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Offline The Coop is great, but the constant high volume of very bad canned music is going to drive fans away. I can't even hear the person next to me? And it's on constantly. Why? Also the announcer is incoherent because the volume is so high on the speakers that the sound is distorted. Most folks around me find it very annoying. Offline So, this board is nice for venting, but if you want to change things, people need (and not directed directly or negatively toward you NapaDuke) to email folks and let them know. Believe me when I tell you the more folks that email, the more of an impact and they do read them. Last edited by FAM (11/16/2021 7:17 pm) Offline Thanks for the info. I'll e-mail them today. I think some music is fine but not constantly. Offline Many have commented that the music is way too loud. I agree with those comments. 1 of 1
CURRENT RECORD 9 - 14 (4-6 in the A-10)
The high volume of really bad canne music at the Coop is irritating.
Re: The high volume of really bad canne music at the Coop is irritating.
jahrlingm@duq.edu Meghan Jahrling Associate Ath. Dir/External Relations.
(On a side note, folks around me do like the music but they DO think it's too loud.)
harperd1@duq.edu Dave Harper Athletic Director or new title: VP of Athletics (Big Issues - coaches, teams, etc.)
412-396-5861 Dave Saba Associate Ath. Dir/Media Relations - (Pr...media....PR....MEDIA)
Re: The high volume of really bad canne music at the Coop is irritating.
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Re: The high volume of really bad canne music at the Coop is irritating.
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