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12/18/2012 2:15 pm  #26

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

steve19981 wrote:

Tejas_Duke wrote:

I see a lot of "facts" and inside info being thrown around here. I'm not calling anyone a liar or anything like that, but its easy to post unsubtantiated things on a message board, with no footnotes, other than "My third cousin's uncle's best friend knows someone who...................."

And that is what I seem to see here on both sides of the argument.

steve19981 wrote:

    Hogan never turned his back on athletics because he never gave a crap about them to begin with. (1) He needs to be put in charge of alumni relations or fund raising. He's very good at both, but is completely out of touch and lacks vision when it comes to making student life more enjoyable or attractive to prospective students.  If the organizations under his umbrella are failing to support the athletic programs as has been clearly outlined in the comprehensive plan, he is also failing the university in that regard. Personally, I think his vision of what college life ought to be is part of the reason why students quietly loathe the school (2) And you want to talk about ego....

    I gave Ron a solid 4 3/4 years and I will give Ferry the same. If Ferry does not work out, I will be an advocate, just like you, that Greg Amodio does not have a hand in the hiring of the next coach. As of right now, I see Amodio as the counter to Hogan, a man who is not afraid to crack a few eggs to make an omelet and not just kiss peoples behinds because they throw money his way. His department is elevating the exposure of the team by playing games in the CEC, the City Game is an event again, both basketball programs are funded over average in the league, and he has shown the capability of thinking outside the box to utilize and increase revenues in a different ways after a 30 year dearth of creativity from this university. And it's hard to say he doesn't want more for the program than we're gotten if he's willing to put his career on the line to get someone better than Everhart. Clearly, there are areas of his job that need improvement, but at the moment, I like what I see even if it hasn't translated to a ton of real success and it's probably taken a little longer turn everything around than hoped for. Not trying to convince you or anyone. Just stating my position.

    I'm not going to sit here and try to compare Ferry and Everhart, because let's both be honest, you're not going to listen to me anyway and I've already done plenty of it. What I would like to point out is that Ferry is the coach, Amodio is the AD and Hogan is the Vice President of student life and there is nothing either of us can do about it besides complain or advocate change on an internet message board or in my case write a blog about it. I love my school and I want whoever is in charge to be successful whether I agree with them or not. Sometimes we have to advocate change but in my opinion it's better to do that than hang onto the past.


(1) Reading between the lines every conversation I've ever had with Fr Hogan about athletics.
(2) Based on my personal opinion as a student living on campus for four years from 99-03 and as a graduate student from 04-06.

Don't really see what else would need a citation. Everything else is opinion or my interpretation of events.

I was really refering to the Gary Duty and the Schammings pieces, which someone else has already called BS on , not the general statements about Hogan and his role in campus life completely sucking at DU, which does not need any citation.  I just can't believe the guy I remember as showing up drunk at Towers fire drills back in the mid 80s, and falling asleep during meetings with John Carroll is still in any way associated with the functioning of this university.

Vicimus Atlanticum decem

12/18/2012 3:16 pm  #27

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

steve19981 wrote:


My response was in no way a Ron bash. I'm sorry if you took it that way. I only see Amodio's ego as a "virtue"  in the sense that he is willing to run his department in a way that he thinks will improve the program rather than doing what is popular. I also think he has a strong vision of what the program can be.

Steve we just see things differently.  What you see as Amodio's strength (his ego), I see as his weakness, and why so many Alums are upset with him.   Reaching out to your alumi base to support athletics is not "a popular" thing to do, it is a vital component of his job.  In my opinion Amodio has done more to alienate them and has failed miserably in this area.  All you have to do is look at the empty Palumbo.  In contrast, why do you think so many of the alums were drawn to Ron?  It was because he was an accessable humble ordinary guy people could talk to and relate with.  He made time for everyone.  He answered calls and responed to e-mails.  I could tell you some stories that I experience and heard about the nice things Ron did for DU alums and fans but probably would be accused by some folks of making it up.  Not so with the AD.  It is great to have a vision, it is even better to accomplish goals.  I want to see the AD held accountable just like Ron was in meeting his goals.  I like Coach Ferry but he needs everyone else around him to do their jobs to help him reach his goals.  Not fair to him to have crappy game day experiences, decreasing fan attendence, apathetic student body and so on.

