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While the Inconsistency is MADDENING (how do they LOSE AT HOME to GW - Then follow up with a WIN AT OLEAN??) The team's #91's Ranking before the GM game in pre game analysis - I think it is a CREDIT to them. I am all for giving the team credit for persevering through some very difficult circumstances. I think this is being blown out of proportion though. I have never been in the Power Center, but I remember the rec center part of Palumbo and I'd guess that had 8 baskets. I've also seen clips of practice during Dambrot's interviews. It appears there are at least 6 baskets, but at the very least there is a regulation court with a basket at each end. I do remember the WVU game itself, but not what was said during the broadcast. Perhaps the announcers were just mistaken. They may have said there was just one basket. If so they were wrong though. Last edited by luckymcd (3/01/2020 8:09 pm) Yeah I dont know where you're getting that from. 6 baskets in both the courts in the Power Center THANKS for some clarification - When watching the West Virginia game before the start of the season - on the screen ONE commentator said something along the likes of "Due to the closing of Palumbo Center and the building of the new facility - the team will play at three venues this year" The OTHER commentator said something along the likes of " and the court on campus practice facility is NOT regulation size AND has ONE basket."
CURRENT RECORD 9 - 14 (4-6 in the A-10)
A GOOD deal has been made of the "three home venues" I harken back to a comment that was made during the broadcast of the pre season game against West Virginia.
One of the commentators stated that "the practice facility had ONE basket" Think how hard it is to try to "stimulate some game conditions then"
By the way - If someone wants to "stay after practice" - and work on their free throw shooting, or three point shooting" MAYBE AFTER THE LADIES ARE DONE FOR THE DAY AND DO YOU MIND SHARING THAT ONE BASKET WITH ANOTHER PLAYER (S) WHO ALSO WANTS TO WORK ON A PART OF HIS/HER GAME??
Chassidy once said "after practice I want so many MAKES - not TRIES when working on her three point shooting.
Would not be surprised if Micah had a similar mentality. The Three is just SO important in today's game - hopefully the two guards that are coming in along with the new facility will eliminate some of this. Hope IN the facility (in addition to the court) there will be sufficient number of baskets to practice at.
I hate myself for loving you. Quoting me without the expressed written consent of the National Hockey League is prohibited.
NOT the kind of thing one forgets - Maybe commentator #2 figured no one was paying attention to what HE said. •
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