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12/16/2012 9:55 am  #1

Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

BUT, I can't help but imagine this scenario:

SCENE:  The proverbial smoke filled room where the Big East Catholics are meeting to discuss their future:

AD #1:  Hey since Pitt went to the ACC we don't have a player in the Pittsburgh media market.

AD #2:  Hey, what about Duquesne; they have a good academic reputation, they're Catholic and they have some kind of fuzzy, way back in the dark ages tradition of basketball?  They could be coming back.

AD#3:  Yeah, after that school shooting a while back, they were at .500 or better in the last four years, made the NIT once, almost won the A-10 tourney, they're mediocre, but seem to be on the rise, at least they're not the total doormat they were for so long.

AD#4:  Didn't you see what happened last spring? Their best player transferred, and then they fired Ron Everhart, the man who took a 3 win program, and turned it around overnight, the most wins of any coach in almost forty years, so their idiot AD and their president decide to fire him, and that cost them two top recruits, so the Dukes are back to being the same old Dukes as they start their next rebuilding and the tenth or so "five year plan" in the last 35 years.

AD#5:  Yikes, didn't think it was that bad.  Hey, aren't they the ones who didn't even bother to send their band and their cheerleaders to the A-10 tourny the year they almost won it?  God, what a cheap, penny-ante operation.  My friend at Temple told me they were the laughing stock of the tournament for that decision.  Hey at least it wasn't because of their usual shitty play they were the laughing stock huh guys?

(all chuckle and nod)

AD#6. Their students don't care, the basketball team is so far off their radar, they don't go to games, and while we're on that subject, their other sports are awful. Women's hoops shows a bit of a pulse but they haven'T won a conference championship in ANYTHING in 40 years!  Their soccer and womens badminton teams would be a poor fit for us.  Media market or no, we can't afford another weak sister, who doesn't want to, or just refuses to improve on hte failures of almost four decades.

AD#7:  Ok, well that pretty much does it.  No way Duquesne, next school on the agenda?????

Wouldn't it be just great if Greg Amodio and Dougherty were the ones who put the final nail in our coffin that we have been building for 35 years! 

I'm with several others on this board. We end up in the NEC or the MAAC or some pathetic A-10 that is stripped of Xavier, Dayton and the like and I am officially done with this University and its athletic programs.  I'll give my parents money to the Cancer Society or something.

Vicimus Atlanticum decem

12/16/2012 11:37 am  #2

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

Tejas_Duke wrote:

AD#4:  Didn't you see what happened last spring? Their best player transferred, and then they fired Ron Everhart, the man who took a 3 win program, and turned it around overnight, the most wins of any coach in almost forty years, so their idiot AD and their president decide to fire him, and that cost them two top recruits, so the Dukes are back to being the same old Dukes as they start their next rebuilding and the tenth or so "five year plan" in the last 35 years.


Wouldn't it be just great if Greg Amodio and Dougherty were the ones who put the final nail in our coffin that we have been building for 35 years!

Here we go again! People get mad when RE's failures are brought up, but this is the stuff that will bring the RE bashers out of the woodwork again.


12/16/2012 11:50 am  #3

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

duq81 wrote:

Tejas_Duke wrote:

AD#4:  Didn't you see what happened last spring? Their best player transferred, and then they fired Ron Everhart, the man who took a 3 win program, and turned it around overnight, the most wins of any coach in almost forty years, so their idiot AD and their president decide to fire him, and that cost them two top recruits, so the Dukes are back to being the same old Dukes as they start their next rebuilding and the tenth or so "five year plan" in the last 35 years.


Wouldn't it be just great if Greg Amodio and Dougherty were the ones who put the final nail in our coffin that we have been building for 35 years!

Here we go again! People get mad when RE's failures are brought up, but this is the stuff that will bring the RE bashers out of the woodwork again.

There are a lot of people who like Ron, and have issues with the AD (me included).  Personally I have moved on past the firing and support Coach Ferry, but the AD his performance (not just basketball) is still in scope for discussion.


12/16/2012 1:15 pm  #4

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

ironically, it may be SMS that saves the day as an example of a program that can excel.


12/16/2012 1:35 pm  #5

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

If you are responing to Steve's question you have posted it in the wrong thread.


12/16/2012 3:19 pm  #6

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

It would be nice if we brought something to the table, but right now we don't. Maybe the women's team makes it to the NCAAs this year, but up and down the radio dial, our program is just a lot of static.


12/16/2012 3:29 pm  #7

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....



