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CURRENT RECORD 10 - 15 (5-7 in the A-10)

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4/02/2024 12:21 pm  #1


I noticed at the A10 championship when I was in Brooklyn that Duquesne didn’t have the mascot there when many of the other teams did.   Did anyone else notice that?  Makes me wonder if a change is coming…


4/02/2024 12:54 pm  #2

Re: Mascot

CTS wrote:

I noticed at the A10 championship when I was in Brooklyn that Duquesne didn’t have the mascot there when many of the other teams did. Did anyone else notice that? Makes me wonder if a change is coming…

I just think it didn't travel with the team. Same thing with the band. The Lion Duke was at the Women's NIT game. Also, the university posted a picture of the Duke on A-Walk for some childrens event during weekend of the A10 Tournament.


4/05/2024 9:43 am  #3

Re: Mascot

That mascot is embarassing.


4/05/2024 9:54 am  #4

Re: Mascot

I am not exactly sure why but, this post made me chuckle. Maybe it is the blunt statement of the obvious.

What is wrong with using an actual duke as the mascot? A lion dressed as a duke is just weird.

FAM wrote:

That mascot is embarassing.


4/05/2024 9:56 am  #5

Re: Mascot

Agree. The color scheme and overall appearance makes it look like the intern from Pyxars Monsters Inc too a stab at it.

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4/05/2024 11:14 am  #6

Re: Mascot

FAM wrote:

That mascot is embarassing.

And yet it’s better than Duke Bear. I swear we got that thing secondhand from some school that changed nicknames.


4/10/2024 6:50 am  #7

Re: Mascot

It’s the Smurfs meets Frankenstein in the Lion King animated version.  Come on Harper, please fix it!  (:


4/10/2024 8:05 am  #8

Re: Mascot

I was not a fan of the Duke costume mascot but he's preferable to the lion which is like the most generic version of inspired animal duke that they could have went with...tone, color, animal just don't work for me...the JMU Duke is far superior sadly (bulldog with king crown is pretty hard to beat)...If they want to go with an animal they need to thread a needle between interesting/unique/cool while not being too goofy or out there...the current lion is not that...A lion isn't a bad choice for royal animal but it feels too forced. I'm good with going back to the Duke but feel like it needs a bit of a redesign as well...nothing modern though...it should be royal/regal like that JMU dog. 

I kind of dig these dukes from the 60s-70s...they're maybe a little too butler-ish but it has so much more character to it then the current Duke...



Last edited by TheActualDuke (4/10/2024 8:09 am)


4/10/2024 8:09 am  #9

Re: Mascot

FAM wrote:

It’s the Smurfs meets Frankenstein in the Lion King animated version.  Come on Harper, please fix it!  (:

Fam I have to admit your post is hilarious 😂👍


4/10/2024 8:30 am  #10

Re: Mascot

I like the lion. And it’s a direct reference to the seal on the side of the class ring.


4/10/2024 9:15 am  #11

Re: Mascot

Agree that a redesign of the lion (given our ring) or the Duke but please not the big headed Steely McBeam type. There has to be something in between


4/10/2024 9:27 am  #12

Re: Mascot

Have a contest for the students to create a new mascot, a Duke, and give the winner $5K or something.   I would hope there are some creative people on campus.   Is $5K enough for today's student?   


4/10/2024 11:30 am  #13

Re: Mascot

I just bought a vintage logo sleeveless shirt with the Duke whipping a pass betweenhis legs. To purchase on go to Duquesne vintage shirt. Very cool.


4/10/2024 12:18 pm  #14

Re: Mascot

Mascots aren’t for anyone on this board, they are for kids, and I can tell you as someone who dressed as the Duke a couple of times during games, kids were usually just scared of him. He looked like a creepy dude.


4/10/2024 12:19 pm  #15

Re: Mascot

This is turning into a very interesting & informative thread.


4/10/2024 1:20 pm  #16

Re: Mascot

Slow post-season if you guys are complaining about the mascot.


4/10/2024 7:44 pm  #17

Re: Mascot

Face wrote:

Mascots aren’t for anyone on this board, they are for kids, and I can tell you as someone who dressed as the Duke a couple of times during games, kids were usually just scared of him. He looked like a creepy dude.

This this and all of this.  Mascots are for kids.   I like the Lion.   Just like I like the new D.


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