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9/04/2013 9:01 pm  #1

Geraldo Rivera brings fame to the bluff

God bless the free pub we sorely need it!Go Duquesne


9/04/2013 9:42 pm  #2

Re: Geraldo Rivera brings fame to the bluff

Hilarious story.


9/04/2013 9:59 pm  #3

Re: Geraldo Rivera brings fame to the bluff

It was just a photo of his ego. But it's so big people got nervous.


9/05/2013 8:20 am  #4

Re: Geraldo Rivera brings fame to the bluff

Maybe Brooklyn lawschool his alma mater will pick up a symposium and hire Geraldo to chair. New topic "Who killed JR" ?

     Thread Starter

9/05/2013 8:32 am  #5

Re: Geraldo Rivera brings fame to the bluff

Yes, what great free publicity!  Pitt and CMU are lauded for their research and programs while we make the news over stopping a now second rate newscaster from serving on a panel. 


9/05/2013 8:26 pm  #6

Re: Geraldo Rivera brings fame to the bluff

Dear Mulder lets not forget the CMU female student naked as the pope. Duquesne did the right thing.

     Thread Starter

9/06/2013 7:58 am  #7

Re: Geraldo Rivera brings fame to the bluff

IronDuke & Mulder, that's driven by the "new age media," which glorifies anything that degrades society and turns a blind eye to good that does happen. Because of Duquesne's religious affiliation, the media doesn't want to know about research, it wants to know when the Holy Ghost Fathers do something that goes against the good "progressive" work that it is trying to do.

In all honesty, why would anyone CARE about this in the first place? It's not news, not the way Paul Krakowski taught me to define news.


9/06/2013 9:23 am  #8

Re: Geraldo Rivera brings fame to the bluff

ED and IronDuke - understand and agree but it seems we can't buy decent publicity.  Does this happen with Georgetown et al? 

In some ways, I think this proves in part the value of having a decent men's/women's bb program to get our name out there.  The higher status you have the less anyone has time for the picky items. 

If DU doesn't promote the good that it does, if DU claims to be a top notch university but can't successfully manage a basketball program, it can expect the silly stuff to be the only news it gets.  Plus if you decide to cut out anyone who has made a mistake or done something stupid pretty soon you won't have anyone left to hear from.  Maybe we shouldn't discuss the JFK assassination on campus at all - I mean didn't the guy fool around?  Not sure if I'm making sense (probably not esp with that last sentence) but assume that's a different discussion for another time so I'll just stop.


9/06/2013 11:14 am  #9

Re: Geraldo Rivera brings fame to the bluff

I always applaud any discussion of the Kennedy assassination.  I have seen the Zapruder film.  The fatal shot came from the front.  Jackie climbed onto the trunk and started scooping up her husband's brain.  If the shot had come from behind his brain would have been splattered in front of him.  Watch the Bud Dwyer video if you have any doubt about that.


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