Welcome to SHOO-SHOO, RAH-RAH! The Duquesne Dukes Basketball Fan Message Board!
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The one and only GMAn has issued an edict that for tonight's game at tip off everyone should get up and start the cheer: "Let's Go Duquesne....clap, clap triple clap" Part of the old sho sho Rah Rah. Spread the word boys, GMan also spreading on Face Book and other media. G also wants me to start up a Sho Sho Rah Rah, but that may depend on the crowd and how many bourbons I have. LOL And further we keep going with the above cheer until the Dukes make their first basket! Then we can sit down! LET'S GO DUQUENSE, CLAP, CLAP TRIPLE CLAP LaSalle might inject us with better 2 bye chances. Leading SBU with 5 to go. 😃
CURRENT RECORD 9 - 14 (4-6 in the A-10)
Let's Get Fired Up for GM!!
Re: Let's Get Fired Up for GM!!
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Re: Let's Get Fired Up for GM!!
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-This fan message board is for YOUR enjoyment (even if it's not a good year!)
We want to thank everyone for their continued love and support for Duquesne University Basketball. GO DUKES!