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Men's Basketball » SEASON TICKET RENEWALS » 7/20/2024 9:15 pm

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Curious if anyone has received their season ticket renewal, I have not as of yet.  Believe I read that by July 12th we had to have our deposits paid etc.  Any news on this?

Men's Basketball » Game Thread - Fordham University Rams (H) » 1/21/2023 7:11 pm

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No perimeter shooting mixed with terrible play underneath from Rotroff, Williams and Reese did us in as many have mentioned.  My 10 year old daughter is very upset, asked me not to talk about the game on the drive home.  Over the Christmas holiday I went to Indiana and saw my nephew play two games; scored 27 in game one and 30 in game two (all were three point shots).  He's 5'-11'' and a sophomore at this time; if he grows more when I see him next in July I will consider contacting Dambrot or whomever is the Dukes coach to give him a look.  

Men's Basketball » Is the Transfer Portal a benefit to Duquesne? » 11/27/2022 10:05 pm

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Erik Kaminski wrote:

How many of you actually come to games? Because I want to host a meet up and hear what goes through the thought process of what gets posted here. I may throw some sasss because I’ve been slandered on this board. Actually, I just want to meet Stew because I think he’s certified crazy. But, hey, I’ll buy milanos and drinks. I have no problem meeting people face to face - I do it all the time. I just want everyone to support the Dukes and an NCAA appearance.

I actually have 4 season seats and go to the games, I have often wondered who on this board is possibly in the small crowd around me.  Bought my tickets in 1993-1994 right after I graduated, don't see one soul from my Duquesne years ever attend a game which is sad.

Men's Basketball » Duquesne Tickets » 10/03/2022 6:05 pm

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I went back and checked every Duquesne mail since 2021 and nothing on the renewal notice shown by VBC that came recently is anywhere or in any location.  Thank you VBC for providing me the letter!  I checked and found a mail from 05-06-2021 that at least had the link to access my online account and saw my invoice for 2022-2023.  The ticket office also returned my call and sent me an email today from the message I left over the weekend.  Once again thank you for the helpful responses and seeing all the problems people have had makes me cautious now for future invoices and to check my tickets thoroughly.

Men's Basketball » Duquesne Tickets » 10/02/2022 8:59 pm

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Tejas_Duke wrote:


I've received and heard nothing on renewing my season tickets which I've had for nearly 30 years.  Does anyone know anything or has experienced the same?  I did call the ticket office but could only leave a message.

Nor have I. I never heard a word last year, and I was a season ticket holder for three years before that. I HAD to call them first, but I am done!  Never got an email or anything. Tired of this Mickey Mouse operation.

Completely understand your frustration!  My daughter is a good little player and loves going to the games plus my niece may pick Duquesne as her college so want to keep them on my end.

Men's Basketball » Duquesne Tickets » 10/02/2022 8:56 pm

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VBC wrote:

I've already renewed both my men's and women's season tickets.  Check your spam or junk e-mail folders as that is where my renewal emails went. 

Do you have any idea of the date you received the renewals and they appeared in your junk folder?  Looking through mine with no luck so far.  Thank you!

Men's Basketball » Duquesne Tickets » 10/02/2022 8:29 am

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I've received and heard nothing on renewing my season tickets which I've had for nearly 30 years.  Does anyone know anything or has experienced the same?  I did call the ticket office but could only leave a message.

Men's Basketball » PG article about our new players... » 6/29/2022 7:38 pm

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KenOTR73 wrote:

Just glad he hasn't said "this is the best team I've had at Duquesne"...

Great point-LOL! Glad Dambrot didn't make such a statement again.

Men's Basketball » PG article about our new players... » 6/28/2022 9:24 pm

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Ironduke81 wrote:

Good job by Duquesne Sports PR Department getting the PG to do this story during the dead months of college basketball. This board at times criticized the Athletic Department for a lack of info regarding the Dukes so I thought it was fair to recognize Coach Dambrots brief overview of the new players👍

I get the feeling these great vibes from the Duquesne Sports PR Department efforts with the PG story will be soon followed by a billing invoice for 2022-2023 season tickets

Basketball Recruiting » Devin Carney » 4/20/2022 4:46 pm

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townsonkid wrote:

He was a scoring machine for Butler HS, like 28 ppg.   Couple A10 teams were interested in him.  Decommitted from Elon after coach left.   St Bona offered him recently.   

Tre Mitchell enters transfer portal.   

I'm from Butler, I've seen him play many times and subscribe to the local paper which he was constantly in the sports page.  Overshadowed by Ethan Morton two years ago and covid mess kept him from being notice by bigger programs until now.  Personally I'm excited to see the Dukes pursuing Devin, excellent shooter and smart player.  Having Matt Clement as a coach at Butler, playing successfully in high pressured WPIAL games are all positives.