Last edited by CLK (12/18/2012 3:17 pm)


12/18/2012 5:23 pm  #28

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

Clk you nailed it! No problem with coach Ferry. People from this area appreciate hard work honesty integrity!In fact everyone on this board is forgiving of ones faults & mistakes that's why we are Catholic. But ego ego ego does not play in this town.Thats why RE was respected by alumni students & media. The handling of Ron's termination was classless. In fact GA led Charlie to step in a pile of you know what. We are fortunate to have Charlie. If GA could eat some humble pie maybe it's a start but he can't it's the New York thing.Oh yeah Colleary another New Yorker smarter then us dumb yinzers.Bottom line you can't blame it on the students. Alumni & fans. Currentlt we have a recipe for disaster. Charlie we have a serious problem.winning will resolve this mess unfortunately our time for turnaround is limited with the new big east. I think we all love this University RE represented Duquesne above & beyond wins & losses.


12/18/2012 5:47 pm  #29

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

I have never completely understood the issues people have with Amodio. From what I can gather there seems to be:

1. an issue with him not responding to emails. Okay, that is a fair criticism. Not sure what anyone is emailing the AD about but he should probably respond or have someone respond for him.
2. an issue with how the RE firing was handled. I don't get how the AD is to blame for a document  being leaked that was sent from the president to the board. If anything, Dougherty and the board member who released it are responsible. RE allowed the program to implode last year and deserved to be fired. 'tis the truth. That was a huge embarrassment to the University!
3. I think the coach is a more appropriate person to be reaching out to the alums in terms of getting them to games, listening to their wishes, etc. Amodio doesn't seem like a very public person or good public speaker. The coach on the other hand is in the public eye, the most recognizable at the school, etc. Not sure how he has alienated people, would like to hear more on this. There is definitely an argument for having an AD who is very personable and likable but I don't think the position should necessarilly require that.
4. Handing of cutting sports. This was a tough decision, I am sure, and if it allows bball to become profitable these sports can be added back in the future if necessary

As for student life at Duquesne, I would say it is good and bad. People sure do hate Duquesne though. It costs an unbelievable amount of money, the administration offices and financial aid departments are awful. The school happens to employ a bunch of snooty people in high places. They dont care at all about the students and are rude. In fact most of the major schools and majors are full of professors and department heads who are despised as well. When the students pay so much they should have a say in how things are done. The college system is the most screwed up system in the country. There is no accountability. A lot of students are stuck in the school even if they dont like it because they will lose credits or have to start all over if they go elsewhere. A lot of people do not like money being spent on stuff like the giant D. They don't understand how important outside images are. I think the way the money has been spent recently has been pretty efficient. There needs to be continued major upgrades to housing though and the on campus for 2 year rule is annoying, but wouldn't be so bad if the dorms were nicer.

When you have no reason to be a fan of Duquesne before you got there, there is little pulling students to become fans once they are on campus. A lot of the old timers on campus openly despise the athletic department because of how much money the coaches make , etc. Well this sure turned into a rant. I would say it must be about time for Father Hogan to pass the torch to someone else. Father Ray French would be my choice.

Last edited by DukesDan (12/18/2012 5:53 pm)


12/18/2012 6:34 pm  #30

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

One last thing, why do the Tamburitzans never perform at half time? Wouldn't that get some people in the stands who are not usually there?

Oh, and having the Jazz ensemble or whatever they are called perform at half time would be cool.

Last edited by DukesDan (12/18/2012 6:37 pm)


12/18/2012 6:41 pm  #31

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

No matter whose side you are on this University is one dysfunctional mess.    This has been an eye opening thread.  I didn't know any of this stuff about Hogan, RE's fund raising or numerous other tales.

It is disheartening to say the least.  Their strategic plan isn't worth a dime.


12/18/2012 8:26 pm  #32

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

Kurt, the value to us having the printed quotes is that we can challenge their actions or inactions in relation to their printed statements. This is golden as far as i am concerned.

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12/18/2012 8:27 pm  #33

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

Kurt take time to read the ohio u plan. Its a masterpiece

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12/18/2012 9:47 pm  #34

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

duqkurt wrote:

No matter whose side you are on this University is one dysfunctional mess.    This has been an eye opening thread.  I didn't know any of this stuff about Hogan, RE's fund raising or numerous other tales.

It is disheartening to say the least.  Their strategic plan isn't worth a dime.

I wouldn't say that. After all the first two goals that were mentioned to begin this thread happened and I can't speak to the 4th.

As far as I can tell, you don't move into the top tier in colleges and see some serious improvement in athletics if you have complete boobs driving the ship.


