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1/13/2020 8:47 am  #51

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

Dsnyder15 wrote:

phil95 wrote:

MikeR wrote:

I think Mike Hughes has shown much more restraint this year. I really don't want him to lose his edge though.

Mike has made noticeable improvement over the last 7-8 games in both keeping his emotions in check & avoiding bad fouls. I suspect those things are related. He is balancing his fire & smarts much better than he did previously. He is definitely one of those guys that you love having as a teammate & hate having as an opponent.

While it would obviously be damaging to the program to have any of the 4 grad transfer candidates move on, at this point, I will also be a bit heartbroken to see one/some of them not finish the job they were brought here to do.

I am obviously a fan but I also really like this group of guys. (Even TDM, who makes me yell at the computer screen so much that my wife & children occasionally become alarmed..)

Please stay & become Duquesne legends!

Back door to pre-crime huh?? SMH

I'm going to issue a fair warning here. Posting for the sake of being provocative is a no-no. There are a lot of long-suffering fans on this board who are trying to enjoy a ray of sunshine. You are admittedly an outsider, and while you have contributed some good insights about coach you also continue to lob crap grenades at folks.


This is a one-time warning. If it happens again, I'll suspend your account for a few days to see if we can get you to behave better.



1/13/2020 10:08 am  #52

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

townsonkid wrote:

duq81 wrote:

PhoenixRising2 wrote:

I certainly could have missed him, but I have not seen Frankie around the team, on the bench, etc. all year.  Certainly, Amari Kelly is noticeable. Any Frankie sightings?

I wonder if he's still in school. Might be that he and KD already know that he won't be back, and have agreed that he'll not waste his time with team activities, instead, working on finishing his degree so that he can grad transfer. Would make sense.

I saw Frank at the Princeton game on the bench with the team, but cant recall seeing him since.


It'll be interesting to see what path he takes going forward. Does he try to land with the best program possible, even at the risk of having a minor role, or not playing, or does he look for a team where he's likely to be a very big factor? If he's thinking about playing in Europe, it might be better to go somewhere he can get major playing time to show that he's healthy, and can play. It's kind of what makes Brandon Wade's decision so interesting.He basically chose what's likely to be a positive life experience, over being able to play.


1/13/2020 10:21 am  #53

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

duq81 wrote:

townsonkid wrote:

duq81 wrote:

I wonder if he's still in school. Might be that he and KD already know that he won't be back, and have agreed that he'll not waste his time with team activities, instead, working on finishing his degree so that he can grad transfer. Would make sense.

I saw Frank at the Princeton game on the bench with the team, but cant recall seeing him since.


It'll be interesting to see what path he takes going forward. Does he try to land with the best program possible, even at the risk of having a minor role, or not playing, or does he look for a team where he's likely to be a very big factor? If he's thinking about playing in Europe, it might be better to go somewhere he can get major playing time to show that he's healthy, and can play. It's kind of what makes Brandon Wade's decision so interesting.He basically chose what's likely to be a positive life experience, over being able to play.

Regarding Brandon White -  maybe he is dead serious about his Education.  Being from Pittsburgh the degree I got from DU means a good deal locally -  probably not so much in Michigan --  His degree from UM will mean a lot more up there than a degree from Duquesne should he continue to live in that area.  When was the LAST time you recall a hooper (or a football player) who said I picked School Y based on the Business (or Pharmacy or whatever) school for education????



1/13/2020 11:29 am  #54

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

Al, I am going to call you out on two counts.

#1: Brandon White??? Unless someone slipped through the cracks, you mean Brandon Wade. Who was a candidate for Mr. Basketball in Michigan, and now is enrolled at UM. Brandon is a great kid and a good ballplayer, and Michigan's coaches gush about him. 

#2: I'll give you a recent example of a kid who came to Duquesne for his education, but I won't name him publicly. He transferred from a big-time football program and his Dad -- who is a top-flight human being -- has said no fewer than 100 times that his NFL prospect son came here for a great education. Dad has a law degree but not from here. Every time a football recruit tweets about Duquesne, Dad replies about the quality of the program and the quality of the education.

Dad has a big-time law degree and works for what I believe is a top 10 company in the Fortune 500.

That's a pretty nice endorsement for a Duquesne education.

I'll give you another: We have a player on our WBB team who is majoring in biomedical engineering.

If none of that impresses you, go look at where some of our recent scholar-athletes now work. They are doing very well.


1/13/2020 12:10 pm  #55

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

El  Duque:  To each his own -  Aware that Anne Pier is a bio medical engineer -  

Think with MANY fewer opportunities to play professionally the ladies can and are more serious about their education than the guys may be.

