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CURRENT RECORD 13 -18 (8-10 in the A-10)

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2/20/2022 2:46 pm  #1


One of those days when EVERYTHING seemed to go right (other than the D being a little loose in the first half)  The threes were falling ..  mid range jumpers were falling --  post ups were working --  Heck when Dan asked the officials to stop play and let the subs in for the last two minutes or so - Tess flipped a 25 footer or so --  SWISH!!!!

Was a little worried because Johnson (#2) from St. Bonnie had a really bad game at the Cooper Center and figured she might come back in a major way - she did start strong but cooled off after that.

DU -  Megan has struggled from the line --  last year she was 22-27 -  She probably knows -- in a close game ball is going to be in my hands --  I'm going to have to make them - so she is probably working extra hard on them -  One thing that MIGHT be affecting it seems like  when she goes to the line it is right after she gets knocked down -  it's not someone giving her that bump 20 feet away or slapping her on the wrist with 15 seconds left - she does have a slight build and those floors can be hard.

From game to game don't know WHAT to expect in the A-10 --  Richmond after coming up here and getting blown out - takes first place RI to the wire --  Davidson who had been struggling knocks off U Mass -  so getting a win on the Road (regardless) with so many teams bunched up within 2 games of each other is great.



2/20/2022 5:31 pm  #2

Re: WOW!!!!!

The women cam through for a beleaguered fan base.   They always play hard.   They don’t quit.  Win or lose.


2/22/2022 8:57 am  #3

Re: WOW!!!!!

Well said A83  the basketball fan base really needed something positive to happen and the women stepped up in a big way with 19-threes total and a 32-point fourth quarter.  That's the way to close out a game.  It was much appreciated after the events of the previous night in Olean!  Many thanks the the Dukes women! 


2/22/2022 7:29 pm  #4

Re: WOW!!!!!

Amen A83 and Levon and thanks for the informative post Skeptical! Go Dukes


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