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12/13/2012 11:27 am  #1

Dukes at Robert Morris

I really want to see us wack these guys. 



12/13/2012 2:02 pm  #2

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

RMU is the "next" biggest game of the year!  It is important locally to rebuild our reputation as the solid "two" in town and then start to sneak up on PItt beginning next season.  Forget about WVU, its over, this is a huge game and our guys better be ready to do battle. It is the biggest game of the season for RMU; they have not other natural rival; and they will do anything to beat us.  We must be able to match or surpass that intensity!


12/13/2012 8:19 pm  #3

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

For years I've felt Robert Morris Hoop Team was the third most physical sports team in the area -- Steelers were #1, Pitt Hoops were #2 and they were #3 (and the differences between #1 and #2 and #2 and #3 - weren't all that much).  This makes them VERY FRUSTRATING for us to play against --  hopefully Ferry having played against them as well can convince our team to remain patient and not get frustrated.



12/14/2012 3:08 pm  #4

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

This is a very winnable game. My concern is that what happened two years ago in Moon Township could happen once again. I saw a team in panic mode at the close of that very close game. I never believed then that RMU was the better team then and I seriously doubt that they are now. The home court was the difference. I believe that Jim Ferry has his team playing very well on the road so far this year including two close losses @ Georgetown and Albany. I believe this game will be different. Duquesne by 5.


12/15/2012 8:01 am  #5

     Thread Starter

12/15/2012 12:33 pm  #6

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Anybody who plans on making the trip tonight to the Sewell Center, let's try to get Duquesne fans to congregate in section G.


12/15/2012 8:18 pm  #7

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Completely unprepared to play tonight. Yikes. So much for "Finally having a coach who can beat Robert Morris."


12/15/2012 8:22 pm  #8

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

This is worse than North Dakota.

"You have to be realistic about these things."  - Logen Ninefingers

12/15/2012 8:26 pm  #9

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Colter needs to improve his FT shooting big time.

"You have to be realistic about these things."  - Logen Ninefingers

12/15/2012 8:27 pm  #10

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Plus it's magnified by solidifying our third-place finish in the city of Pittsburgh, Fourth, if you count our women, who also would have beaten this team tonight.


12/15/2012 8:28 pm  #11

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

23 turnovers. And I'm embarrassed by the technicals. Team losing by 20 ought to shut up.


12/15/2012 8:34 pm  #12

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Yea, this is an embarrassing effort.  Everyone has there bad nights..  But Jesus, this is bad.

"You have to be realistic about these things."  - Logen Ninefingers

12/15/2012 8:54 pm  #13

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

I'm sad.  The local media will be all over this. Don't know what to say.


12/15/2012 8:58 pm  #14

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

I had to stop listening. I knew this would be an up and down season, but the downs have been ridiculous.


12/15/2012 9:10 pm  #15

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

ElDuque wrote:

I had to stop listening. I knew this would be an up and down season, but the downs have been ridiculous.

I'm not going to say the downs have been ridiculous. This is the worst loss. Georgetown and Pitt are miles better than we are. Albany is 9-2, and NDSt. is 9-3. Were we really supposed to beat them in a down year? This game is the worst, because they ran us off the court. This is a 10-12 win team at best. We'll be lucky to win more than 1 game on the road, but we'll beat some sad teams at home, and get another shocker before the season is out.


12/15/2012 9:26 pm  #16

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Why play Marhold??  No inside presence.  Abele will be back next year?  Abele gets rebound or tips them to team mates.  Marhold at 6'6" is not a center and we get the crap beat out of us at center with him in there??  If it is a rebuilding year, why play Marhold?  Abele needs the time.  Next year, Marhold is gone and last year and this year, he's just a liability at center?  If Ferry  is here to change things, then why play Marhold?  He's Ron's mistake?  Every team has fast guards and fast small forwards, but very few have 7 foot centers (on the bench).  Man, I hate loosing to Pitt, but it is just impossible to discribe loosing to RM, AND especially this way!!


12/15/2012 9:42 pm  #17

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Who was it that made the decision to play RMU home and away? We used to play them 2 for 1, and it was a mistake to change it. Can't undo it now though.


12/15/2012 10:05 pm  #18

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

There are 200ish it seemed banners hanging from the rmu rafters. Nec champs in lacross, ncaas in softball, yada yada. Duquesne has 4. Maybe.


12/15/2012 10:12 pm  #19

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Anyone still think we have a chance to be invited to a big conf?  Not a chance in the cosmos.


12/15/2012 10:53 pm  #20

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Hey we kicked CMUs ass! Solid third in Pittsburgh. I do like this coach & staff. But the foundation for success is rotten.


12/15/2012 10:55 pm  #21

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Jeralta wrote:

Anyone still think we have a chance to be invited to a big conf?  Not a chance in the cosmos.

I actually think we improved our chances. Let's bring them in as our conference's doormats.


12/15/2012 11:14 pm  #22

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Lol, how quickly a loss deflates a message board.  We're as bad as a schizophrenic.

"You have to be realistic about these things."  - Logen Ninefingers

12/16/2012 7:18 am  #23

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

Jeralta wrote:

Anyone still think we have a chance to be invited to a big conf?  Not a chance in the cosmos.

I actually knew that you would post this and ridicule people for actually being exited with a shred of positive news.


12/16/2012 8:46 am  #24

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

I was not able to listen to the game last night.  Looking at the box score this morning and holy cow 25 turnovers!!  This team needs help.  We need to shed two players and bring in one pure point guard (who can shoot and make free throws), one combo guard shooter/scorer, and another mobile big man with good hands. Colter 5 turnovers, Binney 4 turnovers, Abele 5 turnovers. 


     Thread Starter

12/16/2012 9:58 am  #25

Re: Dukes at Robert Morris

i ruin parties and pee on birthday cakes. I get it.

it'll be that much more difficult for Dr D to compel other presidents to pick us now.

Last edited by Jeralta (12/16/2012 10:50 am)


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