While your example about the education might be true -  I'm also willing to think that if that when I was hired at PNC - my degree at DU could have carried a little more weight than a degree from an out of town school -  ALSO had I been interviewed at a bank in say New Jersey a degree from say Rutgers would carry more weight there than mine at DU.

The name was a typo unfortunately -  

CAN you tell me the last time a player listed his/her education as the reason he/she picked a particular school --  Even when it might be a Stanford or a Duke - they don't say that!!!


1/13/2020 12:14 pm  #56

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

El  Duque:  As for Brandon I was complimentary to him -  Unlike some other posters I did not bring up his lack of production at DU -  

Saying someone is serious about his education - I thought THAT was a POSITIVE



1/13/2020 1:16 pm  #57

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

OK, I think it's a little passive-aggressive to make a statement like "Unlike some other posters I did not bring up his lack of production at DU" but I'll take you at your word that you complimented him. Why do you undervalue a Duquesne education, or its value in recruiting? Coach Dambrot isn't recruiting only in Pittsburgh, and he's starting to steer kids away from bigger-name schools. 

If anything, I think comments like yours are unproductive in terms of our recruiting efforts, but what do I know? I'm a Duquesne grad who went there for the education.


1/14/2020 8:47 am  #58

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

Not a student athlete by any means, but even when I went there during the Dark Ages, everyone was impressed that I was going to a terrific school like Duquesne.  And that was before all the rankings that have come out recently by various magazines and organizations.  Not saying Duquesne is Ivy League but it has been and is considered a better school than  - well - many - not to denigrate someone by naming specific schools. 

Student athletes may think differently but I disagree that we have a less than good rep as a quality university.  Maybe people are referring to a national rep which is really only growing now more with the various rankings?


1/14/2020 9:14 am  #59

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

Mulder wrote:

Not a student athlete by any means, but even when I went there during the Dark Ages, everyone was impressed that I was going to a terrific school like Duquesne.  And that was before all the rankings that have come out recently by various magazines and organizations.  Not saying Duquesne is Ivy League but it has been and is considered a better school than  - well - many - not to denigrate someone by naming specific schools. 

Student athletes may think differently but I disagree that we have a less than good rep as a quality university.  Maybe people are referring to a national rep which is really only growing now more with the various rankings?

Unless a school is truly elite, it's always going to have more juice in it's backyard than somewhere else, mostly because a local school is going to have their alums among the folks doing the hiring and firing in the area. Thus Duquesne, Pitt, and Penn St. degrees will be worth more in Pittsburgh than in say Dallas, or Seattle.


1/14/2020 1:07 pm  #60

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

duq81 wrote:

Mulder wrote:

Not a student athlete by any means, but even when I went there during the Dark Ages, everyone was impressed that I was going to a terrific school like Duquesne.  And that was before all the rankings that have come out recently by various magazines and organizations.  Not saying Duquesne is Ivy League but it has been and is considered a better school than  - well - many - not to denigrate someone by naming specific schools. 

Student athletes may think differently but I disagree that we have a less than good rep as a quality university.  Maybe people are referring to a national rep which is really only growing now more with the various rankings?

Unless a school is truly elite, it's always going to have more juice in it's backyard than somewhere else, mostly because a local school is going to have their alums among the folks doing the hiring and firing in the area. Thus Duquesne, Pitt, and Penn St. degrees will be worth more in Pittsburgh than in say Dallas, or Seattle.

Didn't mean to imply that I didn't understand that.


1/14/2020 2:11 pm  #61

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

Mulder wrote:

duq81 wrote:

Mulder wrote:

Not a student athlete by any means, but even when I went there during the Dark Ages, everyone was impressed that I was going to a terrific school like Duquesne.  And that was before all the rankings that have come out recently by various magazines and organizations.  Not saying Duquesne is Ivy League but it has been and is considered a better school than  - well - many - not to denigrate someone by naming specific schools. 

Student athletes may think differently but I disagree that we have a less than good rep as a quality university.  Maybe people are referring to a national rep which is really only growing now more with the various rankings?

Unless a school is truly elite, it's always going to have more juice in it's backyard than somewhere else, mostly because a local school is going to have their alums among the folks doing the hiring and firing in the area. Thus Duquesne, Pitt, and Penn St. degrees will be worth more in Pittsburgh than in say Dallas, or Seattle.

Didn't mean to imply that I didn't understand that.

I know!!


1/14/2020 3:47 pm  #62

Re: Game Thread - George Washington Colonials (A)

One of my concerns about the whole conversation is that someone outside the confines of the board may read one of two things into the conversation:

1. There's no value to a Duquesne education. We all know that not to be true, but we also all know that people read stuff into things that ain't there.
2. Our athletes, particularly football and basketball players, are not here for the academics. Again, we all know this not to be true.

And that, my friends, is my last word on the subject.


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