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Went online this past Wednesday. See: I am not far from Solon and remember Bekelja and Carry in the backcourt!
CURRENT RECORD 9 - 14 (4-6 in the A-10)
Men's Basketball Prospectus
No great insights here, except our recruiting class has expanded from six to seven with Hima added to the mix. Of course two of those kids are actually walk-ons, unless the NCAA has quietly adopted a scholarship limit exemption to allow for coronavirus opt-outs. But the way this is written and given the realities of our roster, of the new kids, I would only expect to see Acuff, Harris and Roesing play much next year.
Re: Men's Basketball Prospectus
Can only be a plus for Carry having someone he knows so well coming off the bench.
Underrated pick up!?!
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