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Offline Double header the day before the election, will be a nice distraction from what will be a wild time. I will be on the look out for single game ticket sales and hope to get at least 2 for that night. And they better hang a banner that night, and have Dambrot and as many players back as possible. A celebration our fans need, and the coaches and players deserve. Last edited by townsonkid (9/11/2024 8:19 am) Offline The earliest single game tickets might be available is mid October till the end of October.Very uhnhappy with
Re: 24-25 Schedule Thread
Side note, anyone see Harper listed as a Pitt AD candidate? It was in the PG, by Cris Carter, a pitt hack, but still caught my eye. Pitt would never, but just found it kinda cool our guy get metioned.
Re: 24-25 Schedule Thread
that but thats what the ticket office man said.