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12/06/2012 7:45 pm  #76

Re: The City Game

This year is a throwaway year. Next year's a throwaway year. The year after? Who knows. That's what happens when the eogtistical AD can't get along with the basketball coach. It's going to be three seasons and two recruiting years before we know what Ferry can do. If he fails, I think the next change should be Amodio.


12/07/2012 3:18 am  #77

Re: The City Game

CLK wrote:

Simms, there were only 2 signed when Ron left, that is true, but that does not mean that these other were a work of fiction.  These guys mentioned above were very interested in DU before Ron was fired (wether my friend duq81 buys it or not). While you may not have seen them on Rivals they were indeed being recruited by Ron, and known by many close to the program as be strong leans to Duquesne (some have said in the bag).  I know posters on this board who can confirm that these guys were leaning to DU  beyond reading the Alan Robinson story when Ron was fired.  In the bag or not, the truth is we will never know the ultimate class Ron would have brought in to Duquesne this year. My point of the post above is that I agree with my friend that the things being said about Ron's recruits (or let's say alleged recruits for sake of discussion) not being as good as those brought in by Ferry is silly.

CLK, the kid from California was comming to Duquesne. He had a relationship with "pappy" and Ron called me after he left his house Thursday night and told me the kid just gave him a verbal. For those who read my threads on the dismisal of RE should remember that, that Thursday night he flew back to Pittsburgh on a Red eye and got whacked that Friday morning at 10:00am. There was no time for RE to get the kid to sign, who by the way was being recruited by UCLA, but the kid did not want to go there because Howland was only coaching another year.

Ron visited the Arkansas juco two days before he was in California and that kid gave him a verbal also, again no time to sign him since he was on the road for that week and got whacked on Friday morning.

I don't speculate on weather a recruit will change a program for the good or bad, its all guess work and speculation. But those two recruits were comming, no doubt about it.


12/07/2012 6:39 am  #78

Re: The City Game

Thanks Scotch.  Above all else I want Duquesne to win and support Coach Ferry.  I just hope we do not look back at that day three years from now still feeling regret.  I agree with rittersdiner comment above.

Last edited by CLK (12/07/2012 6:44 am)

     Thread Starter

12/07/2012 9:39 am  #79

Re: The City Game

Duq81 you are a real fox hole guy. Loyalty friendship respect for saving this program. Drama queen my a**! If your going to the WVU game you would probably approach him and thank him for his efforts then jam the knife. Nice!


12/07/2012 7:52 pm  #80

Re: The City Game

Jeralta wrote:

With all due respect this is a yearly bloodbath. It must be the same feeling the Romans felt when it was gladiator vs. lion.  13,000 people lost interest at the 7 min mark into the game.

Hardly true, the game was tied with 8-minutes left in the first half!  You really  don't understand do you?  When a team is outmanned, as is usually the case with Duquesne against Pitt, it must play harder than the stronger team, and definitely must shoot well.  The only thing the Dukes did not do is shoot the ball well.  A lot of those were in and out.  You also had a lot of guys playing for the Dukes that never played on this kind of stage before.  Give it a year and you will see a good game!


12/07/2012 8:02 pm  #81

Re: The City Game

I wouldn't say their only fault was shooting. They were not able to guard the 3 point shot well at all an rebounded poorly. I was pretty disappointed with Abele's rebounding when up against a similarlly sized player. Adams has quickness that abele does not have. Marhold having only one rebound was also lethal.

No one thought Duquesne was going to win this game. They did not embarrass themselves so that is good.


12/07/2012 9:32 pm  #82

Re: The City Game

rittersdiner wrote:

This year is a throwaway year. Next year's a throwaway year. The year after? Who knows. That's what happens when the eogtistical AD can't get along with the basketball coach. It's going to be three seasons and two recruiting years before we know what Ferry can do. If he fails, I think the next change should be Amodio.

Not to be argumentative...I agree that this year is going to be up and down because of the youth of the program. May have been that way with Everhart's recruits as well. But my expectation for next year is much higher.

I know we're not recruiting the same level of players, but every year Calicheater at Kentucky takes a bunch of incoming freshmen and plays for a national championship. Certainly they're all learning a new system together. I do get that circumstances are different here. Marhold and Johnson have done things one way for 3 years, now here come new faces, new coaches, new systems, etc. And with freshmen who aren't a year from NBA contracts do come with growing pains.