12/17/2012 12:29 pm  #8

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

Tejas_Duke wrote:

BUT, I can't help but imagine this scenario:

AD#6. Their students don't care, the basketball team is so far off their radar, they don't go to games, and while we're on that subject, their other sports are awful. Women's hoops shows a bit of a pulse but they haven'T won a conference championship in ANYTHING in 40 years!  Their soccer and womens badminton teams would be a poor fit for us.  Media market or no, we can't afford another weak sister, who doesn't want to, or just refuses to improve on hte failures of almost four decades.

Not that it matters much, but we did win the A10 in men's XC in 2005.


12/17/2012 1:09 pm  #9

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

The administration needs to sieze this opportunity and make a strong case for Duquesne being included in this new league.  The potential revenue stream cannot be ignored; along with instant recognition that the school would grab among donors, corporations, and potential students.  This decision also has implications far beyond just Duquesned U.  That is why Dr. D and Greg need to enlist the support of the Mayors Office and Visitors Bureau, the Consol Energy arena executives, and other Corporate backers of Duquesne such as PNC Bank.  Duquesne and the CIty of Pgh have much to offer and much to gain in the scenario that puts Duquesne in the new league.  How can Dayton match the potential that Pittsburgh has to offer?  These decisions have to be made at least partly on potential energy not just recent history.  The population of Pittsburgh is rising, with more and more young people choosing to live and work in the City.  Not to pick on Dayton, but other than the University; which is very nice, it has little else to offer. 
I recall when the Big East was formed, there were a lot of raised eyebrows when Seton Hall was included.  At that point Seton Hall was about a irrelevent as a program could be, on the basketball landscape; but given that chance to be a part of a great league, it prospered and actually made it to the Final Four at one point.  Now it is among the seven schools who are positioning themselves to be the power brokers among non BCS basketball schools. 
The City of Pgh. should have a representative in this league and Duquesne has much to offer, its recent mediocrity notwithstanding.


12/17/2012 1:35 pm  #10

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

Tejas, I have a tear comming, that was beautiful. However, it would not be funny if GA and CD drive the final nail, but they are tapping it in a little.

Levon, you make some good suggestions via Mayor, Consol Execs, visitors buruea, but I dont see AMODEGO one to solicit advice or help from others, he is OZ, knows all and see's all.

I have said it time and time again, this school dabbles in athletics, it does not invest in it to get a return, which would aid the acadamia side also. So here is their big opportunity, meaning CD and GA, but don't forget that the men in collared shirts own the place and ultimately it is their desicion on weather to spend the money and invest in this program, not to just be a part of the new conference, but to truely invest in new facility or CEC. Big time coach and a compliance director that guides the coaches not stabs them in the back.

Sorry, but if you want to run with the big boys, you have side step a couple secondary, or third degree violations. Is anyone aware the the Ohio State transfer Dorian Bell was suspended for the ODU game because a coach gave him a parking permit for an hour, thats right one hour, but the rat Christianson pounced on it.  Don't think that the 7 catholic schools are whollier than others, he who is without sin cast the first stone.

I could rant on but all said, I don't think that anyone trying to build a BB super conference gives 2 sh_ts about us nor should they based on what has not transpired in the last 35 years, and the one that got us the closest got whacked, way to think it our AMODEGO.


12/17/2012 1:50 pm  #11

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

Scotchngars wrote:

Tejas, I have a tear comming, that was beautiful. However, it would not be funny if GA and CD drive the final nail, but they are tapping it in a little.

Levon, you make some good suggestions via Mayor, Consol Execs, visitors buruea, but I dont see AMODEGO one to solicit advice or help from others, he is OZ, knows all and see's all.

I have said it time and time again, this school dabbles in athletics, it does not invest in it to get a return, which would aid the acadamia side also. So here is their big opportunity, meaning CD and GA, but don't forget that the men in collared shirts own the place and ultimately it is their desicion on weather to spend the money and invest in this program, not to just be a part of the new conference, but to truely invest in new facility or CEC. Big time coach and a compliance director that guides the coaches not stabs them in the back.

Sorry, but if you want to run with the big boys, you have side step a couple secondary, or third degree violations. Is anyone aware the the Ohio State transfer Dorian Bell was suspended for the ODU game because a coach gave him a parking permit for an hour, thats right one hour, but the rat Christianson pounced on it.  Don't think that the 7 catholic schools are whollier than others, he who is without sin cast the first stone.

