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CURRENT RECORD 10 - 15 (5-7 in the A-10)

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4/01/2023 2:09 pm  #1

A-10 New TV Deal


I haven't seen any confirmation anywhere but this looks real.

“Fans will get the choice of subscribing to each game for $9.99, monthly for $39.99, or the entire season for $249.99. There will also be a sicko-surcharge of $1.99 added on for every game in which a team under .500 beats the current top team in the standings.”


4/01/2023 2:17 pm  #2

Re: A-10 New TV Deal

April Fool.  You had me until Tom Gola.


4/01/2023 2:23 pm  #3

Re: A-10 New TV Deal

Well, I bought the whole thing hook line and sinker. Sorry everyone. 

     Thread Starter

4/01/2023 3:05 pm  #4

Re: A-10 New TV Deal

mudfoot wrote:

Well, I bought the whole thing hook line and sinker. Sorry everyone. 

No shame!  I remember circa 1985 a local radio station reported the Steelers traded for Dan Marino.  My brother and I were ecstatic  this was pre internet days.  We thought all day long that the Steelers got Marino.  Totally crushed when we found out it was an april fools joke.


4/01/2023 3:49 pm  #5

Re: A-10 New TV Deal

Good one 🤣🤣🤣🤣


4/04/2023 3:00 pm  #6

Re: A-10 New TV Deal

I actually had one of those VHS-C camcorders back in the day. The tapes were tiny plus you could only play them on a VHS-C camcorder. You had to hook the camcorder up to the TV directly to view. When I went to burn them to DVD that realization came to light. I had to go out on EBay and buy a 20 year out of date camcorder since mine had stopped working. My Son's births, Baptisms and first Communions were on those tapes. But I digress. 


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