

I agree here.   I think football is important. 

While I agree Rooney is inadequate as it now stands, I think moving to Highmark  is a mistake.  The only thing you have to draw alumni to campus (besides AJP) is Rooney.  And I enjoy being on campus at every game. 

I don’t understand why the press box was built eliminating so many seats.   I don’t understand why the temp bleachers on the academic walk side were removed.   I think Rooney could be made better.

  But they still haven’t haven’t raised the money for Palumbo so nothing is going to happen on this front.

I think if you move to Highmark you will have fewer fans.   Students will never go to Highmark and you will lose alumni who go to a game or two.  IMO. 

When they played at Cupples, 100 people was a good crowd when they were D3 in the Presidents Athletic Conference

Last edited by duqkurt (10/01/2018 5:32 pm)


10/01/2018 5:37 pm  #5

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

Now that Duquesne is moving up a bit to play some FBS opponents, the money will start coming in a bit more.  The Dukes are set to get over $400,000 to play WVU.  I don't know what they got for UMass and Hawaii this year.

Folks need to understand the "if you build it they will come".   The reason we don't draw well is because Rooney doesn't offer a true collegiate atmosphere.  Put in the bleachers, close off Bluff Street for tailgating, and get the band back together bro!

Attitude is everything
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10/01/2018 5:43 pm  #6

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

coffee wrote:

Now that Duquesne is moving up a bit to play some FBS opponents, the money will start coming in a bit more.  The Dukes are set to get over $400,000 to play WVU.  I don't know what they got for UMass and Hawaii this year.

Folks need to understand the "if you build it they will come".   The reason we don't draw well is because Rooney doesn't offer a true collegiate atmosphere.  Put in the bleachers, close off Bluff Street for tailgating, and get the band back together bro!

I agree with all your recommendations.


10/03/2018 12:38 pm  #7

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

coffee wrote:

The Dukes are set to get over $400,000 to play WVU. I don't know what they got for UMass and Hawaii this year.

I believe they said on the broadcast that the payday for Hawaii basically paid for the expense of travelling to hawaii and all the cool stuff the team did, but not much else.

i could be mistaken as i was imbibed  and it was 3 in the morning sooooo don't trust me

I hate myself for loving you. Quoting me without the expressed written consent of the National Hockey League is prohibited.

10/03/2018 1:52 pm  #8

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

Thanks Yak and I think you heard correctly despite the time of day or any other factors! I heard the same thing and the better revenue game this year was actually UMass I believe!


10/21/2018 6:59 pm  #9

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

I just went to the Riverhounds playoff game... Highmark has added quite a few seats and is SUCH a better and more professional environment for college football than Rooney.

Rooney is a soccer field at best!  Show Highmark to a recruit and they would just love to imagine themselves playing there!  Shuttle/party bus from campus!

The Dukes and RMU should play there for their game!  Clarion played a game there and they loved it.

Fantastic bar/lounge, seating and view of town... it's superb!

Attitude is everything
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10/22/2018 10:39 am  #10

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.


in the second photo, behind the goal on the left, you can see the expansion. the whole section used to be seats that went in rows as high as the right side. they expanded the left and also made them all bleachers (the right side was untouched and is still seatbacks) Due to a concession stand building that would need removed/replaced to expand the right side equally far back, and due to a lack of ticket demand, i think it will stay that way.

Officially capacity is unannounced but probably right around 5,000. SRO attendance on Saturday was 5,189. Aside from the Pitt Spring Game in 2015 which had 5,325 or so, that was the most amount of people in that place ever.

There are seats on all 4 sides of the field now, something Rooney cannot do. On the left side against the river are two rows of seats that run the whole length of the field, with a barrier between the field and the first row. Where the photo was taken is a fairly large pub relative to the size of concession we'd be used to. In front of the row is an area for SRO, picnic tables for eating pub food, etc. On top of the pub is the Club seats, which is where this photo is specifically taken.

I write all of this still fairly convinced Duquesne will not play football games here. A) I don't think the University wants them there and B) I really don't think the Hounds want us there and/or they would give Duquesne such crappy dates to pick from the University would no longer think it is worth it.

I hate myself for loving you. Quoting me without the expressed written consent of the National Hockey League is prohibited.