I could rant on but all said, I don't think that anyone trying to build a BB super conference gives 2 sh_ts about us nor should they based on what has not transpired in the last 35 years, and the one that got us the closest got whacked, way to think it our AMODEGO.

This is my biggest fear.   That they won't even try.   That they will just use this as an excuse to stop the increased spending of the last couple of years.   The troubling part is if we don't get in (the realistic outcome) we will never know the truth.  Whether the BE7 just summarily dismissed us or there was no effort put into it.   

That would make a big difference to me and my on going support.   If you tried your best, contacted all available resources and we were denied, I can accept and move on.   If you didn't try or give the usual Duquesne half-ass effort, well, I personally can't live with that. 

Since the media pays no attention to us, we will never know.   For what it is worth, I e-mailed a bunch of people in the media for their take.  I even sent them the NY Post link.  Only response I got back was from Bob Smizik who said, "Thanks for the info",  stated he no longer does reporting, and posted the link in his PG blog.

Last edited by duqkurt (12/17/2012 1:56 pm)


12/17/2012 2:11 pm  #12

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

levon1975 wrote:

The administration needs to sieze this opportunity and make a strong case for Duquesne being included in this new league.  The potential revenue stream cannot be ignored; along with instant recognition that the school would grab among donors, corporations, and potential students.  This decision also has implications far beyond just Duquesned U.  That is why Dr. D and Greg need to enlist the support of the Mayors Office and Visitors Bureau, the Consol Energy arena executives, and other Corporate backers of Duquesne such as PNC Bank.  .

Yeah those Dukes shirts will be flying off the shelves at Macy's and...................uh.....oh yeah.....what was I thinking?

Vicimus Atlanticum decem
     Thread Starter

12/17/2012 4:37 pm  #13

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

Tejas_Duke wrote:

levon1975 wrote:

The administration needs to sieze this opportunity and make a strong case for Duquesne being included in this new league.  The potential revenue stream cannot be ignored; along with instant recognition that the school would grab among donors, corporations, and potential students.  This decision also has implications far beyond just Duquesned U.  That is why Dr. D and Greg need to enlist the support of the Mayors Office and Visitors Bureau, the Consol Energy arena executives, and other Corporate backers of Duquesne such as PNC Bank.  .

Yeah those Dukes shirts will be flying off the shelves at Macy's and...................uh.....oh yeah.....what was I thinking?

Hey, Tejas, that is another sore point with me, still after all these years, we can't waltz into Dicks or any of the major retailers and buy a Dukes Basketball shirt or sweatshirt.  The funny thing is that when I talk to people in the stores, they always comment that they get a lot of people asking for Duquesne merchandise; but they can't get it!  We were always told we had to go to the DU Bookstore to buy shirts; but guess what, as of last week the bookstore was not selling any Duquesne Basketball Shirts!  The said they only sell them at the games!  Seriously?  Another obstacle; I'd just like to know who is blocking the road on this issue?  Again, we do a good job of shooting our school in the foot!  Another pool of $$ going untapped.

Last edited by levon1975 (12/18/2012 12:06 pm)


12/17/2012 4:49 pm  #14

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

levon1975 wrote:

The administration needs to sieze this opportunity and make a strong case for Duquesne being included in this new league.  The potential revenue stream cannot be ignored; along with instant recognition that the school would grab among donors, corporations, and potential students.  This decision also has implications far beyond just Duquesned U.  That is why Dr. D and Greg need to enlist the support of the Mayors Office and Visitors Bureau, the Consol Energy arena executives, and other Corporate backers of Duquesne such as PNC Bank.  Duquesne and the CIty of Pgh have much to offer and much to gain in the scenario that puts Duquesne in the new league.  How can Dayton match the potential that Pittsburgh has to offer?  These decisions have to be made at least partly on potential energy not just recent history.  The population of Pittsburgh is rising, with more and more young people choosing to live and work in the City.  Not to pick on Dayton, but other than the University; which is very nice, it has little else to offer. 
I recall when the Big East was formed, there were a lot of raised eyebrows when Seton Hall was included.  At that point Seton Hall was about a irrelevent as a program could be, on the basketball landscape; but given that chance to be a part of a great league, it prospered and actually made it to the Final Four at one point.  Now it is among the seven schools who are positioning themselves to be the power brokers among non BCS basketball schools. 
The City of Pgh. should have a representative in this league and Duquesne has much to offer, its recent mediocrity notwithstanding.

Why on earth are posters continuing to worry about Dayton. Dayton will not keep us out of this league, Richmond or VCU will. What happens with Dayton will have zero effect on Duquesne. We are not competing with Dayton!!!