But next year? If next year's a throwaway year then don't ask anyone to come to the games or drop a stinking dime on the program. You'll have 10 returning players who have spent a year working together in Ferry's system, including three guys (Colter, Winters and Bullfrog Jones) who will really be the heart of the team. Plus a Martins Abele who I have to believe in my heart will be a big player for us. Plus two power forwards with talent. Heck, I'm expecting top four in the A1-0 next year.


12/07/2012 10:13 pm  #83

Re: The City Game

ElDuque wrote:

rittersdiner wrote:

This year is a throwaway year. Next year's a throwaway year. The year after? Who knows. That's what happens when the eogtistical AD can't get along with the basketball coach. It's going to be three seasons and two recruiting years before we know what Ferry can do. If he fails, I think the next change should be Amodio.

Not to be argumentative...I agree that this year is going to be up and down because of the youth of the program. May have been that way with Everhart's recruits as well. But my expectation for next year is much higher.

I know we're not recruiting the same level of players, but every year Calicheater at Kentucky takes a bunch of incoming freshmen and plays for a national championship. Certainly they're all learning a new system together. I do get that circumstances are different here. Marhold and Johnson have done things one way for 3 years, now here come new faces, new coaches, new systems, etc. And with freshmen who aren't a year from NBA contracts do come with growing pains.

But next year? If next year's a throwaway year then don't ask anyone to come to the games or drop a stinking dime on the program. You'll have 10 returning players who have spent a year working together in Ferry's system, including three guys (Colter, Winters and Bullfrog Jones) who will really be the heart of the team. Plus a Martins Abele who I have to believe in my heart will be a big player for us. Plus two power forwards with talent. Heck, I'm expecting top four in the A1-0 next year.

TELL EM ElDuque!!!!!!!


12/07/2012 10:18 pm  #84

Re: The City Game

I dont know about top 4 but an NIT bid would be a good goal.

Side note, I like the name Indiana Jones a lot. I would enjoy hearing everyone cheer Indy every time he scores.


12/08/2012 8:03 am  #85

Re: The City Game

duq81 wrote:

ElDuque wrote:

rittersdiner wrote:

This year is a throwaway year. Next year's a throwaway year. The year after? Who knows. That's what happens when the eogtistical AD can't get along with the basketball coach. It's going to be three seasons and two recruiting years before we know what Ferry can do. If he fails, I think the next change should be Amodio.

Not to be argumentative...I agree that this year is going to be up and down because of the youth of the program. May have been that way with Everhart's recruits as well. But my expectation for next year is much higher.

I know we're not recruiting the same level of players, but every year Calicheater at Kentucky takes a bunch of incoming freshmen and plays for a national championship. Certainly they're all learning a new system together. I do get that circumstances are different here. Marhold and Johnson have done things one way for 3 years, now here come new faces, new coaches, new systems, etc. And with freshmen who aren't a year from NBA contracts do come with growing pains.

But next year? If next year's a throwaway year then don't ask anyone to come to the games or drop a stinking dime on the program. You'll have 10 returning players who have spent a year working together in Ferry's system, including three guys (Colter, Winters and Bullfrog Jones) who will really be the heart of the team. Plus a Martins Abele who I have to believe in my heart will be a big player for us. Plus two power forwards with talent. Heck, I'm expecting top four in the A1-0 next year.

TELL EM ElDuque!!!!!!!

I think you missed his point my friends.  What Rittsdiner is saying is that st the end of Ferry's second year he will only have 7 of his players.  He is not saying that he expects the Dukes to suck, but he will give Ferry a Mulligan if DU is not in the top four.  By Ferry's third year, however, he will have his players and we will know if the firing of Ron was the right decision, or if it time to find a new AD.

Last edited by CLK (12/08/2012 8:04 am)

     Thread Starter

12/08/2012 9:47 am  #86

Re: The City Game

CLK, I did understand it that way. But even the guys who aren't "his players" have a full year in the weight room, in drills, in practices, in conversations with the coaches, etc. Abele has taken big steps this year. Why can't Jerry Jones, Kadeem Pantophlet and PJ Torres also get better, especially within the context of Ferry's system?

I would look at that as simple excuse-making on someone's part.

