"A Fish Rots from the Head" (Down)
I posted that phrase on the 1st- Duquesne Basketball message board, that came before the "Voyforum" board,, that proceeded this present day message forum. Yes, this present message board is the 3rd version of a Duquesne Basketball message board. I made that statement " A Fish Rots From The Head" ( circa 1987) as a critic of Duqusene- AD Brian Colleary (1985 to 1989}. I don't know the exact date of when I posted but I remember taking 6-months for anyone to see and respond to that post. We're going back to the Stone Age of the internet ....basically "Inventing Fire" ...LOL... So I'm not surprised by the fact that it took someone almost year to reply to my message.
Googled it...... "By 1985 many upper level professionals were sending e-mail. For example, government and military employees, students and academic professionals were common users, though "general internet access" would not be commercially available till 1992-1993.
Bottom line- This statement holds true then, as it does today. " A Fish Rots From Head" (Down).
When your leader the AD and above him the president of the University are not dedicated to elevating the program and do not see the potential good that successful basketball program would provide the University... then thats a BIG PORBLEM !!!! Harper and Gormley had the foresight and vision of what a successful basketballl program could and would look like and mean to the university. Harper hired Dambrot... and well the rest is now Duquesne University folklore and history.
As far as the coach hires.... Ferry, Nee were the worst, with Ferry slightly worse than Nee...Also to this day... I think RE got a raw deal on how he was handled and never was given a real legit chance to suceed ..... between the shooting and loosing TJ McConnell etc,..
To this day, I don't know what all transpired that led to RE leaving ....If someone knows....about what really happened ??? Please post your thoughts.....
Go Dukes
Last edited by CalDuke (4/01/2024 1:32 am)