12/17/2012 7:07 pm  #15

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

levon1975 wrote:

Tejas_Duke wrote:

levon1975 wrote:

The administration needs to sieze this opportunity and make a strong case for Duquesne being included in this new league.  The potential revenue stream cannot be ignored; along with instant recognition that the school would grab among donors, corporations, and potential students.  This decision also has implications far beyond just Duquesned U.  That is why Dr. D and Greg need to enlist the support of the Mayors Office and Visitors Bureau, the Consol Energy arena executives, and other Corporate backers of Duquesne such as PNC Bank.  .

Yeah those Dukes shirts will be flying off the shelves at Macy's and...................uh.....oh yeah.....what was I thinking?

Hey, Tejas, that is another sore point with me, still after all these years, we can't waltz into Dicks or any of the major retailers and buy a Dukes Basketball shirt or sweatshirt.  The funny thing is that when I talk to people in the stores, they always comment that they get a lot of people asking for Duquesne merchandise; but they can't get it!  We were always told we had to go to the DU Bookstore to buy shirts; but guess what, as of last week the bookstore was not selling and Duquesne Basketball Shirts!  The said they only sell them at the games!  Seriously?  Another obstacle; I'd just like to know who is blocking the road on this issue?  Again, we do a good job of shooting our school in the foot!  Another pool of $$ going untapped.

I was at Dicks in North Hills yesterday.  I saw all pro teams Pitt and Penn State. 

Local high schools Hampton, NA, NH, NC, Vincentian. and Central Catholic.

No Duquesne.


12/17/2012 7:13 pm  #16

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

This is a shame. I would love to get an answer for why this is so.

Does Duquesne have some kind of exclusive agreement or do these stores not carry the stuff because of lack of interest?


12/17/2012 7:22 pm  #17

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

levon1975 wrote:

Tejas_Duke wrote:

levon1975 wrote:

The administration needs to sieze this opportunity and make a strong case for Duquesne being included in this new league.  The potential revenue stream cannot be ignored; along with instant recognition that the school would grab among donors, corporations, and potential students.  This decision also has implications far beyond just Duquesned U.  That is why Dr. D and Greg need to enlist the support of the Mayors Office and Visitors Bureau, the Consol Energy arena executives, and other Corporate backers of Duquesne such as PNC Bank.  .

Yeah those Dukes shirts will be flying off the shelves at Macy's and...................uh.....oh yeah.....what was I thinking?

Hey, Tejas, that is another sore point with me, still after all these years, we can't waltz into Dicks or any of the major retailers and buy a Dukes Basketball shirt or sweatshirt.  The funny thing is that when I talk to people in the stores, they always comment that they get a lot of people asking for Duquesne merchandise; but they can't get it!  We were always told we had to go to the DU Bookstore to buy shirts; but guess what, as of last week the bookstore was not selling and Duquesne Basketball Shirts!  The said they only sell them at the games!  Seriously?  Another obstacle; I'd just like to know who is blocking the road on this issue?  Again, we do a good job of shooting our school in the foot!  Another pool of $$ going untapped.

Dave Depitro he is in charge of all revenue generated departments, book store, parking, concessions, etc... he reports directly to Steve Shcillo, who BTW is leaving in January. This could be good or bad. Most who come in as the top financial planner for the University always wants to impress the board or Pres. with cuts here, waistful spending there, etc... If he's not a fan of sports nothing will change.

Unfortunately this new head planner and spender may be hired after the invites are sent and finalized. If this new hire see's this as an opportunity to invest and build and its not to late, then maybe we have a new leader willing to spend. But again, the priest own the place its their final say.


12/17/2012 8:02 pm  #18

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

DukesDan wrote:

This is a shame. I would love to get an answer for why this is so.

Does Duquesne have some kind of exclusive agreement or do these stores not carry the stuff because of lack of interest?

I know this is not an indication of demand. I have a Duquesne hoodie with the Face emblem on it.  I would say almost every time I wear it outside, I get some one that says Go Dukes to me. It surprised me at first.

I was in South Carolina in the fall and a DU graduate,  a young woman, came up and talked to me.

Is the demand as big as Pitt?  No. Would there be a demand at the holidays?  I say yes.

My sister bought me this hoodie for Christmas a couple of years ago. She had to go to the Duquesne bookstore to get it because no local stores carried DU merchandise.

