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7:00 PM vs Cleveland State on Friday, March 28

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4/25/2024 2:59 pm  #1

Development in Uptown

Like many of you, I have great memories from my time on the Bluff, on and off campus in Uptown in the "Fifth/Forbes corridor". Over the years the slum landlords that sat on dilapidated properties and held the neighborhood back in the name of personal profits has always extremely frustrated me. Over the past several months lots of great news has come out regarding new apartment developments in uptown, and I hope the neighborhood can grow back to the bustling community it was. The BRT is also being constructed right now. When all of this development is complete I believe Uptown will become a desirable place for young professionals to live. The location of the neighborhood and the proximity to the central business district is too good for some slumlords to hold it back. Especially with the addition of the medical school and the momentum Duquesne has, I think the Bluff is in a great position for growth.

Forbes and Van Braam: Pittsburgh approves new apartment building in Uptown - CBS Pittsburgh (cbsnews.com) 
Fifth near Dinwiddie: 254-unit development surrounding historic Tito House in Uptown Pittsburgh moves forward | TribLIVE.com
Fifth and Moultrie: New apartment building coming to Pittsburgh's Uptown | TribLIVE.com
BRT: Pittsburgh's Bus Rapid Transit project has more money and a new name | 90.5 WESA



4/25/2024 3:20 pm  #2

Re: Development in Uptown

Good to hear. In the early 70s I lived in a couple of different apartments almost on the corner of Forbes and Marion. Sounds like both of those buildings will be gone with that project. It wasn't a terrible neighborhood then, but I'm sure it got worse. It was an incredibly convenient place to live for sure. 


4/27/2024 8:31 am  #3

Re: Development in Uptown

That section of town along the new “University Bus Line” is ripe for growth. 
I still think that it would be the most obvious corridor for subway expansion rather than a hyped up bus lane.

There is only so much room there without limiting auto traffic,  moving buildings and cutting out parts of the sidewalks.

Last edited by coffee (4/27/2024 8:33 am)

Attitude is everything

5/10/2024 3:39 pm  #4

Re: Development in Uptown

It needs to start with Frank and Wally’s II.


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