The two guys coming in will certainly contribute from the start next year. I like Marhold, but with these guys he won't be missed. Sean's experience and scoring abilility will be missed, but why wouldn't we expect the three to-be sophomores to pick up the slack? Plus we have a wildcard with the final scholarship. Do we add another point guard to the mix? Binney's been a bit of a disappointment so far. Do we add a tweener-sized guy who can shoot? I don't even know who we're looking at.

I just don't want to hear the "starting from scratch" stuff next year. Pie's already in the oven. Can't turn it from peach to apple next year.


12/08/2012 10:12 am  #87

Re: The City Game

El Duque I hear you, but again I think his post was more about Amodio and his decision to fire Ron.  Rittersdiner if I am misinterpreting you post please correct me.  El Duque, if you are saying if the Dukes are not in the top four next year Amodio should be fired I can get behind that.

     Thread Starter

12/08/2012 10:19 am  #88

Re: The City Game

DukesDan wrote:

Side note, I like the name Indiana Jones a lot. I would enjoy hearing everyone cheer Indy every time he scores.

I second your motion, all in favor?  (happy)

     Thread Starter

12/08/2012 12:22 pm  #89

Re: The City Game

CLK wrote:

El Duque I hear you, but again I think his post was more about Amodio and his decision to fire Ron.  Rittersdiner if I am misinterpreting you post please correct me.  El Duque, if you are saying if the Dukes are not in the top four next year Amodio should be fired I can get behind that.

I'm looking for clear progress, rather than any particular number of wins, or place in the league. Place in the league can depend too much on other teams. If the top 4 teams are ranked, and we finish 5th, is that worse than finishing 3rd in a league that has no ranked teams, and gets one bid?


12/08/2012 1:10 pm  #90

Re: The City Game

The Dukes will not be in the top 4 next year. If you think they should be, just fire Amodio now because there is no way! Ferry's first class shouldn't even count really since he just had a few weeks.

If we are going to grade his recruiting to Everhart's we need to start with this coming year. I am optimistic about Isaiah Watkins. He had a nice outing the other night scoring 18 and 10 rebounds in a big win. He is playing with a bunch of BCS recruits so it is nice to see he is still putting up great numbers.

As for the last schollie, I say use it on a PG if you think that PG will be better than Colter. If there are no PGs better than Colter available go after another 6-8 to 6-10 guy. I have doubts that Datt and Martin will finish their career as a Duke. Not saying I want them to leave though. I actually think Datt could step in and play a decent amount of minutes in conference play if he is healthy.

This year is supposed to be a wash. I mean any win the Dukes get this year is a bonus because Ferry is working on implementing his system, not get as many wins as he can. That is why he is starting 3 freshmen.

I have been disappointed that Jerry Jones has not taken a few steps forward. I thought he would fit in well with Ferry's system.

Last edited by DukesDan (12/08/2012 1:13 pm)


12/08/2012 10:53 pm  #91

Re: The City Game

OK, let me amend my expectations: Top part of the conference, with hopefully a trip to the quarter finals of the A-10, and postseason play (hopefully the NCAA Tournament). I'm not calling for anyone to be fired although I think Amodio should be scrutinized based on where the program is overall. Football was a disappointment this year, and the minor sports don't excite anyone. Some coaches seem to have the job security of a Supreme Court Justice. Don't we expect anyone to win around here?

C'mon, man!

Dan, good point about Jerry Jones, although we had the same expectations last year. Maybe Jerry is just a good guy to wheel off the bench.

Indy is certainly good. I like Bullfrog because it has some old-school feeling to it. Like he's starting alongside Jazzy Cazzie Russell or something.


12/08/2012 11:00 pm  #92

Re: The City Game

Haha yeah bullfrog is good. I momentarilly forgot that song and didnt make that connection. He has a lot of nickname potential.


12/11/2012 6:06 pm  #93

Re: The City Game

I expect a winning season next year but not a whole lot more. There's nothing wrong with that. The conference is much tougher than even a year ago let alone 7 years ago when we hired a new head coach. I would hope for something more in the 3rd year of Ferry's tenure, but it's still a tough conference and maybe a lot tougher by then.


12/11/2012 6:31 pm  #94

Re: The City Game

We could be in the MAAC by then so who knows.


12/13/2012 2:18 pm  #95

Re: The City Game

Indeed, who knows?


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