Last edited by duqkurt (12/17/2012 8:09 pm)


12/17/2012 10:01 pm  #19

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

Penn State stuff is dominant. Pitt not nearly as much. Penn State is a national brand, and the big sporting goods companies put out Penn State gear. Pitt stuff is limited, and a lot of what you see comes from Pitt's campus.


12/18/2012 11:59 am  #20

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

duq81 wrote:

levon1975 wrote:

The administration needs to sieze this opportunity and make a strong case for Duquesne being included in this new league.  The potential revenue stream cannot be ignored; along with instant recognition that the school would grab among donors, corporations, and potential students.  This decision also has implications far beyond just Duquesned U.  That is why Dr. D and Greg need to enlist the support of the Mayors Office and Visitors Bureau, the Consol Energy arena executives, and other Corporate backers of Duquesne such as PNC Bank.  Duquesne and the CIty of Pgh have much to offer and much to gain in the scenario that puts Duquesne in the new league.  How can Dayton match the potential that Pittsburgh has to offer?  These decisions have to be made at least partly on potential energy not just recent history.  The population of Pittsburgh is rising, with more and more young people choosing to live and work in the City.  Not to pick on Dayton, but other than the University; which is very nice, it has little else to offer. 
I recall when the Big East was formed, there were a lot of raised eyebrows when Seton Hall was included.  At that point Seton Hall was about a irrelevent as a program could be, on the basketball landscape; but given that chance to be a part of a great league, it prospered and actually made it to the Final Four at one point.  Now it is among the seven schools who are positioning themselves to be the power brokers among non BCS basketball schools. 
The City of Pgh. should have a representative in this league and Duquesne has much to offer, its recent mediocrity notwithstanding.

Why on earth are posters continuing to worry about Dayton. Dayton will not keep us out of this league, Richmond or VCU will. What happens with Dayton will have zero effect on Duquesne. We are not competing with Dayton!!!

Just an example; not that we are competing directly with Dayton.


12/18/2012 12:03 pm  #21

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

duq81 wrote:

levon1975 wrote:

The administration needs to sieze this opportunity and make a strong case for Duquesne being included in this new league.  The potential revenue stream cannot be ignored; along with instant recognition that the school would grab among donors, corporations, and potential students.  This decision also has implications far beyond just Duquesned U.  That is why Dr. D and Greg need to enlist the support of the Mayors Office and Visitors Bureau, the Consol Energy arena executives, and other Corporate backers of Duquesne such as PNC Bank.  Duquesne and the CIty of Pgh have much to offer and much to gain in the scenario that puts Duquesne in the new league.  How can Dayton match the potential that Pittsburgh has to offer?  These decisions have to be made at least partly on potential energy not just recent history.  The population of Pittsburgh is rising, with more and more young people choosing to live and work in the City.  Not to pick on Dayton, but other than the University; which is very nice, it has little else to offer. 
I recall when the Big East was formed, there were a lot of raised eyebrows when Seton Hall was included.  At that point Seton Hall was about a irrelevent as a program could be, on the basketball landscape; but given that chance to be a part of a great league, it prospered and actually made it to the Final Four at one point.  Now it is among the seven schools who are positioning themselves to be the power brokers among non BCS basketball schools. 
The City of Pgh. should have a representative in this league and Duquesne has much to offer, its recent mediocrity notwithstanding.

Why on earth are posters continuing to worry about Dayton. Dayton will not keep us out of this league, Richmond or VCU will. What happens with Dayton will have zero effect on Duquesne. We are not competing with Dayton!!!

We have seen the enemy and it is us!


12/18/2012 1:55 pm  #22

Re: Not to beat the proverbial deceased equine.....

Scotchngars wrote:

The administration needs to sieze this opportunity and make a strong case for Duquesne
Dave Depitro he is in charge of all revenue generated departments, book store, parking, concessions, etc... he reports directly to Steve Shcillo, who BTW is leaving in January. This could be good or bad. Most who come in as the top financial planner for the University always wants to impress the board or Pres. with cuts here, waistful spending there, etc... If he's not a fan of sports nothing will change.

Unfortunately this new head planner and spender may be hired after the invites are sent and finalized. If this new hire see's this as an opportunity to invest and build and its not to late, then maybe we have a new leader willing to spend. But again, the priest own the place its their final say.

Ok, thanks this clown is getting a phone call from me ASAP (after the new year). This has infuriated me for years!  I talked to someone in the AD last year, when I was thinking of donating my folks money and I got the usual  "That's not my department" thing, which made me even more furious.

Vicimus Atlanticum decem
     Thread Starter

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