Again when I think the time comes, Amodio will be held accountable if need be.   in the rare opportunity I need to contact him, he's been fine with me butI get that he is not the most personable guy. The good news is that he surrounds himself with people who are. Bryan Colonna (sp?) and Jared Kramer are both fantastic. I certainly think that Amodio could do better with this aspect.

I think real attendance has been declining ever since the year after the NIT at the AJP based on my eyeball test. The team has gotten fits and bursts in attendance win they've been doing well and for Red Outs,  but really the actual amount of people has probably slowly tapered off. If season ticket sales are down this year, it's not just that Ron is gone. I think low expectations, the McConnell's not renewing and the out of town fans who bought tickets last year for the NCAA  had an impact on the decline if there even is much of one.


12/18/2012 9:58 pm  #35

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

Jeralta wrote:

Kurt, the value to us having the printed quotes is that we can challenge their actions or inactions in relation to their printed statements. This is golden as far as i am concerned.

But you have to question the leadership of the President and the Board of Directors when one person (Hogan) who heads an important university activity is allowed to proceed in a manner which is at best ambivalent and at worst detrimental (sp?) to another university department.

I really thought the entire University had a mission statement and they were all working towards the same goal.  Whether through education, service or athletics.   Mind, heart and soul.     

How can the President and the Board of Director allow this happen?  I don't care if he is a priest.  I honestly had no idea this was going on.


12/19/2012 9:14 am  #36

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

Again when I think the time comes, Amodio will be held accountable if need be.   in the rare opportunity I need to contact him, he's been fine with me butI get that he is not the most personable guy. The good news is that he surrounds himself with people who are. Bryan Colonna (sp?) and Jared Kramer are both fantastic. I certainly think that Amodio could do better with this aspect.

I think real attendance has been declining ever since the year after the NIT at the AJP based on my eyeball test. The team has gotten fits and bursts in attendance win they've been doing well and for Red Outs,  but really the actual amount of people has probably slowly tapered off. If season ticket sales are down this year, it's not just that Ron is gone. I think low expectations, the McConnell's not renewing and the out of town fans who bought tickets last year for the NCAA  had an impact on the decline if there even is much of one.

Steve, I think we have a different interpretation of accountability.  This is what I wrote in a post above:

"It is great to have a vision, it is even better to accomplish goals.  I want to see the AD held accountable just like Ron was in meeting his goals.  I like Coach Ferry but he needs everyone else around him to do their jobs to help him reach his goals.  Not fair to him to have crappy game day experiences, decreasing fan attendence, apathetic student body and so on."

To me "accountability" is not looking back three years from now and saying well this guy really screwed I guess we should hold him accountable and fire him.  It is being accountable every day to fix problems and get the job done.  I really don't care what the reason is for decreasing attendance, student apathy, disgruntaled alum and so on.  Someone, in my opinion the AD, needs to be held accountable and fix the problems.  The first step is acknowledging there is a problem, accepting responsibility, and taking ownership to fix it.  I do not see that happening.


12/19/2012 3:35 pm  #37

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

There's a very simple point that I have to make about the concepts of "plan" and "vision."

Some people can make them happen, and some people just sound good in theory.


12/19/2012 9:33 pm  #38

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

Listened to Amodio being interviewed during halftime of WMU game. Although he didn't sound like it's all glloom and doom, he didn't offer much of a picture of who Duquesne might end upbeing in a league with either.

My take (for what it's worth) is that there are going to be some substantial departures from the A10 who will be joining the 7 former Big East basketball schools.......and Duquesne will be left on the outside, looking in, in that scenario.

Basically, it seems like they will be dealing from a position of weakness, rather than one of strength and will take whatever is left to them. Sad, because the A10 really looks like a strong league right now and for the forseeable future.


12/19/2012 9:39 pm  #39

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

This situation is very sad. I think the C7 left now before the A10 could further assert itself. This league is awesome and a lot of fun.


12/20/2012 7:08 am  #40

Re: 2010 - 2015 DU Strategic Plan

Amodio takes no big action without the blessing and participation of CD and the Board.  That's just the way it works in organizations.  As you saw, deleting some sports to put money in others was an element in the Board-authored, Board-approved Strategic Plan yet GA got crucified as the figure head.  GA probably has more chained decision making then he was used to at Xavier.  If you don't believe this then the only other option is that he is doing things with full autonomy which certainly doesn't fit the culture of Duquesne.

Father Hogan's primary role in Student Life is to be a social butterfly and grease the wheels when trouble arises within the residence halls.  Too bad he was give keys to other departments.

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