Men's Basketball » Team has checked out » 2/22/2022 11:15 pm

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stew wrote:

I dont know the first thing about marketing or sales but putting boots on the ground and going door to door
to talk to Duquesne alumni face to face.Sell your passion,know your product and work your tail off this summer.
I dont think stuff like that gets done.I think its sitting in a office,making some calls to basketball supporters
and watching the clock and punching out and b.s.ing your boss with a story. Sell the program,work passionately!!

Go to local high schools, visit with office staff prior to an assembly that has a motivational speech tone.  I got Dambrot to my high school when he was first hired.  Many on the staff follow the Dukes just because he came and they enjoyed his visit.

Men's Basketball » Team has checked out » 2/21/2022 9:57 pm

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Simms wrote:

I haven't posted during the season because quite frankly I've been disgusted with the team and effort.  I've stuck to watching tennis and the NBA.  That said, here are some of my thoughts:

1.  Dambrot should get one more season.  I know it isn't what many people want, but he has earned it.  This season has been as bad as Nee's final year, but the previous seasons have not been. College hoops is like free agency anymore, so maybe Dambrot can rearrange the roster through the portal.  Remember, many people wanted Everhart to leave as well.  Be careful what you wish for.

2.  I keep seeing mentioned of the Miller brothers on the board.  I find it extremely unlikely that Archie won't be coaching at a P5 school.  In fact, I suspect Sean will be at Pitt and Archie will be at NC State soon.  The last time we conducted a search we offered and failed to secure:  King Rice, Dane Fife, and some other random coach I can't even remember until we settled on Dambrot, a move I must remind everyone that was essentially praised.

3.  If we do go after another coach, I hope Kenya Hunter gets a look.  He is an absolutely incredible recruiter and a solid coach.  The IU fans were irate about the Woodson hire but when they found out Hunter was staying many calmed down.  DU needs talent, and I think he could bring us to a level above many of our previous coaches. He would absolutely take the job and look to restore his alma mater.  

4.  Chris Mack would be an absolutely bonkers (in a good way) hire, but again, I think we would be really hard pressed to land him.  I wouldn't mind Pat Kelsey (his former Associate Head coach) either.  If Mack thinks he can win with us, then I would probably take him over any other coach (including Archie Miller).  

4.  It's crazy to me that the Pgh area has 3 coaches who are perceived to be good, yet all 3 local teams are absolutely terrible this season.  I think the transfer portal has really screwed with some coaches,

Men's Basketball » Team has checked out » 2/19/2022 9:51 pm

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I hope you're right about coaches wanting to come to Duquesne and make millions while trying to turn this around.  I just look at how last coaching search we didn't get much interest from the candidates we wanted before Dambrot agreed to take the position.

Men's Basketball » Team has checked out » 2/19/2022 9:36 pm

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I agree that the new arena won't attract any coach with a good pedigree.  Duquesne's head coaching position is likely viewed as career threatening in basketball circles.  Honestly I don't see keeping Dambrot as the right move but finding a replacement is no guarantee of success either.  If I was the AD I would be scouring all programs to see if I could luck out and get an up and coming coach before he becomes well known.  That may mean taking a big chance on somebody that is a strong recruiter with only a few winning seasons at a smaller conference.  If Dambrot is kept and turns it around next year I would be more than happy to say I was wrong.  One thing we all share is we're sick and tired of losing!  I was born in 1970, my good memories are few to say the least.  I've been a season ticket holder since I graduated in 1993 and Derrick Alston/Aaron Jackson have given me my good memories  My biggest fear is Dambrot is fired and we bring in another Scott Edgar.  

Men's Basketball » Team has checked out » 2/19/2022 9:05 pm

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Dead on!  Keeping Dambrot next year will not bring anything but a repeat of this season.  The effort on national tv was beyond embarrassing and will only bring harm to recruiting efforts.  Blowing it up is the only way, not really any players worth keeping in my opinion.  My main concern is will anyone even want to coach here?  It is sad how losing teams/programs always show the stars and moments of their once proud history.  Talking about great teams of the 1950's and making the tourney with Norm Nixon back in 1977 won't do one bit for recruiting or reviving a virtually extinct fan base.  Winning with a strong university commitment to developing an annual contender in the A-10 is the only way things will change.  Many thought Coach Dambrot would get the job done, including myself, but I believe I was wrong and change is needed.  Sad to me how St. Bonaventure can recruit good players surrounded in a boring campus community while we can't in a city with plenty of atmosphere and activities.  GO DUKES!

Men's Basketball » Game Thread - Fordham Rams (H) » 2/12/2022 10:39 pm

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Does anyone on this forum believe the administration will make any changes at season's end? If we lose the rest or win one somehow I just don't know if Harper will do anything?  Honestly if you were the AD what would you do?  If you fire Dambrot or he simply resigns who would even have any interest in the head coaching position here?  Not sure that Archie Miller would of even had any interest in coming to Duquesne.  It is depressing to write this but I'm just being honest; the only difference between now and our last coaching search is the facility upgrade.