10/22/2018 7:37 pm  #11

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

Again I want to thank you Yakrbc and I am not sure if Duquesne wants want to pay Highmark for bad dates and I would thus generally agree with you.  Also  I know that day games are more attractive generally to our NEC visitors as they tend to reduce travel costs on their end but to Coffee's point,an RMU game as an experiment might make some sense on a Saturday night and really build it up as The County Game? Again I appreciate both of your insights! Jack

Last edited by Judge Jack McVay Jr (10/22/2018 7:38 pm)


10/24/2018 6:03 pm  #12

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

Agreed Judge... the RMU game at Highmark would be a real Pittsburgh event and would be GREAT for D-I AA Football here.

  Great way to try it!

It's just like playing  the City Game at PPG is a real Pittsburgh event.

Last edited by coffee (11/04/2018 5:01 pm)

Attitude is everything
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10/25/2018 8:41 am  #13

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

coffee wrote:

Agreed Judge... the RMU game at Highmark would be a real Pittsburgh event and would be GREAT for D-II Football here.

  Great way to try it!

It's just like playing  the City Game at PPG is a real Pittsburgh event.

Were not d2

I hate myself for loving you. Quoting me without the expressed written consent of the National Hockey League is prohibited.

11/04/2018 1:24 pm  #14

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

I think Duquesne needs to decide what they want to do with the football program.  With the new Vaccarello Center for practicing the program should be able to improve.  That said, as mentioned, Rooney is inadequate currently.  I think you need to do one of two things. 

1.  Go all in.  In this case, you probably need to move to Highmark for football and attempt to move to a better conference.  The ultimate goal should be getting into the CAA, although that is going to be rather difficult.  If we don't move to Highmark, then we definitely need to upgrade Rooney at some point.  I don't know how, but it needs to hold at LEAST 5000.  I'm just not sure this is possible with the current location of the field.  The team also needs to continue to schedule FBS teams to make money to fund the program.  I would like to see us approach the level of scholarship funds given to a school like Nova or Richmond. 

2.  Drop scholarships from Football all together.  I know this isn't a popular idea, but notice that I didn't suggest dropping the program.  If Rooney is the facility for the long term, then I think this might be a good option.  We could join the Pioneer league with schools like Davidson, Butler, and Dayton.  We barely beat Dayton this season and they don't offer any scholarships at all.  The Pioneer league even won a playoff game last season. 


Just random thoughts.  I try to watch every football game so I like to debate the program.

"You have to be realistic about these things."  - Logen Ninefingers

11/04/2018 7:47 pm  #15

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

I agree with most of your post Simms.  Forming an A-10 Football Conference would be an answer

Rhode Island

VCU and George Mason have club teams and have spoken of forming teams.  Attracting a few other teams like Georgetown may make sense.

Attitude is everything
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11/07/2018 5:00 pm  #16

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

Rooney Field is apparently going to be upgraded within the next five years according to an article in the Duquesne University Times. The article invites staff, students, community leaders and others to a Monday meeting concerning the University's ten year master plan. There is a list of approximately 12 items on the agenda including one which mentions a new press box, visitor locker room, athletic offices and a wall and seating on the Academic Walk side of the field.  


11/07/2018 5:28 pm  #17

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

A'64 wrote:

Rooney Field is apparently going to be upgraded within the next five years according to an article in the Duquesne University Times. The article invites staff, students, community leaders and others to a Monday meeting concerning the University's ten year master plan. There is a list of approximately 12 items on the agenda including one which mentions a new press box, visitor locker room, athletic offices and a wall and seating on the Academic Walk side of the field.  

Thank you for the information!  The image makes it look like there will be 3 upgrades.  A new pressbox (and hopefully more seating), a viewing deck on the new visitor locker room, and a permanent wall, gateway seating.  Sounds great to me!


"You have to be realistic about these things."  - Logen Ninefingers

11/07/2018 7:24 pm  #18

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

Thanks for sharing A64 and Simms as I had missed this! Greatly appreciated!


11/08/2018 8:37 pm  #19

Re: Rooney is the smallest Division I FBS or FCS field in the nation.

Fantastic!  I like Gormley, Harper and the the vision! 

Need at least 5,000 seats and a band to make it a college atmosphere!

Attitude is everything
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