Men's Basketball » I'm here to Win Championships » 2/07/2022 5:22 pm

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I see our only chance as we must find that up and coming young coach that will turn this around then leave to a bigger program.  It has to be a young coach that serves as a magnet to the young players of today; what other way can we stop the continuous transfer portal entries and increase recruiting?  We can't sign a big name coach, who would want the job anyways?  Last coaching search all Duquesne received were coaches turning down the job then Dambrot shockingly was coming to town.  Talking to Dambrot a few months after he was hired he mentioned that this contract probably is his last because he'll be roughly 65 when it ends.  Now here we are nearly at the end of his original deal, his father has passed away whom he hoped to turn the Dukes into a winner for and this season has been a fiasco.  I know finding that special young coach is not easy but we may have to reach for someone a bit early that is not well known but would not reject the offer and is confident in their abilities.  I wish we had someone like that now; my nephew lives in Indiana and is scoring 20-30 points a game as a freshman at a high school known for basketball and also in which freshman usually don't touch the court.  I'd love to see my nephew on the Dukes and I think a young driven coach would be more enticing to him.

Men's Basketball » I'm here to Win Championships » 2/06/2022 9:37 pm

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I really believed in Dambrot but have now lost faith that he will get this turned around.  Harper can't let him return next year, doing such is supporting the disgraceful season we've been watching and endorsing a repeat in 2022-23.  Being a season ticket holder since 1993, it will be difficult sending payment for my 4 seats if nothing is done in the offseason. Dambrot has had 5 years, no more are justifiable if the university is committed to winning.  I honestly believe I'll see the Pirates in the World Series before the Dukes win the A-10 or make the NCAA Tournament.  Ask yourself if you were in Harper's shoes what would you honestly do?  GO DUKES!

Men's Basketball » Game Thread - Colorado Buffaloes » 11/20/2021 8:42 pm

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Totally correct!  This one is on Dambrot and the coaching staff, another disappointing loss. It is hard not to get disgusted that we are playing Bradley tomorrow  for the bragging rights to 7th place in an 8 team tourney. Beginning to wonder if Dambrot wants to continue past this season?  I wouldn't be shocked to see him retire from coaching.

Men's Basketball » Season tickets have arrived » 11/02/2021 8:01 pm

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Printing out my tickets as well, still have a flip-phone (purchased July 2005) and too stubborn to change!

Men's Basketball » I dont understand the silent treatment Duquesne fans deal with » 10/28/2021 1:20 am

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I completely agree that the lack of winning is the main reason for poor attendance/interest.  I graduated in 1993 and I'm in my 28th year as a season ticket holder, I've seen virtually nobody from my class at the games, none are season ticket holders that I've come across.  During my undergraduate years we saw consistent losing, dealt with a head coach that wouldn't even stoop to say hello to us students (John Carroll) and the athletic department made zero effort to stimulate/encourage interest in the student body to attend. I log in daily and read your posts consistently which has been a pleasure plus informative.  I rarely comment since it appears many of you know each other personally and were here during the Dukes better days.  I actually just increased my season tickets from 2 seats to 4 so I can get my family to games more often.  Norm Nixon lead the Dukes to their last NCAA birth in 1977 when I was in first grade; only a trip and first round win will get attendance on the upswing, not a new fieldhouse.

Men's Basketball » Harris » 5/16/2021 8:33 pm

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I completely agree with being tired of this!  I think also it is worse than free agency, at least with that free agents sign a contract sometimes for 2 or 3 years with a team.  We may see this season some of these additions perform extremely well then decide to enter the portal next spring and depart for a higher conference.  The young athletes of today can't handle criticism at all and don't understand that old school coaches like Dambrot can seem angry or being harsh but are doing so to make you elevate your game to be the best you can be. This easy transfer portal doesn't to me bond a student-athlete to a school with pride, instead it is just another team that you're on for this season.

Men's Basketball » TDM In Transfer Portal » 5/05/2021 9:20 pm

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Totally agree this would be a shocking development.  I appreciate all that TDM did at Duquesne but I can't imagine the Pitt fanbase being excited at this acquisition.  Capel looks like a bust, more likely to put everyone on Cardiac Hill into cardiac arrest with the signings so far.  I feel Coach Dambrot is going to surprise us with a few more recruits that will make us look forward to November. Just hope the talent will become cohesive and play well early.

Men's Basketball » TDM In Transfer Portal » 5/05/2021 9:01 pm

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Is going to play for Pitt's program a step up or down under Capel?  Wish TDM the best but playing on a bottom-feeder in the ACC can't be that great can it?

Men's Basketball » TDM In Transfer Portal » 5/05/2021 5:23 pm

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Coach Dambrot told me when he was hired that you need to recruit two to three players over your limit at all times now, just the way the game is played was his comment.  I'd like to think that all the player movement is simply that the new arena, together with the program improving, is giving Duquesne the ability to improve this roster with higher caliber players  than in the past 40 years.  TDM staying, then now leaving makes me feel this could be the case.  More will be leaving and arriving, curious to see where we stand when the dust settles.

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